Armor Of God Printable

This free Armor of God Match Game will help children learn about and identify the pieces of God's armor found in Ephesians 6. As children play the game, remind them that God provides the armor and weapons we need to live our Christian lives as He desires. Read More ⇨ Sword of God's Word Maze Armor of God Printable Activity Sheets [ Armor of God Index ] [ Children's Story ] [ Coloring ] [ Crafts ] [ Puzzles ] [ Songs ] [ Teacher's Guide ] [ Worksheets] DLTK's Bible Activities for Kids Armor of God Printable Worksheets

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Printable Armor of God Activities for Kids / Bible Printables for Kids These printable Armor of God activites for Kids are a fun and interactive way to teach your little ones about the truths of Ephesians 6. 1. Cut & Glue worksheet to label the pieces of the armor with the characteristics that Paul defined. This includes black & white and color and a completed teacher's answer sheet. 2. Read the verse and label each piece of armor in color and black & white. 3. A Concept Chart in color and black & white to label and write notes about each armor piece. The free printable workbook includes several activities that simplify a child's understanding of each part of the Armor of God. Children will learn to recognize each of the following elements: The Helmet of Salvation The Sword of the Spirit The Breastplate of Righteousness The Belt of Truth The Shield of Faith and The Shoes of the Gospel of Peace Psalm 127:4 refers to children as "arrows in the hands of a warrior". Children are weapons. We, the warriors, must sharpen them to make a lasting impact on the world. Think of the changes they could make! Yes, they are little and innocent and sweet, and your five year old may not fully grasp the metaphor.

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Armor of God Printable Activity Sheets [ Armor of God Index ] [ Children's Story ] [ Coloring ] [ Crafts ] [ Puzzles ] [ Songs ] [ Teacher's Guide ] [ Worksheets] DLTK's Bible Activities for Kids Armor of God Games and Puzzles


We should put on the Armour of God. We can be strong in the Lord. We should pray always. Armour of God (A4 British) pdf Armor of God (USA) pdf Babies and Toddlers Lesson pack for over 5s Teen Lesson Lesson Guide - The Armor of God Lesson Walk through in English Talk about armour. Title: The Armor of God Scripture: Ephesians 6:10-17 Target Age Group: 3 rd-5 th grade Main Point: God gives us armor to help us fight against Satan. Supplies: Pictures of football player, soldier, firefighter, and scuba diver, belt, helmet, sword, large boots, breastplate, shield (or pictures of each), truth and lie cards, armor of God coloring pages Lesson Opening This free printable is just a tiny glimpse of the Armor of God Family Bible Pack. If you want to go deeper you can download the complete Armor of God Pack in my shop. It includes everything in an organized downloadable PDF PLUS so many other printables (a main page for each piece of the armor with the following categories: about the armor, memory verse, main idea, 3 activity ideas (hands on. Bring in at least two rolls of aluminum foil. 2. In class, break the children up into teams, two to three per team. Tell them that they have five minutes to decide which person in their team will put on a suit of armor. The other children in the team will make a suit of armor for the volunteer out of the aluminum foil.

25+ Armor Of God Worksheets Pdf

Included below is a list of Bible lesson activity pages for children about the armor of God as described by Paul in Ephesians 6:10-17. Each Armor of God for Kids activity page underscores a simple truth you can teach as engage with the activity. These activities can encourage children to think differently about how to be spiritual warriors. 2)Do this Armor of God Bible Study and make the lapbook as you study.. 3) This is pretty cool and comes with printable templates. Help your kids construct their own wearable armor of God costume: a helmet of salvation, a sword of the Spirit, a shield of faith, a breastplate of righteousness, a belt of truth, and sandals of peace. 4) Download this fun Armor of God activity pack.