Ecce Lignum Crucis (Behold the Wood of the Cross) is a chant antiphon (1) sung during the Veneration of the Cross on Good Friday. Dom Gueranger explains the history and symbolism behind this chant and ceremony: "The holy ceremony of venerating the Cross on Good Friday was first instituted in Jerusalem, in the 4 th century. Text and translations Latin text Ecce lignum crucis, in quo salus mundi pependit. Venite adoremus! German translation Seht das Kreuz, an dem der Herr gehangen, das Heil der Welt. Kommt, lasset uns anbeten! English translation Behold the wood of the cross, on which hung the salvation of the world. Come, let us adore! External links Categories: Texts
Ecce lignum crucis Cloud Hymnal
Ecce lignum crucis GradualeProject 24K subscribers 487 39K views 5 years ago #HebdomadaSancta gp262 The aim of the Graduale project is to record all of the chants contained in the current. .more Ecce lignum Crucis - Antiphona ad detegendam S. CrucemDe solemni S. Crucis adorationeFeria VI in Passione Domini - Wielki PiątekEcce lignum Crucis, in quo sa. Nova Schola GregorianaConductor: Alberto TurcoEcce lignum crucis, in quo salus mundi pependit. Venite adoremus! Painting: detail of "Monks Singing the Office. General Information Title: Ecce lignum Crucis Composer: Anonymous (Gregorian chant) Number of voices: 1v Voicing: Unison Genre: Sacred , Chant Language: Latin Instruments: A cappella First published: 1876 in Cantata Catholica (Bernard Hellebusch), no. 240 Description: for Good Friday . External websites: Original text and translations
"Ecce lignum Crucis, in quo salus mundi pependit" [EXPLORE] Lignum
"Ecce lignum crucis in quo salus mundi pependit. Venite adoremus". ("This is the wood of the cross on which hung the Saviour of the world. Come let us worship"). We heard these words in today's liturgy: this is the wood of the cross. These are the key words of Good Friday. Ecce lignum crucis, in qua salus mundi pependit! Venite adoremus! Today this confession was made in St Peter's Basilica for the first time in the third millennium. On this very day, Good Friday, the same overwhelming truth has been proclaimed on all the continents, in all the countries of the world: Ecce lignum crucis! Ecce lignum crucis - Crux fidelis Adrian Willaert (c. 1490-1562) ©2005 Paul R Marchesano May be freely copied for nonprofit use Antiphon and Hymn - Veneration of the Cross Good Friday Solemn Service Behold the wood of the cross On which hung the Savior of the world Come, let us worship. Faithful cross, Noblest of trees, Ecce lignum Crucis Version. Solesmes 1961; Usage. Antiphona; Sources. The Liber Usualis, Solesmes, 1961, p. 735; Download. GABC; PDF; SVG; EPS; PNG; Open with.
Ecce lignum Crucis Version: Dominican Varia Officium Hebdomadæ Sanctæ O.P. (Fernandez), Dominican, 1965, p. 177. Lyrics: Ec Celebrans ce lignum Cru Cantor cis, in Omnes quo salus mundi pepéndit: veníte, adorémus. (english). Ecce lignum Crucis, in quo salus mundi pepéndit. Ve Omnes: níte, adorémus. (english) Behold the wood of the Cross, on which hangs the salvation of the world. VeAll:Come, let us worship. (spanish) He aquí el madero de la Cruz, del que pende la salvación del mundo. VeTodos:Venid, adoremos.
Ecce lignum Crucis 00:00 See details Lyrics All Products (1) Ecce lignum Crucis [MP3] from Cantemus Domino $1.29 30102270 DIGITAL Add to cart Find Ecce lignum Crucis in: Lyrics Pependit Venite, adoremus Ecce lignum Crucis In quo salus mundi Pependit Venite, adoremus Ecce lignum Crucis In quo salus mundi Pependit Venite, adoremus Be a Peter or a John; hasten to the Sepulchre, running together, running against one another, vying in the noble race. And even if you be beaten in speed, win the victory of zeal; not Looking into the tomb, but Going in.
Christ reigns from the Tree "Ecce lignum crucis, in quo sa… Flickr
Ecce lignum Crucis Version. Solesmes 1974; Usage. Antiphona; Tags. Hebdomada Sancta; Sources. Graduale Romanum, Solesmes, 1974, p. 174; Download. GABC; PDF; SVG; EPS. ADORATIO SANCTAE CRUCIS Celebrans incipit invitationem Ecce lignum Crucis, eum adiuvantibus in cantu ministris sacris, vel si casus fert, schola. Omnes respondent: Venite, adoremus. Deinde celebrans, altius quam prima, incipit: Ecce lignum Crucis, aliis cantantibus et adorantibus ut supra.