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Inglese: colpevole agg (responsabile) at fault adj : Una madre riconosce sempre quando un figlio ha un'espressione colpevole. ⓘ Questa frase non è una traduzione della frase inglese. It's hard to determine who is at fault in this situation. colpevole nmf (responsabile) (person responsible for wrong doing) guilty party, culprit n (legal) Noun guilty convicted culpable responsible sinful delinquent culprit blame guilt perpetrator perp offender Show more Incluso il fatto che è colpevole dell'omicidio. Including the fact that he's guilty of the murder. Se è colpevole, solo una cosa. Officer, if you're guilty, there's only one thing to do. Ha mentito per sembrare meno colpevole.

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noun [ masculine-feminine ] (responsabile) guilty party, culprit (Translation of colpevole from the GLOBAL Italian-English Dictionary © 2018 K Dictionaries Ltd) Translation ofcolpevole | PASSWORD Italian-English Dictionary colpevole adjective culpable [adjective] guilty [adjective] colpevole British English: culprit / ˈkʌlprɪt / NOUN The person who committed a crime or did something wrong can be referred to as the culprit. We do not know who the culprits are. American English: culprit / ˈkʌlprɪt / Arabic: مُذْنِب Brazilian Portuguese: acusado Chinese: 刑事被告 Croatian: krivac Czech: viník Danish: gerningsmand adj. Guilty "colpevole": examples and translations in context See how "colpevole " is translated from Italian to English with more examples in context sinful delinquent culprit blame guilt perpetrator perp offender Mostrare più Incluso il fatto che è colpevole dell'omicidio. Including the fact that he's guilty of the murder. Se è colpevole, solo una cosa. Officer, if you're guilty, there's only one thing to do. Ha mentito per sembrare meno colpevole. He lied to make himself look less culpable.

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What is the translation of "colpevole" in English? it volume_up colpevole = en volume_up guilty Translations Pronunciation Examples Translator Phrasebook open_in_new IT "colpevole" in English volume_up colpevole {adj. m/f} EN volume_up guilty culpable responsible irresponsible volume_up colpevole {adj.} EN volume_up peccant volume_up colpevole {m} adjective /kol'pevole/ persona(responsabile di una colpa) at fault, guilty essere colpevole di calunniato be guilty of libel giudicareqlcu colpevoleto find sb guilty atto(che costituisce una colpa) culpable, guilty, blameworthy comportamentocolpevoleculpable behavior American English: culprit / ˈkʌlprɪt / Arabic: مُذْنِب Brazilian Portuguese: acusado Chinese: 刑事被告 Croatian: krivac Czech: viník Danish: gerningsmand Look up the Italian to English translation of colpevole in the PONS online dictionary. Includes free vocabulary trainer, verb tables and pronunciation function. colpevole - Translation from Italian into English | PONS English Deutsch български Ελληνικά English Español Français Italiano

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culpable adj colpevole noun, masculine offender n less common: culprit n · perpetrator n © Linguee Dictionary, 2023 External sources (not reviewed) Many translated example sentences containing "colpevole" - English-Italian dictionary and search engine for English translations. Quick translation of colpevole into English, pronunciation, word forms and examples of use. Italian-English free dictionary. agg. e s.m. e f. Responsabile di una colpa. agg. Imputabile a colpa: atto c. ' colpevole ' si trova anche in questi elementi: colpevole. 1 agg guilty. dichiarare qn colpevole (di qc) to find sb guilty (of sth) dichiararsi colpevole to plead guilty. colpevole di omicidio guilty of murder. 2 sm/f culprit. non hanno trovato il colpevole they haven't found the culprit. traduzione dizionario Italiano - Inglese Collins. !

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colpevole (plural colpevoli, superlative colpevolissimo) guilty Synonym: colpabile; Derived terms [edit] colpevolezza; colpevolmente; incolpevole; Noun [edit] colpevole m or f by sense (plural colpevoli) culprit; Further reading [edit] colpevole in Treccani.it - Vocabolario Treccani on line, Istituto dell'Enciclopedia Italiana Colpevole in English: What does colpevole mean in English? If you want to learn colpevole in English, you will find the translation here, along with other translations from Italian to English. You can also listen to audio pronunciation to learn how to pronounce colpevole in English and how to read it. We hope this will help you in learning languages.