Bump in the Night is an American stop-motion animated series by Danger Productions and Greengrass Productions. The show was filmed using stop-motion animation and aired on ABC from 1994 to 1995. [1] It was created and directed by Ken Pontac and David Bleiman. Synopsis Bump in the Night TV Series 1994-1995 TV-Y 25m IMDb RATING 8.0 /10 647 YOUR RATING Rate Animation Short Adventure The misadventures of a small green monster named Mr. Bumpy, a blue monster named Squishington, and a rag doll named Molly Coddle in a bedroom of a 10 year old boy. Creators Ken Pontac David Bleiman Ichioka Stars Jim Cummings Rob Paulsen
Bump In The Night r/nostalgia
Bump In the Night was a stop-motion animated series on ABC Saturday Mornings during the mid-90s, created by Ken Pontac and David Bleiman. 1 Bump in the Night - 1x01 - Made in Japan Dr. Coddle, M.D. 19:30 2 Bump in the Night - 1x02 - Gum Crazy Baby Snail 19:31 3 Bump in the Night - 1x03 - Hide and Go Freak Better Homes & Garbage 19:31 4 Bump in the Night - 1x04 - Not of This Boy's Room To Sleep Perchance to Burp 19:29 5 Bump in the Night 2 seasons • Animated • 1993 English audio G Buy S01E01 Made in Japan/Dr. Coddle, M.D. Mr Bumpy 179K views 8 years ago S01E06 Sock It to Me/Comforting the Uncomfortable Mr. Bump in the Night Wiki is dedicated to the stop-motion animated Saturday morning series, which aired on ABC The American Broadcasting Company from 1994 to 1996, The series was then broadcast on Toon Disney (In Re-runs) from 1998 to 2001.
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Publication date. 1994. Usage. Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International. Topics. Cartoons, TV Series. Language. English. Here Is All 13 Episodes To Season 1 Of Bump In The Night. Bump in the Night (1994-1995) Episode List Season: OR Year: 1995 S2, Ep1 1995 Long Long Day/Destructo's Flipside Rate When Bumpy puts Destructo?s batteries in backwards, the big metal juggernaut of destruction becomes a cross between Alan Alda and Phil Donohue. It?s terrible! Bumpy must right his wrong. Or does he? 8.0 (648) Bump in the Night was a stop-motion animated television series that aired on ABC from 1994 to 1995. The show was created by Ken Pontac and David Bleiman, and featured voice work by prolific voice actor Jim Cummings. The series followed the adventures of two unlikely friends, Mr. Bumpy and Squishington, who lived in a boy's bedroom and. Bump in the Night featured advanced stop-motion animation techniques, perfect for capturing the kooky world of monsters, toys, insects, and other visitors. In addition to Bumpy and company's adventures, each episode featured a visit to "Mr. Bumpy's Karaoke Café," where the show's stars sang original songs and covers of popular tunes, with backup vocals from The Cute Dolls.
some cartoon characters are posing for pictures
Bump in the Night is an animated series by Danger Productions that was filmed using stop-motion animation and aired on ABC from 1994 to 1995. It was created and directed by Ken Pontac and David Bleiman. The series was then broadcast on Toon Disney from 1998 to 2001. Synopsis. Bump in the Night is an animated series by Danger Productions that was filmed using stop-motion animation and aired on ABC from 1994 to 1995. It was created and directed by Ken Pontac and David Bleiman. The series was then broadcast on Toon Disney from 1998 to 2001.
Bump In the Night was a stop-motion animated series on ABC Saturday Mornings during the mid-90s, created by Ken Pontac and David Bleiman.Unfortunately, it wa. Series Camera and Electrical Department. Tim Bourque.. electrician (24 episodes, 1994-1995) Shawn Brennan.. camera operator (24 episodes, 1994-1995) Michael Eder.
Bump in the Night (TV Series 19941994) Posters — The Movie Database (TMDb)
A. Albert Einstein. Albino Cave Worms. Category:Aliens,Germs,Bugs and other minor characters. Anti Molly. Auntie Matta (character) B. Baby Ducks. Baby Snail (character) Bump in the Night is a stop-motion animated series that originally aired on ABC between September 10, 1994, and December 9, 1995. The story revolves around Mr. Bumpy, a small, green, purple-warted monster living under the bed of a ten-year-old boy, where he eats dirty socks and dust bunnies. His best friends are Squishington, a blue monster that lives in the bathroom's toilet cistern; and.