Humorous Anniversary Quotes

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50 Heartmelting 50th Anniversary Quotes, Wishes and Messages

"I love you. Thanks for killing all the spiders this year." - Anonymous If love is an amazing dream, then marriage is the alarm clock." - Anonymous "The four most important words in any marriage: I'll do the dishes." - Anonymous "On our anniversary, let's celebrate being one year closer to death do us part." - Anonymous Relationships 30 Funny Anniversary Quotes for LOL-Loving Couples You know who you are. DisobeyArt | Shutterstock by Diane Hall Updated Aug 21, 2023 So you're on the hunt for a funny anniversary quote? Congrats lovebirds! Happy Anniversary my sweetheart!'' ''Thank you for wedding me and given me a chance, To scream at you whenever I feel, And I am sure I have you to do the same in future. So let us celebrate our Happy Anniversary!'' ''Congratulations! Cheer's to another year of suffering and misery.'' Happy Anniversary! Thank you for marrying me and giving me a chance, To scream at you whenever I feel, And I am sure I have you to do the same in the future. So let us celebrate our Happy Anniversary "If love is an amazing dream, then marriage is the alarm clock." "Marriage is the only kind of fire which is never covered by insurance.

50 Year Anniversary Quotes Funny

"I love you more than yesterday but less than tomorrow. just kidding, I've reached my limit." - Anonymous. "It's incredible to think about how much our love and annoyance for one another has grown over the years. Dear Wife, Best Wishes on Your Anniversary!" - Anonymous. "Being married to you is like being a part of a comedy show that never ends. Happy anniversary!". - Anonymous. "I'll love you even when you're old and wrinkly" - Anonymous. "I love waking up next to you in the morning. Just don't breathe on me" - Anonymous. "Well, we made it another year without one of us either ending up dead or in jail. I call that a win" - Anonymous. Celebrate your 50th anniversary with laughter! Discover hilarious quotes that perfectly capture 5 decades of love and laughter. Funny 50th anniversary quotes to make your special day unforgettable. Get inspired now! "To love is nothing. To be loved is something. But to love and be loved, that's everything" — T. Tolis "The best thing about being married is that you can always blame your spouse when something goes wrong." — Unknown "A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person." — Mignon McLaughlin

Happy 50th Anniversary Images For Husband, Wife and Couples

Now if I can just remember your birthday this year.". "Happy anniversary my love. Eat all the leftovers again and I will kill you.". "If two people love each other, nothing is impossible. Except deciding where to eat.". "We go together like "copy" and "paste.". Happy Anniversary Baby!". Ladies, it's your turn! Here are some funny quotes for 50th wedding anniversaries that will remind you of the journey you've shared: "The best way to remember your wife's birthday is to forget it once." 3. "Love is an amazing dream, and marriage is the alarm clock." 4. - Kahlil Gibran May your celebration of love turn out as beautiful as the both of you. - Irish Proverb An anniversary is a celebration of time passed together, but in truth, your love transcends time. You can touch on both with this quote. - Franz Schubert The heart that loves is always young. - Greek Proverb Share these heartfelt 50th wedding anniversary quotes with your friends or family members to wish them "Happy 50th Anniversary" on their 50th anniversary. 73. "Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies.". -Aristotle. 74. "Love is eternal, the aspect may change, but not the essence.".

Tell Your Spouse How Much You Care With These 50th Anniversary Quotes 50th anniversary quotes

Happy wedding anniversary! "At a touch of love everyone becomes a poet." -Plato "Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength while loving someone deeply gives you courage." -Lao-Tzu "True love doesn't come to you, it has to be inside you." -Julia Roberts "Happy 50th anniversary! Mom and Dad, you've proved that marriage is a journey best traveled with a sense of humor." - Phyllis Diller "Cheers to 50 years of love, laughter, and a lifetime supply of dad jokes. Here's to the dynamic duo - Mom and Dad!" - Bob Newhart; 25 Funny 50th Anniversary Quotes for Wife