La Fondazione Imago Mundi è un'istituzione non profit che congiunge alla valorizzazione della Imago Mundi Collection la produzione di nuove mostre e la divulgazione dell'arte visiva contemporanea e dei suoi linguaggi. Scopri di più Magazine Studio Visits Where Things Happen Reportage dagli studi d'artista Interviste Features La Fondazione Imago Mundi is a not for profit institution that unites the valorization of the Imago Mundi Collection and the production of exhibitions and the dissemination of contemporary visual arts and its languages. Discover more Magazine Studio visits Where Things Happen Reportages from artists' studios ARTISTS INTERVIEWS Features
Fondazione Imago Mundi Website English Language
Fondazione Imago Mundi is a non-profit institution born in 2019 in Treviso as an evolution from the Imago Mundi Collection, with the aim to act as a new catalyst for artistic expressions and cultural exchange in a highly interconnected world. Born from an idea of Luciano Benetton in 2006, Imago Mundi Collection is today an encyclopedic catalog of the global contemporary artistic production. Artworks Explore the collection Reload artworks Catalogues Explore the catalogues Meet the Artists View projects TerraForms The collection of maps created by artists from all over the world Fondazione Imago Mundi's exhibitions expand, deepen and renew the research on contemporary artistic languages with artworks in various formats and media starting from one or more of the Imago Mundi Collection. Fondazione Imago Mundi - Gallerie delle Prigioni, Treviso, Italy. 51,573 likes · 27 talking about this · 493 were here. Fondazione d'arte contemporanea.
Fondazione Imago Mundi Map of the New Art
Contemporary Art Foundation in Treviso (Italy) Fondazione Imago Mundi is a non-profit contemporary art foundation that promotes, from an international perspective, the research, production and communication of contemporary art, organizing. Fondazione Imago Mundi è un'istituzione non profit nata nel 2019 come evoluzione della Collezione Imago Mundi, collezione d'arte contemporanea creata nel 2013 da un'idea di Luciano Benetton. Contemporary Art Foundation in Treviso (Italy) Receive up-to-date information on the activities of Fondazione Imago Mundi.
Fondazione Imago Mundi
From 15 October to 11 December 2022, visit a new contemporary art exhibition entitled Europe doesn't fall from the sky in the historic center of Treviso, organized by Fondazione Imago Mundi and born from a collaboration with Comune di Treviso. Free entry. 15 October - 11 December 2022 The latest Tweets from Fondazione Imago Mundi (@fond_imagomundi). Contemporary Art Foundation. Research, dialogue and expressive diversity. From an idea of Luciano Benetton. Discover our art exhibition ⤵️. Gallerie delle Prigioni, TV
Marco Pavan / Fondazione Imago Mundi. Each single cultural collection is curated by a local curator (they can be an artist, an art expert, a museum director), who is responsible for selecting between 140 and 210 artists. The artists can create the work in any media and on any theme, but they are asked to stick to the small dimensions of 10x 12 cm. With the development of the Imago Mundi project, it was a natural progression to find a dedicated space for it, so in April 2018 we inaugurated the Gallerie delle Prigioni and, the following year, the Fondazione Imago Mundi was established. These steps have given new impetus to the entire project.
Mission, team and exhibition venue of Fondazione Imago Mundi
37K Followers, 1,850 Following, 3,368 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Fondazione Imago Mundi | Gallerie delle Prigioni | Treviso (@fondazioneimagomundi) Il progetto, nato dalla collaborazione fra il Liceo Artistico Statale di Treviso e Fondazione Imago Mundi, trae ispirazione dall'ultima mostra realizzata presso le Gallerie "La guerra è finita! La pace non è ancora iniziata" ed è un tentativo di attualizzare e riflettere sui temi profondi che riguardano il nostro presente.