Boletus luridus Boleto lurido Info e Commestibilità

Boletus luridus var. erythroteron Boletus luridus var. erythroteron (Bezdek) Pil. & Derm. New classification: BasidiomycotaAgaricomycetes Former classification: Basidiomycota synonyms: Suillellus luridus-erythroteron edibility : edible if well cooked still unreported in the forest of Rambouillet page updated on 14/01/18 Suillellus luridus (formerly Boletus luridus ), commonly known as the lurid bolete, is a fungus of the family Boletaceae, found in calcareous broadleaved woodlands in Europe. Fruit bodies appear in summer and autumn and may be locally abundant.

Boletus luridus características, propiedades y posibles confusiones

Fr. (Paris) 1 (2): 326 (1791) Boletus rubeolarius var. tuberosus (Bull.) Mérat, Nouv. Fl. Environs Paris, Edn 2 1: 44 (1821) Boletus luridus var. tuberosus (Bull.) Pers., Mycol. eur. (Erlanga) 2: 133 (1825) Dictyopus tuberosus (Bull.) Quél., Enchir. fung. (Paris): 160 (1886) Boletus satanas var. tuberosus (Bull.) Boletus luridus var. rubeolarius (Bulliard) Gillet (1877), Les hyménomycètes, ou description de tous les champignons (fungi) qui croissent en France, p. 642 Tubiporus luridus (Schaeffer) P. Karsten (1881), Revue mycologique (Toulouse), 3 (9), p. 16 What You Should Know. Suillellus luridus (formerly Boletus luridus) is a fungus of the family Boletaceae, found in calcareous broadleaved woodlands in Europe. Fruit bodies appear in summer and autumn and may be locally abundant. It is a firm bolete with an olive-brown cap up to 20 cm (8 in) in diameter, with small orange or red pores on the. Sheet of Suillellus luridus var. erythroteron (Bezdek) Blanco-Dios, 2015. Inventaire national du patrimoine naturel (INPN). Introduction to Suillellus luridus var. erythroteron: scientific and common names, protected status (red lists, regulations), biological status in France, historical and contemporary.

Boletus ( Suillelus ) erythroteron VS Suillellus luridus

Neoboletus luridiformis, also previously known as Boletus luridiformis and (invalidly) as Boletus erythropus, is a fungus of the bolete family, all of which produce mushrooms with tubes and pores beneath their caps.It is found in Northern Europe and North America, and is commonly known as the scarletina bolete, for its red pores (yellow when young). [citation needed] Other common names is: red. Record Details: Boletus luridus var. erythrentheron (Bezděk) Pilát & Dermek [as 'erythroteron'], Fungorum Rariorum Icones Coloratae 9: 20 (1979). Basionym: Boletus erythrentheron Bezděk 1901. Citations in published lists or literature: Index of Fungi 4: 589; Page Image in Published List Position in classification: Boletus luridus subsp. erythroteron (Bezdk) Hlaváek, 1995 Dataset GBIF Backbone Taxonomy Rank SUBSPECIES Classification kingdom Fungi. Boletus luridus var. erythroteron (Bezdek) Pilat & Dermek. Current Name: Suillellus luridus (Schaeff.) Murrill, Mycologia 1 (1): 17 (1909) Synonymy: Boletus erythrentheron Bezděk, Houby jedlé a jim podobné jedovaté: 181 (1901) Boletus fuliginascens Secr., Mycogr. Suisse 3: 25 (1833) Boletus luridus Schaeff., Fung. bavar. palat. nasc. (Ratisbonae) 4: 78 (1774)

Boletus luridus características, propiedades y posibles confusiones

Boletus luridus [ Basidiomycota > Boletales > Boletaceae > Boletus . . . by Michael Kuo. This impressive mushroom, associated primarily with oaks in eastern North America, is a blue-staining bolete with a red to orange pore surface, a brown to brownish cap, and a stem decorated with prominent reddish reticulation.Several North American species will meet this broad description, and most of them. Boletus List of species currently available (click on the picture or text to access corresponding species) Boletus luridus var. erythroteron (Bezděk) Pilát & Dermek [as 'Boletus luridus var. erythrentheron'], (1979) Editorial comment: ORTHOGRAPHIC VARIANT RECORD - please do not try to interpret any data on this page or on any of the linked pages. Basionym: Boletus erythrentheron Bezděk 1901. Boletus luridus is found under beech, lime and oak trees, mainly in areas of chalky soil. It is sometimes mistakenly identified as Suillellus satanas, which is known to be poisonous, but the very pale lumpy cap of Rubroboletus satanas distinguishes it from the Lurid Bolete.

Boletusluridus_53 Boletus luridus Lurid bolete Slo. noro… Flickr

Boletus luridus Schaeff. : Fr. Cap up to 15 cm, at first hemispherical, later convex to flat-convex, yellowish, yellow, olivaceous yellow, greyish yellow, greyish ochraceous, olivaceous grey, sometimes with darker spots, yellow with pinkish or flesh-coloured areas or almost entirely flesh coloured, or red, cap surface blueing when bruised. outlined red network upon a red ground, covering the Mycol Progress surface up to the stipe base (Fig. 6b); however, in many (1901) [= Boletus luridus var. erythroteron (Bezdĕk) Pilát cases the reticulum is restricted to the upper part of the stipe, & Dermek (Dermek 1979); = Boletus luridus subsp. and is weakly defined (Fig. 6a); the.