Vessel AL MURABBA is a Container Ship, Registered in Liberia. Discover the vessel's particulars, including capacity, machinery, photos and ownership. Get the details of the current Voyage of AL MURABBA including Position, Port Calls, Destination, ETA and Distance travelled - IMO 9708837, MMSI 636093171, Call sign 5LLA7 The current position of AL MURABBA is at South Africa reported 29 hours ago by AIS. The vessel is en route to NAWVP, sailing at a speed of 15.3 knots and expected to arrive there on Dec 30, 03:00.The vessel AL MURABBA (IMO 9708837, MMSI 636093171) is a Container Ship built in 2015 (8 years old) and currently sailing under the flag of Liberia.

Vessel details for AL MURABBA (Container Ship) IMO 9708837, MMSI

Search for daily itineraries of AL MURABBA including Midnight & Midday AIS positions, port calls, in Range events. Discover the Daily Itineraries of AL MURABBA and Map Positions. These itineraries are Including Midnight & Midday Ship Map positions, Port Calls, and Expected Arrivals. MarineTraffic accumulated Information for AL MURABBA, Ship. Vessel AL MURABBA is a container ship sailing under the flag of Liberia . Her IMO number is 9708837 and MMSI number is 636093171. Main ship particulars are length of 368 m and beam of 51 m. Maps show the following voyage data - Present Location, Next port, Estimated (ETA) and Predicted Time of Arrival (PTA), Speed, Course, Draught, Photos. 2012. 153115. 190734. 366 / 51. (Apr 10, 2016) UASC and Gulftainer mark 15,000 TEU green vessel maiden call to Khorfakkan Port. La nave AL MURABBA (IMO 9708837, MMSI 636093171) รจ una nave Container Ship costruita nel 2015 che naviga attualmente sotto bandiera della Liberia. NEARBY PORTS CALCULATOR. SEA DISTANCE CALCULATOR. LIVE NAUTICAL CHART. SEA WEATHER MAP. Track current position of AL MURABBA on Live Map and find its IMO, MMSI, Call Sign, 9708837,636093171.

Picture of AL MURABBA AIS Marine Traffic

What is the current position of AL MURABBA right now by Marine Traffic? Ship AL MURABBA is a container ship waving the flag of Liberia. Vessel's IMO number is 9708837, MMSI number is 636093171. The ship is 368 m long and having a beam of 51 m. Live maps hereinunder show Present Location, Next port of call, Estimated (ETA) and Prediced Time of arrival (PTA), Speed, Course, Draught, Photos. The following results for your query: AL MURABBA are collected from the main website data sources. Search the MarineTraffic database for AL MURABBAs. Ships list details: Name, IMO, MMSI, Call Sign. Search and discover photographers by name, port and AIS receivers information, Lighthouse locations and ship Ex-names. Ship AL MURABBA is a cargo ship navigating under the Liberia flag. The IMO number is 9708837 and MMSI number is 636093171. General vessel particulars are as follows length overall (LOA) of 368 m and beam (max width) of 51 m. Live maps below show the following voyage data - Present Position, Next port of call, Estimated (ETA) and Predicted Time. Photos of vessel AL MURABBA uploaded by the MarineTraffic community

AL MURABBA, Container Ship Details and current position IMO 9708837

Vessel datails for AL MURABBA: IMO, MMSI, Call Sign, Live Position, AIS Position, Live Map, Ship Tracking. Yang Ming Marine Transport Corporation (Yang Ming) have observed our core value of 'Teamwork,. AL MURABBA ( AMRB ) (click to view Vessel Information) Current Lane MD2 . Current Comn Voyage 027W / 027E. Current YML Vsl Voy MD2346W / MD2346E. Rating: AL MURABBA (IMO: 9708837) is a Container Ship registered and sailing under the flag of Marshall Islands. Her gross tonnage is 153148 and deadweight is 149360. AL MURABBA was built in 2015. AL MURABBA length overall (LOA) is 368.52 m, beam is 51 m. Her container capacity is 14500 TEU. Vessel position, logs and particulars for Container ship AL MURABBA at, the global ship database.. Share your AIS data and get your own live AIS traffic image of your area. API & Developers. FleetMon API. Create products with live, historical or predictive API endpoints. Business Intelligence.

Photo of AL MURABBA (IMO 9708837, MMSI 636093171, Callsign 5LLA7

AL MURABBA current position is received by AIS. Technical specifications, tonnages and management details are derived from Marine Vessel Traffic database. The data is for informational purposes only and Marine Vessel Traffic is not responsible for the accuracy and reliability of AL MURABBA data. AL MURABBA built in 2015 is a vessel in the Container / Suezmax segment. Its IMO number is 9708837 and the current MMSI number is 636093171.. Marine weather. Access weather information such as wind, waves, ocean currents, sea ice and precipitations. Maritime Optima AS Munkedamsveien 45, Oslo, 0250, Norway +47.