Hindi Worksheet, Swar worksheet, Printable Hindi worksheet, स्वरों को पहचानें, identify the

Exercise - 4 Answers Use of Is, Am and Are in Hindi and Meaning Is, am, are का प्रयोग Simple Present Tense में Auxiliary Verbs के रूप में होता है। तथा Present Continuous Tense में Helping Verb के रूप में होता है। 1. वह बीमार है । He is ill. 2. तुम पागल हो । you are mad. 3. वह बहुत तेज है । He is very intelligent. 4. बच्चे नटखट होते हैं । Children are naughty. 5. मेरा भाई एक डॉक्टर है । My brother is a doctor Subject ( कर्ता ) किसे कहते हैं ।


Use of Is, Am and Are The auxiliary verbs ' is, am and are' are used as main verbs in the simple present tense and as helping verbs in the present continuous tense with nouns and pronouns. These verbs are the forms of verb to be. For example; John is my friend. He is a banker. These flowers are very beautiful. Use of Is Am and Are in Sentences in Hindi. Is am are exercises in Hindi. English Grammar में Primary Auxiliary Verb 'to be' की forms Is, Am तथा Are हैं। इनका प्रयोग वाक्यों में Incomplete Verbs तथा Complete Verbs के रूप में होता है। इस पोस्ट के माध्यम से is, am, are का प्रयोग Hindi विस्तार से meaning, rules examples सहित सीखेंगे। Use of Is/Am/Are as Hindi English translation in all format as affirmative negative and Interrogative sentenses also given miscellaneous exercise for practice with help of examples. use of Is/Am/Are, use of was/were, use of will be, use of shall be, use of have to, use of has to, use of had to, use of will have to, use of shall have to, possessive, use of introductory It, use of introductory. To say what someone is doing right now 4. To talk about what is done in the present Before we look at these situations separately, let's look at the nouns or pronouns we use with is, am, and are. IS = he, she, it & all singular noun names (singular subject) ARE = we, you, they & all plural noun names (plural subject) AM = only used with 'I'

am is are exercise present simple do does am is are worksheet Austin Lorene

Answers Am Are Is Are Is Are Are Is Use of AM, IS, ARE | English Grammar & Composition Grade 1 | PeriwinkleWatch our other videos:English Stories for Kids: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list. Class 2 English Grammar Chapter 10 is, am, and are. To learn perfectly we will use many illustration with answers. Here we will study about Is, Am and Are as Linking verbs. Here we will learn the uses of 'Is', Am and 'Are'. Now read the following sentences and learn the uses of IS, AM and ARE. I am Aakash. Uses of 'Is', 'are' and 'am' 'Is', 'are' and 'am' are helping or linking verbs. These are used as a link between noun/ pronoun and other part of a sentence. 'Am' used only with pronoun 'I', 'is' used with singular nouns and pronouns for example: he, she, it, this, that, Ravi etc. 'Are' helping verb used with plural nouns and pronouns.

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1. He is to inform you. उसे आपको सूचित करना है। 2. I am to write a letter. मुझे एक पत्र लिखना है। 3. They are to reach Delhi. उन्हें दिल्ली पहुंचना है। 4. Sohan is to go to school. सोहन को स्कूल जाना है। 5. Seeta is to bring the food. सीता को खाना लाना है। 4 Pages of Is Are Am Worksheets for Beginners: Free Printable with Answer Key Struggling to understand when to use 'is', 'am' and 'are'? This worksheet is specifically designed to help you learn the correct usage of these three common English words. ⬤ Questions and answers ⬤ Formation of verb to be To make affirmative (positive) sentences we use "am, is, are" after the subject. For negative sentences we add " not " after the verb to be. To make questions we put "am, is, are" before the subject. See the chart below to learn the structure of the verb to be. Mike in his room. English Grammar Exercises TO BE Am, Is, Are Exercises (Pronouns Only) Use the following AM, IS, ARE Exercises for beginners to practice the proper use of the verb to be in the simple present tense. First, go over our lesson: The Verb To Be: Forms, Examples and Grammar Exercises. Next, complete the exercises.

Use Of Is Am Are in a Sentence Explain In Hindi वाक्य में Is, Am, Are का प्रयोग कैसे करें

September 3, 2023 by Suman. If you are looking for some Is Am Are Worksheet for Class 2, you are at the right place. "Is, am, and are the three forms of the verb "to be" in the present tense. They describe the state of being of a person, place, or thing. For example, "I am a student." "The cat is black." "They are happy.". तो दोस्त जैसा की आप ऊपर देखे, Is, am तथा are का हिंदी अर्थ (meaning in Hindi) है, हूँ, हैं और हो होता है। जिन हिंदी वाक्यों के अंत में है, हूँ, हो आदि लगा रहे तो वैसे वाक्यों का इंग्लिश ट्रांसलेशन बनाने के लिए वाक्य के कर्ता (Subject) के अनुसार Is, am तथा are का प्रयोग किया जाता है। Rule: S + Is/Am/Are + Complement