Download Birth Certificate in Bihar Apply Birth Certificate online Bihar Onlineservicess

If you want to download your birth certificate online pdf in Bihar then you need to website and select Official Section to Download Certificate. Now select Services RTPS and enter your application reference number, Applicant name. First copy of such birth & death is given free of cost. On payment of Rs. 05.00, a copy of birth & death certificate is available. For registering the birth & death, all the information in detailed proforma, in a readable and clear manner has to be furnished.

[PDF] Bihar Birth Certificate Form PDF Download in English InstaPDF

EID should consists of the following 28 digits:- 1-14 numeric value, 15-18 should be year, 19-20 should be month, 21-22 should be day, 23-24 should be hour (s), 25-26 should be minute (s), 27-28 should be second (s) Place of birth / जन्म स्थान Address * In India Outside India Place of birth / जन्म स्थान * Bldg.No & Name House No. Microsoft Word - certificate Author: PMC E-GOV Created Date: 6/7/2021 3:19:39 PM. Certificate / licence will be sent to applicant through (i) Download link in SMS, (ii) Attachment in Email, (iii) DigiLocker, (iv) SevicePlus Inbox, (v) Download Certificate link on Portal, (vi) Kiosk / CSC / Public Service Centre (RTPS Counter) etc. 3. Fully Online Get service for Birth/Death Registration More Apply for Issuance of Caste Certificate at DM Level, Bihar Fully Online This service is to apply for Issuance of Caste Certificate at DM Level from General Administration Department. This is a G2C service. Applicants need to register to apply for this service.

[PDF] Bihar Birth Certificate Application Form PDF Govtempdiary

Home Services Birth / Death Certificate Birth / Death Certificate Visit: Nagar Seva Location : Bihar | City : Patna | PIN Code : 800001 Bihar Right to P U B L I C Service Service List. Service Details are: Service is defined by the - LINE DEPARTMENT - General Administration Department. The Beneficiary of this service will be Citizen ( G2C ) Types of Service: Regulatory. (Regulatory Services are those which can be denied by the government) ^^ izR;sd tUe ,oa e`R;q dk iathdj.k lqfuf'pr djsa@Ensure registration of every birth and death** iz:i la[;k&5 Form-5 fcgkj ljdkj Government of Bihar ;kstuk ,oa fodkl foHkkx (DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT) vFkZ ,oa lkaf[;dh funs'kky; tUe izek.k&i= BIRTH CERTIFICATE laŒ No. fcgkj ljdkj

Download Birth Certificate in Bihar Apply Birth Certificate online Bihar Onlineservicess

Procedure to obtain Birth and Death Certificate. Every birth shall be registered within 14 days and every death shall be registered. Any person who wants to register a birth shall inform the concern office in the prescribed format (Appendix) along with a certificate from the person or Medical Institution, who conducted delivery in the case of. Download Certificate. Select Services *. * Application Ref. Number. * Applicant Name (In English) You can download PDF of Bihar birth certificate format using the download link below. A birth certificate in Bihar can be obtained by submitting a birth certificate application form in prescribed format along with a declaration needs at the concerned Registrar's office. Birth Certificate. Visit:;jsessionid=PH6Phn5JptMl082Ytzplh1J74Q6LFjpW5PQGWy2Wrc1525NhhsWV!-447461414. Nagar.

Download Birth Certificate in Bihar Apply Birth Certificate online Bihar Onlineservicess

Bihar Birth Certificate Online Registration:- बिहार जन्म प्रमाण पत्र आवेदन फॉर्म PDF डाउनलोड Bihar Birth Certificate Application Form Link जन्म प्रमाण पत्र फॉर्म डाउनलोड, जन्म प्रमाण पत्र हेतु शपथ पत्र PDF 2023 स्टेप 1 - पोर्टल पर अपना रजिस्ट्रैशन करें Digital Birth Certificate Download करने के लिए सबसे पहले आपको अपने स्मार्टफोन मे, डिजीलॉकर एप्प // DigiLocker को डाउ न लोड इंस्टॉल करना होगा जो कि, इस प्रकार का होगा - अब आपको ध्यानपूर्वक इस एप्प को डाउनलोड व इंस्टॉल करना होगा जिसके बाद आपके सामने इसका डैशबोर्ड खुलेगा जो कि, इस प्रकार का होगा -