Past Perfect Continuous Tense Exercises with Answers » OnlyMyEnglish Present Perfect Tense

Past Continuous Tense Exercises in Hindi. Exercise - 1 Answers. Exercise - 2. Exercise - 2 Answers. Exercise - 3. Exercise - 4 Answers. Past Continuous Tense Exercises in Hindi - 4. Exercise - 4 Answers. Exercise - 5. To express increase or decrease. Past Continuous Tense Examples in Hindi. Past Continuous Tense Exercises in Hindi (Hindi to English translation) Exercise - 1 Answers. Past Continuous Tense Exercise in Hindi - 2. Exercise - 1 Answers. Exercise - 3 Translate the following the sentences into Hindi. Exercise -3 Answers.

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Negative sentence Examples - (नकारात्मक वाक्य) of Past continuous Tense. 1. I was not playing basketball in the morning. मैं सुबह बास्केटबॉल नहीं खेल रहा था।. 2. Neha was not eating when I met her. जब मैंने नेहा से मिला. Past Continuous Tense Affirmative Sentences in Hindi. Past continuous Tense के एफर्मेटिव सेंटेंस (साधारण वाक्य) में सबसे पहले Subject (कर्ता) को लिखते हैं उसके बाद कर्ता के अनुसार सहायक क्रिया लिखते हैं. Use of past continuous tense in Hindi. (1). To express temporary actions in the past.The time of the action may or may not be mentioned. (कोई अस्थाई कार्य-कलाप जो भूतकाल में हुवा हो; उसका समय दिया हो या नहीं भी दिया हो. B- Present Continuous Tense. The present continuous tense in Hindi expresses an action that is happening now, in the exact moment. In English, this tense is formed by using a conjugated form of the verb "to be" and then adding "-ing" to the end of the root form of the main verb: ["to be" verb] + "eat" + "ing" = to be eating

The Past Continuous Tense Learn english, English grammar, English verbs

Past Continuous Tense (Hindi to English) Recognition (पहचान): 1. Past Continuous Tense के Hindi Sentences की पहचान करने के लिए हिंदी वाक्य के अंत में रहा था, रही थी, रहे थे आदि शब्द आते है। 2. Past Continuous Tense Negative Sentences Examples in Hindi : राज पढ नहीं रहा था । Raj was not studying. मै झूठ नहीं बोल रहा था । I was not telling a lie. वो कुछ नहीं कर रहा था । He was not doing anything. वे लोग काम नहीं. Past Continuous Tense की परिभाषा . वह वाक्य जिससे किसी काम का भूतकाल में जारी रहना मालूम हो, तो वह वाक्य Past Continuous Tense in Hindi में होना कहा जाता है.. The sentence which denotes the past time in continuous action is said to be in. Past Continuous Tense को Past Progressive या Past Imperfect Tense भी कहते हैं । आज हम आपको Past Continuous Tense के Rules ,Examples ,Exercise और Past Continuous Tense के Hindi-English Translation के बारे में भी बताएँगे ।

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Past continuous tense की पहचान. जब कोई कार्य भूतकाल में लगातार चल रहा था या फिर जारी था तो उस कार्य को हम Past Continuous Tense In Hindi के अंदर रखते हैं या फिर आप बोल सकते है , जब किसी. Past Continuous Tense in Hindi. Past Continuous Tense से उन कार्य या घटनाओं का बोध होता है जो भूतकाल में हमारी आंखों के सामने जारी थे, लेकिन समाप्त नहीं हुए थे। पास्ट कंटीन्यूअस टेंस एक. Past Continuous Tense Exercises in Hindi (Sentences for Hindi to English Translation) 1. मैं अपना पाठ याद कर रहा था।. 2. हम गणित के प्रश्न हल कर रहे थे।. Past Continuous Tense Sentences in Hindi. He was singing. I was reading a novel. They were going on a mountain trek. I was looking for a cab. Pawan was watching a movie. Children were shouting on the bus. I was waiting outside for a long time. She was looking beautiful.

Past Perfect Continuous Tense Exercises with Answers » OnlyMyEnglish Present Perfect Tense

Present Continuous Tense - Hindi to English Translation पहचान : इन वाक्यों मे काम का जारी रहना पाया जाता है और काम के जारी रहने का समय नहीं दिया जाता हैं इन वाक्यों के. Types of Past Continuous Sentences in Hindi. Past Continuous Tense के Sentences निम्नलिखित प्रकार के हो सकते थे -. Affirmative Sentences. Negative Sentences. Interrogative Sentences. Interrogative Negative Sentences.