Present Continuous Tense Examples EnglishTeachoo

Short form of the negative form is the same as the short form of to be: I'm not - you're not/you aren't - he's not/he isn't… Example She isn't watching TV at the moment. I'm not using the dictionary. I'm not working this weekend. She isn't going to school next week. I'm not getting better at English. They're not improving the situation. The present continuous (also called the present progressive) is a verb tense used to refer to a temporary action that is currently taking place. It can also describe future plans (e.g., "I am throwing a party next week").

Present Continuous Negative

In the present continuous tense, negative forms are made using NOT, and question forms are made by changing the word order of the sentence. This page explains the rules. 1. Forming a negative Negatives in the present continuous are formed by adding not or n't after the verb BE: 2. Forming a question With the subject "he, she, it and singular nouns (for example: Tom, boy, man, teacher.)" we use the auxilary verb "is" + not + verb -ing. He is not study ing English. short form: He isn't study ing English. / He 's not study ing English She is not going home. It isn't rain ing. Sally 's not runn ing. The man is not speak ing. We make negatives by putting not (or n't) after am, is or are: I'm not doing that. You are n't listening. (or You're not listening.) They are n't coming to the party. (or They're not coming to the party.) She is n' t going home until Monday. (or She's not going home until Monday.) Present continuous negatives 1 Present continuous negatives 2 Examples: I'm doing my homework. My sister's sitting on the sofa. They're riding their bikes. Negative sentences in the Present Continuous. To make negative sentences in the present continuous, we simply change the auxiliary verb 'to be' from positive to negative. Subject + am/is/are not + verb +ing. Examples: I'm not doing my.

Negative Present Continuous English ESL worksheets pdf & doc

Examples: I am not go ing to bed now. You are not do ing your homework now. The children are not sleep ing at this time. My boyfriend is not tell ing me everything. They are not read ing today's newspaper. You can also use contractions with the negative form: Examples: I 'm not go ing to bed now. (NOT: I amn't going to bed) Here are ten examples of negative sentences in the present continuous tense: I am currently not writing an essay. You are not watching TV right now. She is not studying for her exams. He is not playing football with his friends. They are not having a picnic in the park. We are not cooking dinner for tonight. Exercise: negatives in present continuous. Write the negative form of present continuous using the infinitive in brackets. You can use full or contracted forms of the verb. Example: You to the shops today. (not go) Answers: You are not going to the shops today. or, Present Continuous — Negative. Make negative sentences in Present Continuous. Fill in the full sentence. Show example. 1. I / not / to read / now. I am not reading now. 2. He / not / to sleep / now.

Examples of Present continuous Tense Sentences Word Coach

Present Continuous Tense - More Practice. Exercise. Click on the words in the correct order to make negative sentences in the Present Continuous Tense. Tip! If you have no idea what word should go next, you can click on all the words one by one. 3 coming aren't the for dinner. To form negative sentences in the Present Continuous tense, use the negative form of the verb "to be" (am not, is not, are not) followed by the present participle (-ing form) of the main verb. Examples: She is not studying for her exam. They are not playing soccer. Asking Questions: Melissa and Drake (they) are shopping at the market. Anthony is watching TV series. My cat is eating its food at the moment. Negative Sentences: Pay attention to the sentence order in English to make negative sentences with the Present Continuous. Then identify the subject you want to use and the auxiliary verb that is appropriate for that subject. Present Continuous Tense Rules. 1. We use ' is ' with the singular subjects or nouns; He is, She is, It is, Ram is, The boy is, The girl is. 2. 'Am' is used with 'I. 3. We use ' are ' with the plural subjects or nouns; You are, We are, They are, The boys are, The girls are. 4.

Lesson 182 Negative in Present Continuous Tense, review

For the formation of negative sentences in present continuous tense we use "not" together with "am, is, are". The short forms are "'m not, isn't, aren't " He did not want tea. We didn't wait for the bus. I didn't use your pen. Susan didn't lie. ⬤ Interrogative sentences Present continuous tense examples: As the name implies, the present continuous tense is used to describe actions that are ongoing or happening at that same moment. As it depicts action that is occurring in the present, it is also known as the present progressive tense.. Negative Form: To make a negative sentence in the Present Continuous.