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READING PASSAGE 1 You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 1-13 which are based on Reading Passage 1 below. Cork Cork - the thick bark of the cork oak tree (Quercus suber) - is a remarkable material. It is tough, elastic, buoyant, and fire-resistant, and suitable for a wide range of purposes. Answers and Explanations for Cambridge IELTS 12 Reading Test 1 | IELTS Training Online Answers and Explanations for Cambridge IELTS 12 Reading Test 1 Cambridge IELTS Reading Answers with Explanations Advertisements 1. NOT GIVEN Question: The cork oak has the thickest bark of any living tree. Key words: thickest bark

Giải IELTS Cambridge 12 Reading Test 1 Passage 1 Tài Liệu Tiếng Anh Uy Tín & Chất Lượng

IELTS Cambridge 12 General Reading Test 1 IELTS Cambridge 12 General Reading Test 2 IELTS Cambridge 12 General Reading Test 3 IELTS Cambridge 12 General Reading Test 4 IELTS Cambridge 12 Listening Test 1 IELTS Cambridge 12 Listening Test 2 IELTS Cambridge 12 Listening Test 3 IELTS Cambridge 12 Listening Test 4 Comments are closed. Answers and Detailed Explanations for Cambridge IELTS 12 Reading Test 1 READING PASSAGE 1 You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 1-13 which are based on Reading Passage 1 below. Cork Cork - the thick bark of the cork oak tree ( Quercus suber) - is a remarkable material. Cambridge IELTS series is an official set of IELTS exams books published by Cambridge University to help students who prepare for IELTS to pass the exam with high IELTS score 7 - 8. Each year, they publish a new book from the series with two different versions: - one book for Academic section and one for General training module. the thick main stem of a tree, from which its branches grow. branches. insulate. to cover and surround something with a material or substance in order to stop heat, sound, or electricity from escaping or entering: squash. to crush something into a flat shape. He accidentally sat on her hat and squashed it. grape vines.

Cambridge IELTS 12 Reading Test 1 With Practice Test, Answers And Explanation IELTS

ACE IELTS - READING Cambridge IELTS 12 General (GT) Reading Test 1 Big Rock Climbing Centre: Reading Passage 01 With Answers Marketing advice for new businesses: Reading Passage 02 With Answers A brief history of automata: Reading Passage 03 With Answers Working Time Regulations for Mobile Workers: Reading Passage 04 With Answers Cambridge IELTS 12 Reading Tests ↗ Cambridge IELTS 13 Reading Tests ↗ Cambridge IELTS 14 Reading Tests ↗ Cambridge IELTS 15 Reading Tests ↗ Cambridge IELTS 16 Reading Tests ↗ Cambridge IELTS 17 Reading Tests ↗ PRACTICE CAMBRIDGE IELTS 1-16 READING TESTS WITH ANSWERS AND PDF. MUST TRY BEFORE THE REAL EXAM !!! Practice Cambridge IELTS Reading Tests with Answer. Answer IELTS General Reading Test 12. Section 1. 1 FALSE. 2 FALSE. 3 NOT GIVEN. 4 TRUE. 5 TRUE. 6 TRUE. 7 FALSE. 8 TRUE. 9 G. 10 A. 11 B. 12 E. 13 A. 14 F. Section 2. 15 representatives. 16 housekeeping. 17 fire. 18 storage.

All About IELTS & Advanced English Cambridge 1 Test 1 Reading with Answers

Cambridge IELTS 12Answering a complete IELTS Reading test.IELTS Reading tricks explaining IELTSimprove IELTS scoreIELTS trainingAcademic Reading IELTS testpr. I am going to solve this listening with my own experience and knowledge that I have gained through my IELTS journey.If you find this video is helpful, then l. 978-1-316-63782-1 — Cambridge IELTS 12 Academic Student's Book with Answers. Reading This test consists of three sections with 40 questions. There are three texts, which are taken from journals, books, magazines and newspapers. The texts are on topics of general interest. At least one text contains detailed logical argument. This is an IELTS Cambridge 12 Test 1 Reading test Answers. In this post, you will check the cork reading answers, Collecting as a Hobby reading answers, What's the purpose of gaining knowledge reading answers. The user can check the answers for reading and analyze their mistakes.

IELTS Reading Practice Test 01 from Cambridge IELTS 11 with Answer Keys

cambridge ielts 12 reading test 1 answers with explanation#cambridge_ielts_13_reading_test_1 #lcs #listening April 1, 2018 by IELTSdeal This post on IELTS Reading deals with the in-depth analysis of Cambridge 12 Test 5 Reading Passage 1. The passage is entitled 'Cork'. I've provided all the solutions here with some detailed explanations. Please, get the book Cambridge IELTS series 12 when you read the post.