Bar Bending Schedule is a definitive list of reinforcement bars for any structural element that includes a mark, shape, size, location, length, and bending details of the reinforcement. It is often referred to as BBS. Tabular view representation of each reinforcement bar used in any structural element is known as BBS. Guidelines to Follow Bar Bending Schedule, commonly referred to as "BBS" is a comprehensive list that describes the location, mark, type, size, length and number, and bending details of each rebar or fabric in a Reinforcement Drawing of a Structure. This process of listing the location, type and size, number of and all other details is called "Scheduling".
Bar bending schedule for Building Reinforcement Excel Sheet Download
A bar bending schedule is a document showing the list of structural members, bar mark, type of reinforcement, size of rebar, number of rebars for each member, cutting length, total length, shape, and location/spacing/position of all reinforcements in the working drawing. The Bar bending is a process of cutting and bending reinforcement steel bar into Desire shape as per structural drawing was given by structural engineer for various structural elements like footing, column, beam, slab, etc. Format for Bar Bending Schedule in Microsoft Excel 11. Numerical Example of Bar Bending Schedule 5 ( 3) 1. Introduction Bar Bending Schedule is also commonly referred to as the BBS. It is the comprehensive list that details the type, size, location, mark, length, number and the bending of each bar or fabrication in the reinforcement drawing. A Bar Bending Schedule (BBS) is a document that provides the proper cutting length, bending length, and the total quantity of steel bars required for a particular construction. It is presented in a tabular form for better understanding. A bar bending schedule is prepared for each structural unit such as beam, column, slab, footing, etc.
Bar Bending Schedule (BBS) ยป Technical Civil
A bar bending schedule is a document that provides detailed information about the reinforcement bars used in a construction project. It includes the size, shape, and bending details of each bar, as well as the quantity required. The main purpose of the Bar Bending Schedule is to clarify the location and nature of steel rods in the structural member like a beam, slab, column, stairs, etc. Another purpose of Bar Bending schedule. To know the shape of the reinforcement. To know the quantity of steel rod in the structure. To know the diameter and length of a steel rod at. Bar Bending Schedule (BBS) is basically the representation of bend shapes and cut length of bars as per structure drawings. BBS is prepared from construction drawings. For each member separate BBS is prepared because bars are bended in various shapes depending on the shape of member. Sample Bar Bending Schedule Please, enable ads on this site. Table of bar bending schedule summarizes all the needed particulars of bars - diameter, shape of bending, length of each bent and straight portions, angles of bending, total length of each bar, and number of each type of bar. This information is a great help in preparing an estimate of quantities.
Bar Bending Schedule Spreadsheet to BS 8666
It's a lengthy article, so brace yourself for atleast 10 minutes. Let's Get started. First of all, Bar is any type of rebar which is used as a reinforcement in RCC. The bar may be a Mild Steel bar or HYSD bar or TMT Bar. Bar Bending Schedule is termed as "Calculation of the total Steel required for the construction of a building" We use steel to make concrete to be reinforced and for. A Bar Bending Schedule is the process of bending and cutting of the reinforcement bar into the required shape (according to the drawing requirement) and making It includes information about the: Location & Marking of Bar Type of Bar Size of Bar Cutting Length of Bar Number of Bar Bending Detail of Bar Total Quantity
Bar Bending Schedule for Column From the diagram, Slab Thickness - 125 mm & 100 mm Floor height - 3000 mm or 3 m Ground Floor Level - 3300 mm Footing Height - 300 mm Development Length - 50d Column has 6 numbers of 20 mm dia bars 8mm stirrups @ 150 mm C/C Footing Clear Cover - 40 mm Slab Clear Cover - 25 mm Step 1 - Find the length of Vertical Bar Bar bending schedule is a tool used by contractors to communicate the design requirements and size of reinforcement steel to the manufacturer as well as to itemize the weight of each size of steel required in construction.
PREPARATION OF BAR BENDING SCHEDULE Civil engineering construction, Civil engineering design
Guidelines for creating Bar Bending Schedule Create several Bar Bending Schedules for various RCC components (i.e. break up the table into various parts like Footing, pedestal, Beam, Column, Slab, etc) so that no errors occur. Always retain the unit weight of bars available for creating Bar Bending Schedule easily. Bar bending schedule is the ultimate list of reinforcement bars for any type of structural element. This schedule include shape, size, mark, length, location, and bending detail of reinforcement. BBS is the tabular view representation of every reinforcement bar used in different structural element. Bar bending is the special process to bend.