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Cataloghi CATEGORIE grammatica in lingua BELLO L'aggettivo qualificativo bello presenta forme diverse per il singolare e il plurale maschili, a seconda della parola che segue. The adjective BELLO Grammatica Bello means beautiful and has many forms: bello, bella, bel, bei. But when do you use which form? Let's learn the Italian adjective bello together! The adjective BELLO First, there is an important distinction: When bello is AFTER the noun, e.g. il cane è bello the dog is beautiful, behaves like a normal adjective:

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Click "subscribe" to be sure to receive all my Italian lessons.If you want to know how to learn Italian in a fun and effective way, download my free e-book:. The adjective "bello" is one of the most known Italian words. It follows a special rule, which you should learn and remember if you want to speak correctly Foreigners make fun of Italians saying "Ciao bello!" or "Ciao Bella!". I think it's funny and also a good stereotype. We are friendly and everyone deserves the title of "bello". Everybody knows that quello means that and bello means beautiful or nice. And if you have been learning Italian for a while, you may have noticed that sometimes bello and quello are used in different forms. In fact, it is not rare that bello becomes bel or begli or bei and quello becomes quel or quegli or quei. Al plurale le forme maschili prima di un nome sono tre: belli. begli e bei. Al plurale usiamo begli prima di nomi maschili che cominciano con vocale o s+ consonante, gn, pn, ps, x, z. Bei si usa prima di tutti i nomi regolari con consonante, "bei ragazzi". Belli si usa esclusivamente quando l'aggettivo è dopo il nome, "ragazzi belli".

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dei ragazzi belli - some beautiful boys Ehi belli! - Hi there bros! Begli. Before a noun it changes, following the definite articles rule, becoming: Begli in front of a noun that starts with s + consonant, z, y, ps, pn, x or gn. For example: begli scenari - beautiful sceneries. Bei. Bei (plural masculine) in all the other cases. For example: Be + i = bei. Be + gli = begli.. Though I do understand the struggle of saying "begli" instead of "belli", that's why I often suggest my students to put the adjective after. It's way easier, and correct anyway. 2. Quello . Let's go back to our original topic: patterns. Is bello the only adjective that behaves this way. As addressed by DaG and alsa already, "bello" / "bella" used in an informal context is mostly used to express affection rather than to express a "physical" appreciation of the person you're saying it to; the other case by the way might just happen with your partner or in a more "descriptive" context, at least when addressing a person: of course rarely one goes around saying "bello" / "bella. Chi è quel bell'uomo? (Who's that handsome man?) Che bei capelli e che begli occhi! (What beautiful hair and eyes!) Quell'americana è di Boston. (That America woman is from Boston.) Quelle case sono vecchie. (Those houses are old.) Bello retains its full form when it follows the noun it modifies or the verb essere .

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The same rule applies in the plural: i bei quadri, i begli zoo, i begli orologi, le belle macchine, le belle arance. When bello follows the noun, it behaves regularly: bello, bella, belli, belle. Two more adjectives behave like bello: quello (that, those) and dello (some). The owner of it will not be notified. Only the user who asked this question will see who disagreed with this answer. Here's how to use it effectively: Describing People: 'Bello' is often used to describe people who are physically attractive. For example, "Laura è una bella ragazza molto bella" means "Laura is a very beautiful girl.". Describing Places: Use 'bello' to portray the beauty of landscapes, cities, or locations. "L'Italia è. Per quanto riguarda la forma 'belli', beh, sappiate che questa va utilizzata soltanto quando l' aggettivo segue il nome, quindi, per esempio in 'fiori belli', 'oggetti belli', 'pantaloni belli' e così via. Alla luce di quanto detto, direte e scriverete: - Begli occhi e non bei occhi; - Begli amici e non bei amici; - Begli uomini e non bei uomini;

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casa bella; viaggi belli; case belle. When instead it is found before the name, then it will take the same endings as the definite article. Let's see what happens: bella casa - la casa; bell'amica - l'amica; belle case - le case; belle amiche - le amiche bel cane - il cane; bei cani - i cani; bello stadio - lo stadio; bell'amico - l'amico; A lot of my students ask me if there is a difference between the position of the adjective. There's practically none. Though I do understand the struggle of saying "begli" instead of "belli", that's why I often recommend my students to put the adjective after the noun. It's much easier, and correct anyway.