Addominali in piedi 13 Esercizi Spiegati Passo Passo dal Trainer You

Una guida per eseguire in maniera ottimale gli esercizi in palestra, fondamentale per i neofiti. Show more Show more © 2023 Google LLC il percorso più adatto a te!#crunchInPiedi #personalTrainer #workoutIn questo video Sharon Fitness Coach, personal t.

Crunch in piedi YouTube

Come si esegue il Crunch diagonale in piedi - esercizio per allenare gli AddominaliEsecuzione del Crunch diagonale in piedi:1. Rimani in posizione eretta, t. Crunch classico. Sdraiarsi a terra supini e con la pianta dei piedi poggiata sul pavimento, alla larghezza dei fianchi. Piegare le ginocchia e posizionare le braccia incrociate sul petto. Contrarre gli addominali e inspirare. Espirare e sollevare la parte superiore del corpo, mantenendo la testa e il collo rilassati. Crunch in piedi con gamba tesa. Sempre dalla posizione eretta, con le gambe alla stessa larghezza delle spalle, contrai il core e solleva una gamba dritta davanti a te e porta le mani a toccare la punta dei piedi. Ripeti lo stesso movimento con la gamba opposta. Crunch in piedi Anche detti standing crunch, gli addominali in piedi vengono spesso utilizzati in fase di riscaldamento nei circuiti a corpo libero e consistono nel replicare il normale.

Crunch con piedi su fitball

Brace your core. Crunch your ribs toward your pelvis using your abdominal muscles to initiate and complete the movement. Exhale as you come up and keep your neck straight, chin up. Hold at the top of the movement for a few seconds, breathing continuously. Lower slowly back down, but don't relax all the way. How to Do the Crunch. Step 1 — Lie on your back. Bend your knees and plant your feet hip-width apart. Place your fingertips just above your ears with your elbows splayed wide, pulling them back. Reverse Crunch. If you experience neck or lower-back pain, start in a reverse table-top position with legs bent in the air at 90-degrees, head down, and back flushed to the mat, says Lapaix. Tighten your abs and push your lower back flat against the mat the entire time you're performing crunches to ensure your core stays engaged. If you don't have an exercise mat, then lay out a soft towel or do crunches on a carpeted floor so you're more comfortable. 2. Bend your knees so your feet are flat on the floor.

Crunch a gambe alte con tocco della punta dei piedi esercizio per

What Are Crunches? Crunches, also known as abdominal crunches, are a core exercise designed to target your abdominal muscles—specifically your rectus abdominis (the six-pack muscle) and your obliques. Perform crunches by lying face-up with your feet hip-width apart. 1) Standing Obliques Crunch (Crunch laterali da in piedi) — "Partendo dalla posizione eretta, piedi alla ampiezza delle anche, mani dietro la nuca, gomiti ben aperti e addome attivo. Lift your feet up and recline your torso slightly to balance on your tailbone, so your body is at a 45-degree angle. Pull your knees in, while at the same time wrapping your arms around your legs. Contract your abs, then extend your legs as you open your arms to your sides. Repeat for 12-15 repetitions. 9. 291 views 10 months ago Esecuzione corretta del crunch al cavo alto in piedi. Prova il nostro metodo di allenamento per ottenere addominali scolpiti:

Crunch come farlo in modo corretto

Bird dog Mountain climber Side plank rotation Bottom line The crunch is a classic core exercise. It specifically trains your abdominal muscles, which are part of your core. Your core consists not. Lie on your back with your feet flat on the floor, hip-width apart. Bend your knees and place your fingertips behind your ears with your elbows wide open. Take a deep breath in. Breathe out, squeeze your abs and lift your head, neck and shoulders up toward the ceiling. Breathe in and return to the starting position.