Catalina Rivas è la fondatrice dell'Apostolato della Nuova Evangelizzazione, un'associazione di laici, approvata dalla Chiesa, sin dal 1999. Oggi è diffusa in molti Paesi. Catalina Rivas ( La Paz, Bolivia, 25 de noviembre de 1944) es una mística católica, misionera, conferencista y escritora boliviana reconocida porque afirma tener estigmas y recibir visiones de Jesús y la Virgen María, sobre las cuales ha escrito varios libros. 1 2 3 4 Biografía
Catalina Rivas le promesse di Gesù e del SS. Sacramento
In March 1993, Catalina Rivas, who at that time was living in Cochabamba, was dealing with a family tragedy and, as she opened herself to God's Mercy, was profoundly moved onto a conversion journey back to God. Later in 1993, Catalina began to receive messages from Jesus and the Blessed Mother. In 1994, Catalina traveled to Conyers, Georgia. #catalinarivas Catalina Rivas es una mujer boliviana, mística católica y escritora, reconocida por sus estigmas y recibir visiones de Jesús y la Virgen María. The messages underscored the importance of praying the Rosary, particularly in praying for peace in the world. These messages echoed the messages given by the Virgin Mary at Fatima, Portugal in 1917. We have compiled into this booklet a number of these messages. In April 1998, the Archbishop of Cochabamba, gave his Imprimatur to the books from. Catalina Rivas says when Jesus dictates to her, her heart begins to beat very fast during this time… In the spring of 1999, Fox TV Network investigated the events in Cochabamba, including a bleeding statue of Christ, and found astonishing results from independent medical testing of Catalina Rivas concerning her claims of mystical experiences.
Catalina Rivas. MLCEJ (Parte 1) YouTube
Catalina Rivas of Cochabamba, Bolivia, who now dwells in Mérida, Yucatán, México. She is said to receive Messages from Jesus, Mary, and the angels. She has the approval of her Bishop, René Fernández Apaza, who has given his imprimatur to her Messages. The following text is the reproduction of booklet, "The Holy Mass," in which Our Lord. di Catalina Rivas. 24 GIUGNO 2022 Prendi, Gesù, il mio cuore. Dio non sceglie in base. continua. Editrice Ancilla vendita on line libri cattolici e articoli religiosi. 1K Share 29K views 11 months ago Después de escuchar este testimonio de Catalina Rivas, la manera en la que veremos a la Santa Misa y al Santísimo será muy diferente. Te invito a que lo veas de. August 25, 2019 ·. THE FIRST LOCUTION OF JESUS TO CATALINA: PRAY THE OUR FATHER. SM-5 20-Nov-93. 9:30 p.m. CATALINA speaks:1) (I finished praying and I feel a strong but sweet pain in my chest, as if something was breaking inside of me and it rises toward my throat. I experience an emotion and I spontaneously start to cry; I feel a.
Catalina Rivas Współcześnie Żyjąca Boliwijska Stygmatyczka cz2 YouTube
Born Bolivia edit data Catalina Rivas, a housewife and grandmother from Cochabamba, Bolivia, who began receiving messages from Jesus and Mary in 1993 and who continues to receive messages. Below are some of the details of how the messages began… Catalina Rivas vive in Bolivia. Nei primi anni '90 Gesù la chiama ad essere "la sua segretaria" chiedendole di trascrivere i messaggi che Egli le detta e di trasmetterli al mondo. Gesù a Catalina: "Desidero fare del laico un essere che, avendo la conoscenza dei misteri del Regno, delle cose a cui non ha potuto avere accesso per sua.
Catalina Rivas: messaggi e profezie La mistica boliviana ci riferisce le parole di Gesù e della Madonna che ci preparano agli avvenimenti che ci attendono Preghiera 24 settembre 1996 Gesù "La preghiera è onnipotente e […] ottiene tutto. Io vi dico: chiedete e riceverete. The books with the words of Jesus and Mary to Catalina are available on this web site for free to read and to print copies to be shared with others." Note: This Text was extracted from the webpage: Etsy Online Store. Rosario Mariano Online Store. Doble Click En La Foto Para.
Catalina Rivas: Ciò che avviene nella Santa Messa Meravigliosa catechesi di Gesù e della Vergine Maria sulla conoscenza di ciò che avviene nella Santa messa e sul modo di viverla con il cuore Sorry, nothing here! Catalina Rivas did not finish high school yet in less than thirds years she features written eight books. In two weeks, her has scripted by hand 900 pages. The content talks via theology, sociology, the human life and Divine Spirituality. When you perceive that she doesn't have the background, she has never written anything the then she comes.