This popular song also covered by many famous singer. Oliro Kotha Shune song written by Gauriprasanna Mazumder. This song is the highly popular song in Bangladesh and India people. So let's know the lyrics of Oliro Kotha Shune song and also play the music in below. Song Name : Olir Katha Shune ( অলির কথা শুনে ) Singer : Hemanta Mukherjee Oliro Kotha Shune Bokul Hashe Song Is Sung by Hemanta Mukherjee. Olir Katha Shune Bakul Hase Lyrics In Bengali Written by Gauriprasanna Mazumder. Cover Version Song Is Sung by Limon Mimi, Tasnim Anika, Tareq Turjo, Hasan S. Iqbal, Parsha Mahjabeen Purnee, Sagnik Sen And Many Various Artists in Their Own Way. Song : Olir Katha Shune Bakul Hase

Oliro Kotha Shune Lyrics Hemanta Mukherjee

To listen to the best of Bangla songs, subscribe to @saregamabengali It is originally a super hit Bengali Basic love song of Hemanta Mukherjee on Sad mood. L. Hemanta Song. Not my property. Uploaded for others to enjoy. Enjoy, Rate and Subscribe!oliro kotha shune bokul haashekoi tahaar moto tumi amar kotha shune ha. Oliro Kotha Shune - Hemanta Mukherjee. How to play "Oliro Kotha Shune" Font −1 +1. Chords. Autoscroll. Transpose −1 +1. Print. Report bad tab. Related tabs. Hemanta Mukherjee. Amay Proshno Kore Neel Dhrubotara * 30. Hemanta Mukherjee. Tare Bole Dio * 14. Sona. Bolo Na. 6. Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan. Mere Rashk-E-Qamar * 39. Music 8 1.15K subscribers Subscribe Subscribed 2.2K 187K views 2 years ago #music8 Oliro Kotha Shune Lyrics is written by Gouriprasanna Majumdar and music is given by Hemanta Mukhopadhyay. This.

Oliro Kotha shune Bakul Hase অলির কথা শুনে বকুল হাসে Hemanta Mukherjee ★★Original Song

Dhorar o Dhulite je Fagun Ashey Koi Tahar Moto Tumi Amar Kache Kovu Asho Na to. Oliro Kotha Shune Bokul Hashe, Koi Tahar Moto Tumi Amar Kotha Shune Hasho Na to. Akash Pare Oi Onek Dure, Jemon Kore Megh Jay Go Urey. Akash Pare Oi Onek Dure, Jemon Kore Megh Jay Go Urey. Oliro Kotha Shune Chords by Hemanta Mukherjee 5,032 views, added to favorites 27 times This is an easier version for beginners using a capo. Was this info helpful? Author anitahembram815 [a]. Jemon Kore Nede Ekti Pakhi Sathire Kache Taar Ney Go Daaki Jemon Kore Nede Ekti Pakhi Sathire Kache Tar Ney Go Daki Jemon Kore She Bhalobase Koi Tahar Moto Tumi Amay Kobhuo Valobaso Na To Oliro Kotha Shune Bokul Hashe Koi Tahar Moto Tumi Amar Kotha Shune Hasho Na To Dhorar O Dhulite Je Fagun Aashe Koi Tahar Moto Tumi Amar Kache Kobhu Asho Na To Oliro Kotha Shune Lyrics is written by Gouriprasanna Majumdar and music is given by Hemanta Mukhopadhyay. This song is sung by Hemanta Mukherjee. The song Oliro Kotha Shune was released by Debolina Nandy on youtube on 3 Jul 2021. Song: Oliro Kotha Shune Lyrics: Gouriprasanna Majumdar Music: Hemanta Mukhopadhyay Singer: Hemanta Mukherjee

Oliro Kotha Shune Bakul Hase Lyrics অলিরও কথা শুনে বকু… Flickr

আকাশ পারে ওই অনেক দূরে যেমন করে মেঘ যায় গো উড়ে যেমন করে সে হাওয়ায় ভাসে কই তাহার মতো, তুমি আমার স্বপ্নে কভু ভাসো না তো? অলিরও কথা শুনে বকুল হাসে কই তাহার মতো, তুমি আমার কথা শুনে হাসো না তো? চাঁদের আলোয় রাত যায় যে ভরে তাহার মতো তুমি করো না কেন ওগো ধন্য মোরে (২) যেমন করে নীড়ে একটি পাখি সাথীরে কাছে তার নেয় গো ডাকি যেমন করে নীড়ে একটি পাখি Oliro Kotha Shune Bokul Hashe Song Lyrics In Bengali : অলির ও কথা শুনে বকুল হাসে. কই তাহার মত. তুমি আমার কথা শুনে হাসো না তো।. ধরার ও ধুলিতে যে ফাগুন আসে. কই তাহার মত. তুমি. Lyricist: Gauriprasanna Mazumder Oliro Kotha Shune Song was sung & composed by Hemanta Mukherjee. Lyrics written by Gauriprasanna Mazumder. Oliro Kotha Shune Song has been covered by Tasnim Anika & Tareq Turjo. Oliro Kotha Shune Song Lyrics. Oliro Kotha Shune Lyrics Bangla. Oliro Kotha Shune Bokul Lyrics. Oliro Kotha Shune Bokul Hase Lyrics. Enjoy the cover version of "Oliro Kotha Shune" by Debolinaa Nandy. Originally sung by Hemanta Mukherjee and music by Hemanta Mukherjee.Original Song Details:.

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Hemanta Song. Not my property. Uploaded for others to enjoy. Enjoy, Rate and Subscribe! oliro kotha shune bokul haashe koi tahaar moto tumi amar koth. Oliro Kotha Shune Bokul Hashe Lyrics In Hindi, Sung By Hemanta Mukherjee, Lyrics Written By Gouriprasanna Majumdar And Music Created By Hemanta Mukherjee. Oliro Kotha Shune Bokul Hashe Lyrics . Oliro Kotha Shune Bokul Hashe Koi Tahar Moto Tumi Amar Kotha Shune Haso Na Toh. Dhorar O Dhulite Je Fagun Ashe Koi Tahar Moto Tumi Amar Kache Kobhu Asho.