Aquila non captat muscas

aquila non capit muscas Phrase Meaning: an eagle does not catch flies. Comment. Or, "a noble or important person does not deal with insignificant matters". Word-for-word analysis: A much more detailed analysis with detection of relationships or clauses can be found in our Sentence Analysis! aquila non capit muscas means the eagle does not catch flies. In ancient Rome, eagles were considered majestic animals. Conversely, flies were considered insignificant and a nuisance. Therefore this proverb was used to imply that people of high rank (the eagle) won't have the time or patience to deal with trifling matters (flies)..

Aquila non captat muscas

Aquila non captat muscas. The eagle doesn't capture flies (don't sweat the small things) absolutismus Abusus non tollit usum acceptilatio Accipere quam facere praestat injuriam achaptare acrozymus Acta non verba Ad captandum vulgus Ad vitam paramus Adamus. Latin is a classical language that was spoken in ancient Rome and is now used as a. Language links are at the top of the page across from the title. A New Old Tradition. This article is more than 9 years old. "Aquila non captat muscas." That's the Latin motto for the once medieval, very English Wadsworth clan that counts me as a modern family member. The motto anchors my ancestors' coat of arms; a blood red battle shield, marked with gold symbols representing the family's proud heritage. Also, "the chief magistrate does not concern himself with trifles." Trivial matters are no concern of a high official; cf. aquila non capit muscas (the eagle does not catch flies). Sometimes rex (king) or lex (law) is used in place of praetor. De minimis is a legal phrase referring to things unworthy of the law's attention.

Отрывок из романа "Aquila non captat muscas"... Bullsun Vlade

Captat non muscas aquila; at quaeque advolat ultro Faucibu augustis, musca proterva perit..(The couplet, translated means: 'The eagle does not hawk for flies, but if an impudent fly comes buzzing…into its august throat, that's the end of the creature'). Aquila non captat muscas. The eagle doesn't capture flies. (N/A) Medicus curat, natura sanat. The physician treats, nature cures. (N/A) *** 21-30 Finis coronat opus. The ending crowns the work. (N/A. Cf. exitus acta probat.) Iniuria non excusat iniuriam. One wrong does not justify another. an eagle doesn't catch flies is the translation of "aquila non capit muscas" into English. Sample translated sentence: Aquila muscas non capit. ↔ The eagle does not catch flies. aquila non capit muscas. + Add translation. „Aquila nōn capit muscas." In case your word wasn't found in the database, you can simply use the 'Add it' button to create a new word in the database (No login required!). After you added it, the sentence analysis tool will recognize it.

Отрывок из романа "Aquila non captat muscas"... Bullsun Vlade

"Aquila non captat muscas." - "An eagle does not catch flies.". "Aquila non capit muscas." - "The eagle does not catch flies." (Similar to "Don't sweat the small stuff.") "Ubi mel, ibi apes." - "Where there is honey, there are bees." (Where there's something desirable, people will flock to it.). Aquila non capit muscas (an eagle does not catch flies) is our Composition of the Week. The work was acknowledged with the 3 rd prize in the 2 nd category of WASBE'S Composition Contest held in its last International Conference, which took place at Buñol, Spain, on July 2019. an eagle does not catch flies. Or, "a noble or important person does not deal with insignificant matters". Explained by aides on Sun, 08/07/2018 - 13:59. Spanish. El águila no caza moscas. Explained by Ancfezant on Mon, 10/07/2023 - 00:02. 1. Acta, non verba. 2. Aquila non captat muscas. Sentence 2596788 Further examples. Egressusque Moyses a pharaone oravit Dominum; qui fecit iuxta verbum illius et abstulit muscas a pharaone et a servis suis et a populo eius; non superfuit ne una quidem. Sentence 7990988. Lambere quae turpes prohibet tua prandia muscas, Alitis eximiae cauda.


Aquila non captat muscas. Sentence 2596788. Dilige denarium, sed parce dilige formam, quam nemo sanctus nec honestus captat habere. Sentence 5105427. Translate all examples using Google Translate Dictionary entries. Entries where "captat" occurs: aquila non captat muscas. sas nem kapkod legyek után; A lap eredeti címe:.