Modern Wooden Spice Parallel Modular Kitchen, Rs 850000 /ls Dwelling Design Solutions Pvt. Ltd

20 Parallel Modular Kitchen Designs For Your Home by Anmol Kalro | March 15, 2023 | 11 mins read Coeval meets convenience to bring you the latest trends in parallel kitchen designs that are truly tantalising. 20 designs for 2020. Your kitchen is the heart of your home, so you'd best be shaping it up to be like one - concrete and beautiful. A parallel or galley kitchen is a classic layout with a narrow space that comprises two walls with a passageway between them. Packed with base and wall cabinets on either side, it is an easy layout to design as there is no need to worry about fitting cabinets in corners. Why Should You Choose a Parallel Kitchen?

20 Beautiful Parallel Kitchen Designs For Home Design Cafe

Parallel Modular Kitchen Designs for your Home 1: A Sleek Parallel Kitchen with a POP of Colour A sleek parallel kitchen design with a POP of colour is aesthetically pleasing and highly functional. It features clean lines, ample storage, and state-of-the-art fittings. A parallel kitchen design is a traditional kitchen layout that has a compact space with two walls and a corridor between them. Parallel kitchen design: Basic guidelines Maintain at least a distance of 3 to 4 ft between the two sides of your parallel kitchen to allow enough space for movement. Small parallel modular kitchen designs, commonly known as galley kitchens, are modern kitchen design concepts in which two cooking platforms run parallel to one another, with artful cabinets. Parallel modular kitchens are gaining a lot of attraction, particularly among small apartment occupants. The parallel kitchen layout refers to a space that is planned keeping in mind two walls that face each other. Along with the L-shaped kitchen layout, a parallel layout is a great option for small kitchen spaces. Types of Parallel Modular Kitchen Designs Marble Finish Parallel Modular Kitchen All white Parallel Modular Kitchen

Parallel Shaped Modular Kitchen Designs with Prices Wow Kitchens

So you can brush off the pressure and let us shape your dream kitchen. Our team of parallel kitchen manufacturers, designers, and planners have the experience and creative vision to create the most functional and elegant Parallel shape layout for your kitchen. Reach out to us at [email protected] or call us at +919554995449! Parallel kitchens with modular solutions have efficient storage designs in the form of multiple pull-out shelves, cabinets and drawers for different tools, utensils and ingredients. The best part of a parallel, low-budget modular kitchen is its flexibility of design and adaptability. Sleek Finishes 10- Attention to Details Pay Attention to the Finer Details Parting Words Author 1- Choose a Modular Kitchen Layout When designing your parallel modular kitchen design, the layout you choose is key. Opt for an L-shaped, U-shaped, or galley style layout based on your space and needs. Parallel kitchen designs are a perfect solution for small kitchens. This layout consists of two parallel work areas, often with a kitchen island in between. The parallel modular kitchen provides ample counter space, promoting efficiency. Tip 💡: Consider a small space parallel kitchen design if you have limited room. It's both practical and stylish.

20 Beautiful Parallel Kitchen Designs For Home Design Cafe

Complete Black Kitchen Design. A parallel kitchen design demands sleekness that always comes with black. If you need a modern and stylish kitchen for your home, then you can organize your place with simply black colour. Apart from this, make sure to consider proper lighting of your space that defines the simplicity of your kitchen with class. Join us in exploring a gallery of exceptional parallel modular kitchen designs for your home. The Enigmatic Parallel Kitchen. Often referred to as the galley kitchen, parallel kitchen designs are a godsend for compact homes or for those where a solitary chef reigns supreme. Resembling an alleyway, this design lends itself to ample storage. Parallel Kitchen Designs Parallel kitchen designs that are stylish, functional and customisable. Explore trending modular parallel kitchen design ideas across different styles - modern, contemporary, minimalist and much more. 1. A Sleek Parallel Kitchen with a Subtle Colours With a subtle colors, your modular kitchen will look bright. A bright-colored kitchen will make a statement about your home. Bold or bright colors like red will look absolutely stunning. You can choose your type of low cost modular kitchen price in Kolkata according to your budget.

Parallel Shaped Modular Kitchens Alea Modular Kitchen

A parallel modular kitchen enhances the beauty of the house by making the kitchen look orderly. Besides, it saves a lot of space by fitting in the kitchen essentials like the cooking range, sinks, plumbing, dishwashers, and other f urniture optimally. The parallel modular kitchen has become the trend today. You've arrived to the right place if you're thinking of a Parallel shaped kitchens design. We look at some of the most recent kitchen ideas that might improve the look and feel of your house. 8080330009