Practice Radical Compassion Be Kind to Cockroaches PETA

Here's a list of translations. Italian Translation. scarafaggio. More Italian words for cockroach. lo scarafaggio noun. beetle, roach. la blatta noun. Ready to learn "Cockroach" and 26 other words for Wild Animals in Italian? Use the illustrations and pronunciations below to get started.

Giant, Red Roaches Invade Italy

cockshead. cockshy. cockspur. cocksucker. cocksure. cocksureness. cocktail. Translations into more languages in the English-Turkish dictionary. Translation for 'cockroach' in the free English-Italian dictionary and many other Italian translations. cockroach translate: scarafaggio, scarafaggio. Learn more in the Cambridge English-Italian Dictionary. cockroach. n scarafaggio, blatta. Translation English - Italian Collins Dictionary. "cockroach": examples and translations in context. My favorite cockroach owes his existential existence to a journal. Il mio scarafaggio preferito deve la sua esistenza esistenziale a un quaderno. I saw a cockroach in there. Ho visto uno scarafaggio li dentro. Italian Translation of "COCKROACH" | The official Collins English-Italian Dictionary online. Over 100,000 Italian translations of English words and phrases.

The Cockroach Portfolio

Translation of "cockroach" into Italian . scarafaggio, blatta, bacarozzo are the top translations of "cockroach" into Italian. Sample translated sentence: She looks satisfied when she catches a cockroach. ↔ Lei sembra soddisfatta quando riesce a prendere uno scarafaggio. English-Italian Dictionary | cockroach.. cockroach: Inglese: Italiano: oriental cockroach, oriental roach, blackbeetle, black beetle n (large insect) scarafaggio orientale nm : blatta orientale nf: water bug, waterbug n: US (oriental cockroach) scarafaggio nero comune nm : Manca qualcosa di importante? Segnala un errore o suggerisci. Translations for cockroach in the Italian » English Dictionary (Go to English » Italian) Show summary of all matches. Your search term in other parts of the dictionary. blatta. cockroach. bacherozzo ( scarafaggio) cockroach. scarafaggio. cockroach. Translation of "cockroach" in Italian. Noun. scarafaggio m blatta f. bacarozzo m. Show more. My favorite cockroach owes his existential existence to a journal. Il mio scarafaggio preferito deve la sua esistenza esistenziale a un quaderno. I saw a cockroach in there. Ho visto uno scarafaggio li dentro.

Cockroach history and some interesting facts

Informal Ways to Say Cockroach in Italian. If you're engaged in casual conversation or want to adopt a more relaxed tone, you may prefer using an informal term for cockroach. In Italian, the informal word for cockroach is "cafardo." This term is commonly used among friends or in everyday situations. Below is an example of how you can. Translation of "cockroaches" in Italian. Noun. scarafaggi blatte. scarafaggio. My house is full of white cockroaches. La mia casa. è piena di scarafaggi bianchi. Your enemies have heard and fled like cockroaches. I tuoi nemici lo hanno sentito e come scarafaggi sono fuggiti. Cockroach in Italian: What's Italian for cockroach? If you want to know how to say cockroach in Italian, you will find the translation here. You can also listen to audio pronunciation to learn how to pronounce cockroach in Italian and how to read it. We hope this will help you to understand Italian better. Traduzione di "cockroach" in italiano. Sostantivo. scarafaggio m blatta f. bacarozzo m. My favorite cockroach owes his existential existence to a journal. Il mio scarafaggio preferito deve la sua esistenza esistenziale a un quaderno. I saw a cockroach in there. Ho visto uno scarafaggio li dentro. When cockroach allergens were inhaled.

Why Cockroaches Survive Toughest Creature On The Earth

A. defiant. B. eloquent. C. extroversive. D. butch. Synonyms for. How to say cockroach in Italian? What's the Italian translation of cockroach? And that there is also one cockroach species listed as endangered: the Gerlach's cockroach. English: cockroach (cock-rowtch) Turkish: hamamböceği (ha-mam-botcheyi) German. Italian: lo scarafaggio (loh ska-ra-fa-jho) Brazilian Portuguese: a barata (ah ba-ra-ta) European Portuguese: a barata (ah ba-ra-ta)