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Botanical name- Piper chaba (Hunter), Piper retrofractum Vahl. Family- Piperaceae (Pippali Kula) Table of Contents Vernacular names Sanskrit Synonyms Major chemical constituent Classical categorisation Medicinal properties Part used, dosage Sanskrit verse Chavya root uses Gajapippali benefits Remedies Research Distribution, Morphology Side effects Botanical name: Piper retrofractum Vahl. Useful parts: Fruit and roots. Regional Name English: Cubeb. Hindi: Chavya. Sanskrit: Cavika. Urdu: Peepal Chab, Kababah. Assamese: Chepaan. Bengali: Chei. Gujarati: Chavka, Chavaka. Kannada: Kadumenasinaballi, Chavya. Malayalam: Kattumulaku, Kattumulakunveru. Marathi: Chavaka. Oriya: Chainkath.

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Binomial name. Piper retrofractum. Vahl. Synonyms. Piper officinarum (Miq.) C.DC. Piper retrofractum, the Balinese long pepper or Javanese long pepper, is a flowering vine in the family Piperaceae, cultivated for its fruit, which is usually dried and used as a spice and seasoning. This species is native to Java island in Indonesia. It is a soft woody climber and perennial herb. Varieties of this herb tastes hot, pungent and sweet at the same time. It is a very good digestive supporter and liver protecting herb. The herb helps in regulating bile juice secretions from liver and digestive juices. It corrects the tissue metabolism, relives haemorrhoids and fistula. Introduction Vernacular Names Medicinal properties Qualities as per Bhojana kutuhalam Piper longum benefits Part used, dosage Sanskrit verse Remedies Classical Categorisation Varieties of Pippali Distribution Major chemical constituents Research Side effects Interaction with medicines, supplements Pippali Rasayan Ayurvedic medicines Swasa-kasa - chavya powder in hot water is beneficial in cough and cold. 2. Sandhivata - external application of powder with water is beneficial in osteoarthritic pain. 3. Udararoga - chavya and ginger powder with milk is beneficial in diseases of abdomen. Dose: Powder - 1-2 gm: Formulations: Sadaushana, panchkola, kankayanvati, chavyadi ghrita.

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Description: Perennial herb; stems numerous, 60-90 cm long, ascending or prostrate; nodes thickened; young parts glabrous. Leaves 3.7-8. cm long, cordate at base; petioles 7 5-7.5 cm long. Flowers dioecious in dense cylindrical spikes; sikes 2.5-3.7 cm long. Fruit very small, completely sunk in solid fleshy spike, blackish green. About Piper Retrofractum / Chavya Piper retrofractum, also known as chavya, is a plant species in the family of Piperaceae. It is native to Southeast Asia and has been used in traditional medicine for its medicinal properties. In traditional medicine, the root and stem of P. retrofractum are used to treat various ailments, including abdominal Chavya; Section/Chapter: Herb database/Chavya: Botanical name(s) Piper retrofractum Linn: Contributors--Year of publication: 2021: Publisher: Charak Samhita Research, Training and Skill Development Centre: DOI: Awaited: Contents. 1 English name; 2 Synonyms in Charak Samhita; 3 Reference in Charak Samhita and its actions; Plant extracts have also shown promising antifertility effects when administered to male rats. The various effects on male reproductive system to induce antifertility action shown by plants includes antispermatogenic effect, post-testicular antifertility effect, spermicidal effect, sperm-immobilizing effect, antiandrogenic effect, etc.

Gajpipal, Gajpippali, Chavya, Java Long Pepper Herbs latin name urdu name hindi name Hashmi

Chavya: Other names Tips!. Original plant name: Piper brachystachyum Wall. Family name: Piperaceae: Used part: Root, Fruit: Distribution area: This plant is cultivated in India, Ceylon and Malay islands. It is a native of Java and Sumatra. Common uses: Botanical name: Piper brachystachyum, Piper guigual Hill Pepper is a woody climber, hairless except for rachis and bases of bracts. Stems are slender, hard, basal part tuberculate. Leaf-stalks are 0.7-2 cm, slender. Chavya in the Sanskrit language is the name of a plant identified with Piper boehmeriifolium (Miq.) Wall. ex C. DC. from the Piperaceae (Pepper) family having the following synonyms: Chavica boehmeriaefolia, Piper boehmeriaefolia?. Cavya (Stem) in Ayurveda Botanical Name Piper retrofractum Vahl. February 20, 2018 by M Prakash CAVYA (Stem) Cavya consists of dried stem of Piper retrofractum Vahl. Syn. P. chaba Hunter non Blume., P. officinarum DC. (Fam. Piperaceae); a glabrous, fleshy climber, cultivated mainly in Southern India. SYNONYMS Sanskrit : Cavika Assamese : Chepaan

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Ayurveda. What Is Ayurveda? The Science of Ayurveda; Ayurvedic Herbs; Yoga; Panchakarma. What is Panchakarma; Types of Panchakarma; FAQs; Consultation. Ayurvedic Full Consultation The name Cavya means that the plant is havingvery good taste so it is commonly chewed by many. The plant have significant resemblance to pepper and have properties as that of Pepper. Hence it is also known as Gaja pippali. The plant mainly grows in Western ghats.