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Google's service, offered free of charge, instantly translates words, phrases, and web pages between English and over 100 other languages. pendant noun adjective grammar (architecture) A supporting post attached to the main rafter. [from 14th c.] [..] + Add translation English-Tamil dictionary தொங்கட்டான் noun தொங் கலாயுள்ள அணிவகை Tamil-lexicon தொங்கல் Tamil-lexicon பதக்கம் Tamil Technical Terminologies Less frequent translations டாலர் தொங்கடம் தொங்காட்டன் தூங்கணம் தொங்கட்டம் ஆரம்

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A pendant is a loose-hanging piece of jewellery, generally attached by a small loop to a necklace, which may be known as a "pendant necklace". A pendant earring is an earring with a piece hanging down. Its name stems from the Latin word pendere and Old French word pendr, both of which translate to "to hang down". How to say pendant in Tamil What's the Tamil word for pendant? Here's a list of translations. Tamil Translation பதக்கத்தில் Patakkattil More Tamil words for pendant கழுத்தணியில் தொங்கும் பதக்கம் Kaḻuttaṇiyil toṅkum patakkam pendant Find more words! pendant See Also in English small pendant சிறிய பதக்கங்கள் teach pendant பதக்கத்தை கற்பிக்கவும் Googleளின் சேவை விலை இல்லாமல் வழங்கப்படுகிறது. வார்த்தைகள். Noun. Something which hangs or depends; something suspended; a hanging appendage, especially one of an ornamental character; as to a chandelier or an eardrop; also, an appendix or addition, as to a book.

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Noun (1) an adornment that hangs from a piece of jewelry (necklace or earring (2) branched lighting fixture; often ornate; hangs from the ceiling Adjective (1) held from above and hanging down Examples of pendant in English (1) A pendant figure, the executioner, kneels to sharpen the blade that will peel the satyr's skin from his body. pendant, pendent translation and definition in Tamil, related phrase, antonyms, synonyms, examples for pendant, pendent pendant meaning in tamil: பதக்கத்தில் | Learn detailed meaning of pendant in tamil dictionary with audio prononciations, definitions and usage. Automatic translations of " pendent " into Tamil Glosbe Translate Google Translate Images with "pendent" Phrases similar to "pendent" with translations into Tamil Treasure, . 2. Fulness, . 3. Gem, any of the nine terrestrial or of the feigned nine celestial gems of Kuvera. See . 4. Pendent part of an ornament, . 5. Gold, . 6. '' நிதி

Tamil Eelam Pendant Necklace 2.5cm Gold Etsy

People also translate atlantik pendant led pendant pendant necklace classic pendant orphek pendant reef pendant Orphek Atlantik Pendant LED. Orphek Atlantik Pendant எல் ஈ டி. The Atlantik Pendant. அட்லாண்டிக் ஊக்கத்தொகை. steel heart lock key lovers pendant. எஃகு இதயம் பூட்டு முக்கிய காதலர்கள் பதக்கத்தில். English Meaning. Something suspended from something else, especially an ornament or piece of jewelry attached to a necklace or bracelet. A hanging lamp or chandelier. A sculptured ornament suspended from a vaulted Gothic roof or ceiling. One of a matched pair; a companion piece. Variant of pendent1. English to Tamil Dictionary << pend pendant earring >> pendant Meaning in Tamil ( pendant வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்) Noun: கழுத்தணியில் தொங்கும் பதக்கம், People Also Search: pendants pended pendency pendent pendente pendently pendents pendicle pendicler pendicles pending pendragon pendragons pendulate pendant's Usage Examples: Definitions of Pendant 1. கழுத்தில் அணிந்திருந்த சங்கிலியில் தொங்கும் நகை. 1. a piece of jewellery that hangs from a chain worn round the neck. 2. கூரையில் இருந்து இடைநீக்கம் செய்ய வடிவமைக்கப்பட்ட ஒரு விளக்கு. 2. a light designed to hang from the ceiling. 3. பாக்கெட் கடிகாரத்தின் பகுதி இடைநிறுத்தப்பட்டுள்ளது.

Tamil Eelam Pendant Necklace 5cm gold Etsy

Dictionary Pronunciation Word Network Examples Thesaurus Rhymes Trends pendent - Meaning in Tamil Tamil: பேந்டந்ட Practice translation Translated by SHABDKOSH translator. pendent - Meaning in Tamil Sorry, exact match is not available in the bilingual dictionary. 13 We are constantly improving our dictionaries. The word or phrase pendents refers to held from above and hanging down, or branched lighting fixture; often ornate; hangs from the ceiling, or an adornment that hangs from a piece of jewelry (necklace or earring). See pendents meaning in Tamil, pendents definition, translation and meaning of pendents in Tamil.