English Dictionary Sentences Grammar Definition of 'many happy returns' many happy returns convention When it is someone's birthday, people sometimes say ' Many happy returns ' to them as a way of greeting them. [formulae] See full dictionary entry for return Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers By telling someone, "Many happy returns of the day," you are telling them that you hope they continue to have many happy birthdays; it is a way of wishing someone a "Happy birthday" without using that phrase ( source ).
Many many happy returns of the day
"Many happy returns of the day" means that we want to wish that someone's birthday (the day) returns many times over the coming years. It's another way of saying "we hope you live for a long time" and is a nice way to celebrate the birthday of someone you like. You might also come across a few variations of the phrase. The meaning of (MANY) HAPPY RETURNS is —used for wishing someone a happy birthday and to express the hope that he or she will live to celebrate many more birthdays in the future. 2 Answers Sorted by: 32 Part of the phrase has been truncated. The full statement would read: " [I hope you have] many happy returns of the day." "The day" is your birthday, and if it returns "many times" it means that you will live to be quite an old person. Share Improve this answer What's the meaning of the phrase 'Many happy returns'? Have many more happy days, especially birthdays. What's the origin of the phrase 'Many happy returns'? Since the 18th century this has been used as a salutation to offer the hope that a happy day being marked would recur many more times.
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"Happy Returns", a 1985 episode of the BBC sitcom Only Fools and Horses Film Many Happy Returns (1922 film), a 1922 black-and-white silent short subject starring Vera White Many Happy Returns (1934 film), a 1934 film starring George Burns and Gracie Allen Many Happy Returns (1986 film), a 1986 TV movie starring George Segal and Ron Leibman (Definition of many happy returns (of the day) from the Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus © Cambridge University Press) C1 Translations of many happy returns (of the day) in Chinese (Traditional) 生日快樂… See more in Chinese (Simplified) 生日快乐… See more in Spanish feliz (cumpleaños), felicidades… English Dictionary Sentences Grammar Definition of 'many happy returns' many happy returns convention When it is someone's birthday, people sometimes say ' Many happy returns ' to them as a way of greeting them. [formulae] See full dictionary entry for return Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers Return to capacity delayed. Early work on returning the wall to its original height began in 2023, with the state and federal government both committing to funding half of the $1.2 billion project
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. Happy birthday and many more of them, as in I came by to wish you many happy returns. This expression was first recorded in a letter of 1779 where the writer meant "Happy New Year," but the present meaning has persisted since the second half of the 1800s. The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer. a general feeling or sensation that someone gets or has about something. TAKE THE QUIZ TO FIND OUT Words Nearby many happy returns many a Many are called but few are chosen man-year manyfold Many hands make light work many happy returns many is the many-one manyplies many-sided many-valued
( The Daily Mail) Happy 100th birthday, Boeing, and many happy returns ( The Seattle Times) "We're sure you will all want to join us in wishing many happy returns of the day to Alexandria Zahra Jones on her 16th birthday," the caption reads. ( People Magazine) Many unwanted products are in perfectly fine condition, he said, suggesting that 70% to 80% of returns are the result of simple remorse. But there's still value even in the minority of items.
Many Many happy returns of the day
It is, however, not redundant. To simply say 'many happy returns of the day' implies that the addressee has not yet received such a happy return, whereas 'many more happy returns of the day' implies that he has received at least one and still has more to come. The two words, though they play similar roles, need not be used exclusively of each. "Many happy returns of the day" is a formal way to say Happy Birthday, Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, or any other day one would wish to return. The earliest recorded use of the phrase was documented by Lady Newdigate of London, England on May 31, 1789. The letter was written to her husband, Sir Roger Newdigate, 5th Baronet, and wished.