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Impugnatura The handle of a fork is translated as impugnatura or manico. The first is a feminine word, while the second is masculine. L'impugnatura The handle Il manico The handle Il manico della forchetta è fatto di plastica. The handle of this fork is made of plastic. noun / foːk/ an instrument with two or more pointed pieces for piercing and lifting things forchetta He prodded at his food with a fork We usually eat with a knife, fork and spoon. the point at which a road, river etc divides into two or more branches or divisions biforcazione a fork in the river.

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Italian Translation forchetta More Italian words for fork la forcella noun wishbone, crotch, merrythought la forchetta noun fork il bivio noun crossroads biforcarsi verb fork la forca noun gallows, gibbet, pitchfork, crotch la biforcazione noun forking, turning, crutch il forcone noun pitchfork inforcare verb get on, pitchfork Find more words! fork Dictionary Sentences Conjugation Grammar Thesaurus Italian translation of 'fork' Word Frequency fork [fɔːk ] noun (for eating) forchetta (for gardening) forca ⧫ forcone m (in road) bivio ⧫ biforcazione f mix it with a fork mescolalo con una forchetta take the left fork al bivio volta a sinistra intransitive verb (road) biforcarsi phrasal verbs Nella descrizione in inglese: bifurcate - pitchfork - prong - tine - utensil Italiano: biforcazione - forca - forcella - forchetta - ramificare - bivio - dividere - biforcare - corista - diapason - diramare - diramazione - falce - forchettata - forchettone - forcone - inforcare - inforcatura - scucire - sganciare - snocciolare - spendere - tridente fork. 1 n (for eating) forchetta , (for gardening) forca, forcone m , (in road) bivio, biforcazione f. mix it with a fork mescolalo con una forchetta. take the left fork al bivio volta a sinistra. 2 vi (road) biforcarsi. carving fork n forchettone m. fork out. 1 vt + adv. fam, money, cash sborsare, tirare fuori.

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she stuck her fork into the meat. expand_more conficcò la forchetta nella carne. fork (also: intersection, intersection, junction) volume_up. bivio {m} more_vert. to come to a fork in the road. expand_more arrivare a un bivio. What is "Fork" in Italian and how to say it? Home / American English to Italian / Food / fork What is "Fork" in Italian and how to say it? American English fork Italian la forchetta More Food Vocabulary in Italian American English Italian bread il pane breakfast la colazione fruits i frutti cheese il formaggio egg l'uovo fish il pesce soup la zuppa Sample translated sentence: A fork is an instrument used chiefly for the purpose of putting dead animals into the mouth. ↔ Una forchetta è uno strumento utilizzato principalmente per lo scopo di mettere animali morti in bocca. fork verb noun grammar A pronged tool having a long straight handle, used for digging, lifting, throwing etc. [..] Look up the English to Italian translation of fork in the PONS online dictionary. Includes free vocabulary trainer, verb tables and pronunciation function.

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fork translation | Italian-English dictionary. Dopo il primo fork saprai perché. After the first fork you will know why. Alcuni tipi di file hanno soltanto una resource fork. Some files have only a resource fork. G prende f6 fork il suo vescovo e la torre. G takes f6 forking his bishop and rook. Noun Verb forchetta f forcella f bivio m forca f biforcazione f tavola f diramazione f incrocio m biforcare inforcare Show more Except this is no ordinary fork. Anche se questa non è una forchetta normale. Includes fork, knife, spoon and teaspoon. Composta da: forchetta, coltello, cucchiaio e cucchiaino. /for·chét·ta/ Here are the definite and indefinite articles that must be used with this feminine noun: la forchetta the fork una forchetta a fork le forchette the forks delle forchette (some) forks A few different kinds of forchette with which you may be familiar include: forchetta di plastica = plastic fork forchetta da tavola = dinner fork Italiano Traduzione di "FORK" | La Collins ufficiale Dizionario inglese-italiano on-line. Oltre 100.000 italiano traduzioni di inglese parole e frasi.

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Learn from this free video tutorial how to say fork in italian forchetta Translation English - Italian Collins Dictionary the fork More translations in context: fork, biforcazione nf.. See more translations and examples in context for "the fork" or search for more phrases including "the fork": "fork in the road"