Aboutme Wish You Happy Wedding Anniversary Mom And Dad

Happy anniversary! I wish that your anniversary will bring you many more happy and loving memories. You deserve all the love and happiness in the world. Happy anniversary, mom and dad! Your anniversary is also a day of thanksgiving because of the year that has passed and the challenges that have been overcome. I love you." -Anonymous "You don't marry someone you can live with. You marry the person who you cannot live without." -Anonymous "The only thing better than having you for parents is my children having you for grandparents. Happy anniversary Mom and Dad." -Anonymous

Happy Wedding Anniversary Mom & Dad CARD Words Just for You! Free Downloads and Free Sharing

Happy anniversary! I pray to God for the light of love to never stop glowing! My warm wishes to both of you. I hope this wonderful marriage between you two lasts for another thousand years. You two have always been the greatest parents in the world. Happy Anniversary! You two make me realize true love does happen! "You know you are in love when you don't want to fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams." - Dr Seuss "The secret of a happy marriage is finding the right person. You know they're right if you love to be with them all the time." - Julia Child Happy anniversary. Happy anniversary to a couple who refuses to give up or give in to anything, which is likely the entire reason you are still hitched. Still together! Miracles really do exist. Happy anniversary, mom and dad. If raising us kids through the teenage years didn't break you two apart, then nothing probably ever will. Happy Anniversary! Seeing your love, I see my reflection in the mirror. May your love continue to grow as I do. Love you both, Mom and Dad. Happy Anniversary to the lovely couple! You both are simply awesome. Mom and Dad, I don't see a husband and wife in you. You look more like an unbreakable team that never fails.

25 Amazing Happy Anniversary Mom And Dad Quotes And Wishes

Happy anniversary! Congratulations on another year of love and companionship. You two are the real-life example of a perfect love story, and I feel so lucky to be a part of it. Mom and Dad, as you celebrate another year of marriage, I want you to know that your love has always been a guiding light in my life. Happy anniversary! I'm so blessed to have parents who are still so madly in love with each other. Happy anniversary! It's time to celebrate this wonderful milestone in your life. Happy anniversary to you, mom and dad! Whenever this day comes, we cannot help but reminisce and feel grateful for you. Happy anniversary to the couple, who show love, show virtue, show perfection, show righteousness, and show the best things in life. Congratulations, Mom and Dad. 25th Anniversary Messages For Mom And Dad. Happy 25th anniversary to the wonderful couple I love, respect, and look up to, and who are an example for many. Happy anniversary, Mom and Dad. To the couple who has shown me the true essence of love and commitment, happy anniversary. May your love continue to inspire and touch the lives of many. Happy anniversary to my incredible parents, who have shown me that love knows no boundaries and that true love lasts a lifetime.

Mom And Dad Anniversary Quotes

I'll be a great parent like you guys. Happy anniversary mom and dad. Hello, mom and dad. I wish you all the best, love, health, celebrations and everything fabulous. Happy anniversary my loves. Happy anniversary mom and dad. May your lives be full of happiness and love! Plus, I hope you enjoy your life with each other. Much love! 5. "There are no two dearer parents than you, mom and dad. May your anniversary give you all the happiness and joy that you both deserve. Happy anniversary!". 6. "It's been a long journey but surely filled with so many happy memories together. Wishing both of you a happy anniversary. Every parent should be like you. I'll always remember your sacrifices for us. May this day be repeated many times in your life! ======================== Dear mom and dad, congratulations on another year of togetherness. You both are the synonym of love. Never be apart from each other. May God bless this beautiful union always! Happy Anniversary Wishes: Dear Dad and Mom, I wish you a happy 50th wedding anniversary! We are only where we are now because of the two of you.. Happy Anniversary Quotes for Mom And Dad - I ask that God provide you both good health and pleasure, as well as an enduring love for one another. The happy occasion of one's wedding anniversary.

Happy Anniversary To Mom And Dad In Marathi

Stay Happy And In Love, Mom And Dad! Troubles Have Come And Gone, But Here You Are Still Standing Strong And More In Love Than Ever. Happy Anniversary To The Best Parents In The World! I Wish You More Love, Joy, And Happiness In Your Life. You Deserve All The Good Things In The World. Happy Anniversary, Mom And Dad. Happy anniversary! Share this quote on Facebook Send via Mail To the best mom and dad in the world, I wish you a very happy anniversary. I'm really very glad that you stayed strong in your love and overcame your obstacles together. I love you guys! Share this quote on Facebook Send via Mail