Revive meaning in Hindi YouTube

to come or bring something back to life, health, existence, or use (किसी चीज़ के जीवन, स्वास्थ्य, अस्तित्व, या प्रयोग को) पुनर्जीवित करना to revive someone's hopes / confidence / fortunes किसी की आशाओं/विश्वास/भाग्य को पुनर्जीवित करना My plants revived as soon as I gave them some water. Hindi Translation of "revive" | The official Collins English-Hindi Dictionary online. Over 100,000 Hindi translations of English words and phrases. LANGUAGE TRANSLATOR GAMES SCHOOLS BLOG RESOURCES More English - Hindi Hindi - English English French German Italian Spanish Portuguese Hindi Chinese Korean Japanese More Log In English to Hindi

Revive meaning in Hindi YouTube

Ask in Hindi Forum Send us email Definitions and Meaning of revive in English revive verb return to consciousness Synonyms come to, resuscitate Examples "She revived after the doctor gave her an injection" "The patient came to quickly" give new life or energy to Synonyms animate, quicken, reanimate, recreate, renovate, repair, revivify, vivify REVIVE MEANING IN HINDI - EXACT MATCHES revive रविव / रेवीवे / रेवईवे REVIVE = फिर जीवित करना [ pr. { phir jivit karana } ] (Verb) Usage : Interest in ESP revived +24 REVIVE = पुनः उत्पन्न करना [ pr. { puna: utpann karana } ] (Verb) +17 REVIVE = फिर से चालू करना [ pr. { phir se chalu karana } ] (Verb) +5 "revive" in Hindi volume_up revive {vb} HI फिर जीवित करना जगाना सजीव होना पनपना संभालना सजीव करना सचेत होना volume_up revival {noun} HI नया जन्म पुनरुत्थान बहाली पुनर्जीवन धार्मिक जागृति Translations EN revive [ revived|revived] {verb} volume_up revive फिर जीवित करना {v.t.} revive जगाना {vb} revive revive का हिन्दी अनुवाद शब्द आवृत्ति revive /rɪˈvaɪv रिˈव़ाइव़्/ शब्द प्रारूप: revives, reviving, revived 1. स्थायी या अस्थायी क्रिया When something such as a feeling or a practice revives or is revived, it becomes active or successful again. पुनर्जीवित करना/पुनर्जीवित होना.an attempt to revive the South Asian economy. 2. सकर्मक क्रिया

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revive का हिन्दी अर्थ आईपीए: rɪvaɪv हिन्दी: रिवाइव / रीवाइव अभ्यास translation Translated by SHABDKOSH translator. revive के हिन्दी अर्थ क्षमा करें, हमें सटीक मिलान नहीं मिला। 13 Hindi Translation of "REVIVE" | The official Collins English-Hindi Dictionary online. Over 100,000 Hindi translations of English words and phrases. REVIVE MEANING IN HINDI फिर जीवित करना(phir jivit karana)(Verb) English Usage : The plants will revive in water. Some old customs are gradually reviving. The doctor revived him with some injections. पुनः उत्पन्न करना(puna: utpann karana)(Verb) English Usage : Interest in ESP revived फिर से चालू करना(phir se chalu karana)(Verb) verb + grammar To return to life; to recover life or strength; to live anew; to become reanimated or reinvigorated. +25 definitions translations revive Add जिला Sora बचा Sora जीवन दान कर Sora Less frequent translations


Hindi meaning of revive revive / verb / फिर से जीवित करना; पूर्वरूप में लाना; प्रसन्न करना; सजीव हो जाना; पुनरजीवित करना; Synonym revivify; soothe; raise from the dead; Next : revoke Previous : revival English Dictionary: 1. Revive [v. i.] - To return to life; to recover life or strength; to live anew; to become reanimated or reinvigorated. revitalization revitalise revived reviver revivify reviving reviviscence revocable Translate to Hindi Need to translate "revive" to Hindi? Here are 6 ways to say it. reviving meaning in Hindi | reviving translation in Hindi - Shabdkosh reviving meaning in Hindi. What is reviving in Hindi? Pronunciation, translation, synonyms, examples, rhymes, definitions of reviving रिवाइव / रीवाइव in Hindi Shabdkosh® Shabdkosh® বাংলা ગુજરાતી हिन्दी ಕನ್ನಡ कोंकणी മലയാളം मराठी नेपाली ଓଡିଆ ਪੰਜਾਬੀ संस्कृतम् தமிழ் తెలుగు اردو Meaning return to consciousness; "The patient came to quickly"; "She revived after the doctor gave her an injection" Synonyms: come to, resuscitate, give new life or energy to; "A hot soup will revive me"; "This will renovate my spirits"; "This treatment repaired my health"

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Revive meaning in Hindi Revive is a english word. Revive Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब) revive = फिर जीवित करना Usage: The plants will revive in water. Usage: Some old customs are gradually reviving. Usage: The doctor revived him with some injections. Revive Meaning in Detail revive (verb) = cause to regain consciousness Revive Meaning in Hindi Verb 1. फिर जीवित करना(p. phir jivit karana ) 2. पुनः उत्पन्न करना(p. puna: utpann karana ) 3. फिर से चालू करना(p. phir se chalu karana ) 4. जान डाल देना(p. jan Dal dena ) 5. पुनरुज्जीवित होना(p. punarujjivit hona ) 6. पुनः प्रचलित करना(p. puna: prachalit karana ) 7. होश में लाना(p. hosh men lana ) 8.