Systems Art Square Sun Rising

Square on the mount of Sun Square on Mount Apollo brings riches and exceptional fame in his or her life. At the same time, it protects the reputation and health problems associated with the mount of the Sun. Square on the mount of Jupiter The square on Jupiter mount denotes he or she will be humble, wise, and spiritual in nature. A square over a line is a protective mark, often covering an uncertain period. It means that the individual might have avoided a possibly difficult period. On the heart line, it refers to the emotional state. If on the head line; the mental, and the life line it suggests a safeguard of any life event.

Square Sun stock photo. Image of mountains, beautiful 1012746

As the presence of Sunline on palm gives a clue of achieving name, fame, social prestige, success, and wealth in life, in the same way, the source or starting point or part of the palm gives the answer to the question what will be the source of that success and fame. Talk To Palmist ALSO READ: Age Of Marriage In Palmistry, How to Predict ? Aryavaan square on the palm Sign of Square on the Palm: Hand Reading Square is a very auspicious sign which is really not easy to observe on every hand. Since square is considered as beneficial in many case because it is related to Education, Higher Authority, Honor, Love and relationships . When it comes to signs of luck in our hands, single lines, stars and triangles on the Sun mount rank as being indicators of success and happiness in life. Our shining Sun, sustainer of life, is represented in palmistry by fire (ring) fingers, and in their underlying pads of flesh. Fire fingers, and the mounds. Luck Series # 5 - Sun Mounts and Markings Read More » A square on the mount of Moon represents an escape from an excess of imagination. What does a Square sign on palm mean according to Palmistry. It is one of the most interesting sign on a hand and are very few in number.

Sun Square Art Take Away

A square on mount of mercury protects an individual from taking bad business decisions, unethical people, and financial losses. Additionally, it shields him or her from digestive troubles, restlessness, and nervous tension. If any negative sign appears on the mount, the square on mercury mount cancels out its effect. The Mount of Jupiter is symbolic of willpower, authority, ambition and self-respect. If you find it's well developed and prominent, it shows you are ambitious, career-minded, responsible, honest and reliable. Besides, you love reputation and are very possessive towards love and money. The sun or apollo line is the sister line to fate line. Sun line's presense gives a boost to the existing fate line. A strong sun line will always compensate for a weak or non existent fate line. It starts in mount of moon and ends near base of apollo (ring) finger. A sun line from wrist till head line indicates luck and fame at very young age. Example : A triangle formed on Apollo (Sun) line at middle (line starts from edge of palm, below mercury mount) indicates fame in middle age. The exact age can be derived by dividing the apollo line in ratio of person's lifetime and triangle's placement/interception indicates age at which fame is achieved.

The Sun looks square in this picture I took in Thailand. r/mildlyinteresting

Square on Sun Line If there is a square on your sun line, you usually could do things smoothly. Although you meet some difficulties in life, you could solve them successfully. More Signs in Palmistry: Moles on Hand Cross Island Star Triangle A square - Business ability protecting the artist from being exploited. Protection against the intoxication due to great financial success. A circle - Much fame. (Very rare). An ill-formed circle at the base of the Mount with a poor Line of the Sun - Eyesight endangered. A triangle - Science assisting art to success. A square on the mount of Apollo is indicative of an improved level of protection against a bad reputation as well as the loss of property and other material possessions of individuals. There are some few cases in which one small vertical line that appears above the line of heart is indicated of good retiring life. What is it? A fish sign on the palm is a formation of palm lines that look similar to a fish. The shape of the lines is an oblong circle with a pointed end. It can also look like two triangles with overlapping lines. Sometimes there is a whorl or a dot that forms the eye of the fish.

APOD May 26, 1998 A Seemingly Square Sun

this Video is based on the grid sign on Sun mount. I have tried to Explain in an Easy-way. this sign shows that the person is Anxious about his his name and. What is a triangle mark on the palm? A triangle mark on the palm is a mix of three straight lines that meet. They may even cross each other slightly. In palmistry, it's rare to see markings such as triangles, squares, stars and crosses. But if present, they can indicate a warning or point to a sign of talent, fortune or an event.