I Ching 45 Ts'ui (Gathering Together Massing) by annewipf on DeviantArt

45: Gathering Together The power of gathering together is represented by a rally, where each individual's strength is magnified by the collective power of a community. For instance, history has shown that mass movements can bring about stable, ordered, and durable conditions for the better. The Meaning of Hexagram #45 Also called "Gathering Together" Hexagram #45: Lake over Earth Like streams of water flowing together to form a lake, hexagram number 45 symbolizes assembling and uniting. This is a time to focus on teamwork and synergy. Don't attempt to do everything alone.

Hexagram 45 Gathering Together I Ching 45 Video

I Ching Hexagram 45 Cui (Gathering Together) Action: Network Hu Gua (hidden influence) 53 Development: Flower Zong Gua (underlying cause) 26 Controlled Power: Amplify Success is allowing your lot to reach its highest degree. It is while you are patiently toiling at the little tasks of life that the meaning and shape 45 Gathering CUI i Make an offering and you will succeed. The King approaches his Ancestral Temple. See the Great People. Advantageous Trial. Use the Great Offerings. Wise Words! The Way is open. Advantageous to have a direction to go. Don't keep things for yourself. Take precautions and eliminate cause of conflict. 45, Gathering | I Ching with Clarity 45, Gathering When I receive this hexagram, I think of a great investment, often a shared one, in a higher purpose. The original text speaks of a great sacrifice: 'Gathering, creating success. The king enters his temple. Harvest in seeing great people. Creating success, harvest in constancy. I Ching Hexagram 45 - Gathering Together Emphasises personal growth and introspection as a path to guide others. Unaddressed doubts can impede progress. Summary Signifies unity, cooperation, and community under ethical leadership. An invitation to mutual support in a gathering. Interpretation

The Complete I Ching — 10th Anniversary Edition Book by Taoist Master

Like streams of water flowing down and joining at a lake, hexagram number 45 symbolizes union, intimacy, and bonding. Your mood will rise and someone special will be attracted to your positive energy. Do not try too hard to compete for attention right now. An effortless attraction of love is indicated here. 1.Indecision arises within the group about relating wholeheartedly with others. Admit to these anxieties. A leader then arises and removes all hesitancy. Then go forward confidently. 2.Follow the impulse that leads to co-operation without trying to have a clear goal. 45. Clustering (cuì). Gathering Together Advise Always choose a deal that is real taking into consideration soul and your abilities. Do not start something that does not suit your nature. Inital text of I Ching The Judgement Gathering Together. Success. The king approaches his temple. It furthers one to see the great man. This brings success. 45: Gathering Together. The power of gathering together is represented by a rally, where each individual's strength is magnified by the collective power of a community. For instance, history has shown that mass movements can bring about stable, ordered, and durable conditions for the better. This reading may be pointing to an auspicious time.

Hexagram 45 • Line 6 I Ching Meditations

Hexagram 45 is one of the 64 hexagrams in the I Ching, and it's associated with the idea of gathering together with others to achieve a common goal. If you're interested in learning more about Hexagram 45, keep reading. THE GNOSTIC BOOK OF CHANGES Please select the chapter or hexagram below! New: download the complete Gnostic Book of Changes here! New: a hexagram key has been added to the menu. 45 -- Gathering Together (Contraction) -- 45 HEXAGRAM NUMBER FORTY-FIVE - CONTRACTION Nothing that would further. Going is without blame. Slight humiliation. Often a man feels an urge to unite with others, but the individuals around him have already formed themselves into a group, so that he remains isolated. The whole situation proves untenable. The I Ching or Yi Jing (Chinese: 易經, Mandarin: [î tɕíŋ] ⓘ), usually translated Book of Changes or Classic of Changes, is an ancient Chinese divination text that is among the oldest of the Chinese classics.The I Ching was originally a divination manual in the Western Zhou period (1000-750 BC). Over the course of the Warring States and early imperial periods (500-200 BC), it.

I Ching 45 Ts'ui (Gathering Together Massing) by annewipf on DeviantArt

I-CHING Hexagram #45. "Gathering Together". Tui The Joyful, Lake K`un The Receptive, Land. The water is above the land, where the liquid element is. It shows the man that the own damages of great meetings can be prevented from the unforeseen events. The man finds success in whatever he undertakes, if he chooses the right head of the group. The starting hexagram #45: "Gathering Together" The meaning of hexagram #45 Like streams of water flowing together to form a lake, this hexagram symbolizes assembling and uniting. This is a time to focus on teamwork and synergy. Don't attempt to do everything alone. Bring together those who share your goals and support your dreams.