The Nativity (also known as The Holy Night (or La Notte) or as Adoration of the Shepherds) is a painting finished around 1529-1530 by the Italian painter Antonio da Correggio. It is housed in the Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister, Dresden . Copy by Theresa Concordia Mengs, circa 1746 L' Adorazione dei pastori (conosciuta anche come La Notte, in contrapposizione al Giorno) è un dipinto a pittura a olio su tavola (256,5x188 cm) di Correggio, databile al 1525 - 1530 circa e conservato nella Gemäldegalerie di Dresda. È in assoluto uno dei capolavori di tutta la produzione del Correggio e uno degli esempi più affascinanti del gen.
Correggio (14891534) Madonna col Bambino tra due angeli musicanti
Correggio, (born August 1494, Correggio [now in Emilia-Romagna, Italy]—died March 5, 1534, Correggio), most important Renaissance painter of the school of Parma, whose late works influenced the style of many Baroque and Rococo artists. The episode, taken from the book of Judith (Jdt. 13:18) is that of the slaying of Nebuchadnezzar's fierce general who was about to destroy the Israelites, but who, seduced by the daring woman in order to save his people, welcomes her into his tent at night and then is beheaded by her in his sleep. Antonio da Correggio Italian Renaissance Painter Born: August 30, 1489 - Correggio, Italy Died: March 5, 1534 - Correggio, Italy Movements and Styles: High Renaissance , The Baroque Antonio da Correggio Summary Accomplishments Important Art Biography Influences and Connections Useful Resources Summary of Antonio da Correggio THE HOLY NIGHT (LA NOTTE) Estelle M. Hurll Painting In the northern part of Italy is the little town of Correggio, which gave its name to the painter whose works we are to study. His real name was Antonio Allegri, but in the sixteenth century a man would often be called by a nickname referring to some peculiarity, or to his birthplace.
Marco Ligabue a Correggio La Notte Bianca YouTube
The Holy Night Antonio da Correggio 1522 - 1530 Old Masters Picture Gallery, Dresden State Art Museums Dresden, Germany Correggio 's "Holy Night" was already a famous painting when it was. The Nativity (also known as The Holy Night (or La Notte) or as Adoration of the Shepherds) is a painting finished around 1529-1530 by the Italian painter Antonio da Correggio.It is housed in the Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister, Dresden.. The work was commissioned from Correggio in October 1522 by Alberto Pratoneri for the family chapel in the church of San Prospero of Reggio Emilia: completed. Email:
[email protected] / Phone: +44 7429 011000 Antonio Allegri, largely known as Correggio, was an Italian painter and draftsman. Born in 1494 in Emilia-Romagna, Italy, he was a renowned painter of the school of Palma of the High Italian Renaissance, whose works inspired the style of Rococo and Baroque artists. "La Notte" del Correggio E' uno dei dipinti più famosi del pittore correggese Antonio Allegri detto il Correggio (1489-1534), originariamente custodito all'interno della Basilica di San Prospero di Reggio Emilia. Reggio Emilia Dove si trova Gemäldegalerie - Dresda Cenni storici
The picture of La Notte illustrates very strikingly an artistic quality for which Correggio is famous. This is chiaroscuro , or the art of light and shadow,—the art by which the objects and figures of a [6] picture are made to seem enveloped in light and air, as in the actual world. Correggio, Il Giorno (Madonna del San Girolamo) (olio su tavola, 205 x 141 cm; Parma, Galleria Nazionale) È uno dei paradigmi di solare pienezza pittorica, lodato nei secoli.
Probably Correggio's most famous picture, known as 'La Notte' ('The Night') since at least 1619. Commissioned by Alberto Pratoneri for his chapel in San Prospero, the most important church in Reggio, on 24 October 1522 for 208 lire in old Reggio coin; but probably not delivered until 1530, when building work on the chapel, dedicated. La adoración de los pastores (en italiano, L'Adorazione dei pastori) llamada La noche ( La notte) es un famoso cuadro del pintor italiano Antonio Allegri da Correggio. Está realizado al óleo sobre tabla y tiene las siguientes dimensiones: 256 cm de alto por 188 cm de ancho.
Galleria Metallica Wall Street International Magazine
the holy night (la notte) on correggio's character as an artist; st. catherine reading; on books of reference; the marriage of st. catherine; historical directory of the pictures of this collection; s. paolo, parma; outline table of the principal events in correggio's life; diana; list of contemporary italian painters; st. john the evangelist. Die Heilige Nacht (Correggio) Das Gemälde Die Heilige Nacht von Correggio befindet sich in der Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister in Dresden . Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Bildbeschreibung 2 Geschichte des Bildes 2.1 Entstehung 2.2 Wirkung 2.3 Besitzer 3 Weblinks 4 Einzelnachweise Bildbeschreibung „ Die heil. Nacht. Der Stall bildet eine Ruine mit Säulen.