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Dusty Purple #825F87 Shades of Dusty Purple #815E87 #735478 #644969 #563F5A #48344B #392A3C #2B1F2D #1C151E #0E0A0F #000000 Find more Tints of Dusty Purple #815E87 #8F6C94 #9C7CA1 #AA8CAF #B89DBC #C6AEC9 #D4C1D7 #E2D5E4 #F0E9F1 #FFFFFF Find more Tones of Dusty Purple #C009DC #B715D0 #AE20C4 #A62CB8 #9D38AD #9543A1 #8C4F95 #835B8A #7B677E Plum A pale, purple color made using light reddish-purple. Much paler than the color of the plum fruit, the color officially recognized as plum is also brightly vivid. Plum Hex #DDA0DD RGB 221, 160, 221 CMYK 0, 28, 0, 13 Violet

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What is Dusty Purple Color? Dusty Purple has the hex code #887694. The equivalent RGB values are (136, 118, 148), which means it is composed of 34% red, 29% green and 37% blue. The CMYK color codes, used in printers, are C:8 M:20 Y:0 K:42. In the HSV/HSB scale, Dusty Purple has a hue of 276°, 20% saturation and a brightness value of 58%. #825F87 < Search in the Register Information Variations Harmonies Adjacent Wallpapers Conversions Share on: Information about Dusty Purple color HEX #825F87 color name is Dusty Purple HEX color code #825F87 represent the color in hexadecimal format by combining three values - the amounts of Red, Green and Blue. Purple Color Codes. The colors: orchid, lavender purple, vivid violet, pink lavender, dark lavender and amethyst are a few examples of purple shades. See more named color codes similar to purple below! See also: Purple Color Hex Chart. A List of Purple Shades. Purple #800080 |. Dusty Heather SW 9073 | Purple Paint Colors | Sherwin-Williams Purple Paint Colors SW 9073 Dusty Heather UPLOAD A PHOTO Actual color may vary from on-screen representation. To confirm your color choices prior to purchase, please view a physical color sample. SW 6540 SW 6541 SW 6542 SW 9073 SW 6543 SW 6544 SW 6545 SW 9073 Dusty Heather FULL DETAILS

Dusty Purple Microfiber Cloth Fabric Texture Picture Free Photograph Photos Public Domain

A hexadecimal color is specified with: #RRGGBB, where the RR (red), GG (green) and BB (blue) hexadecimal integers specify the components of the color. All values must be between 00 and FF. #825f87 color name is Dusty Purple Color | #825f87. Red value of its RGB is 130, Green value is 95 and blue value is 135. Red value of its RGBA is 130, Green. HEX #895B7B color name is Dusky Purple. HEX color code #895B7B represent the color in hexadecimal format by combining three values - the amounts of Red, Green and Blue (RGB). The RGB values of this color are 137, 91, 123 ( rgb (137, 91, 123) ). That means #895B7B color is composed of 53.7% of Red, 35.7% Green and 48.2% Blue. The color Dusty Purple belongs to the color family Pastel Magenta. It is of medium brightness and low saturation.. The color Dusty Purple corresponds to the hex code #825F87.. In the additive (digital) color space RGB (Red, Green, Blue), it corresponds to 51% Red, 37% Green, and 53% Blue. In the alternative (digital) color space HSV (Hue between 0° and 360°, Saturation, Value), it. An RGB color value is specified with: rgb (red, green, blue). Each parameter (red, green, and blue) defines the intensity of the color and can be an integer between 0 and 255 or a percentage value (from 0% to 100%). Red value of its RGB is 131, Green value is 93 and blue value is 135.

Dusty Purple Canvas Fabric Texture Picture Free Photograph Photos Public Domain

The hexadecimal color #7b6589 is a color blue containing 48% of red, 40% of green, 54% of blue and a shade of 111°, a saturation of 39% and a brightness of 119%. The color combinaison (or color scheme) of the color dusty purple. The gradient colors and complementary colors below allow you to find colors near 7b6589 for a good harmony of. dusty purple color Dusty Purple Combination Searching for the perfect dusty purple color combination for your project? With Simplified, all you have to do is upload an image. Within seconds, our Color Palette Generator will use the hues in your photo to create a dusty purple color palette you can use in all your graphic and video designs. Little Princess Purple. Made by the Porter Paints brand, this color is enchanting and light. Although only containing a touch of purple, this shade is very similar to cream and ivory hues. When it comes to painting walls or stationary, try this light purple hue instead of other off-white shades. Purple Name. Mixing blue and red Mixing Blue and Red to make Different Shades of Purple When learning how to make the color purple, you can also use different types of blues such as Pthalo Blue, Prussian Blue or Cerulean Blue. However, if you do not have any of these colors on hand. Simply use the blue and red colors that you have to make purple.

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What Colors Go With Purple? Here's a list of colors that go with purple, including color palette examples. 1. Chocolate Brown and Purple Hex Codes : #7b3f00, #a799b7, #fff8e8 Chocolate brown is a solid grounding color when it comes to design. I LOVE this color of purple. It is a deep, dusty purple color that is way over on the cool side of things. Veronica CMYK C 65, M 65, Y 18, K 2. Violet. Violets are super pretty in the wild and the CMYK color is super bright and friendly! It is a super electric purple pinkish color.