Good Luck Pictures and Graphics Page 3

Schallplatten für den besonderen Sound: entdecken Sie Neuheiten, Klassiker uvm. auf Vinyl. Einzigartige Nostalgie in zeitloser Qualität: Schallplatten online bei Thalia kaufen. #1 Hi everyone, Could anyone finally tell me what preposition to use in what context, when you say good luck? I currently live in the USA, I have lived in the UK before, and I can't seem to figure it out on my own. For instance, I have heard the three following sentences: - Good luck on you paper! - Good luck for your paper!

Good Luck Pictures, Images, Graphics for Facebook, Whatsapp Page 2

6 Answers Sorted by: 15 The most common preposition paired with "good luck" is "to." The meaning is clear enough, but here are a few examples: " Good luck to people selling rubbish plates, but for us it's nothing but bad news." "It's just the way depression works. Meds will fix it. Good luck to you. " #1 1. Do you say, " Good luck (in or on or for??) your exams" ? 2. I am glad to hear that you were really sorry for what you have done. ( Any grammatical mistakes in the above sentence?) Please advise, teachers! Lots and lots of thanks. T Tdol Editor, Staff member Joined Nov 13, 2002 Member Type Native Language British English Current Location. United States. Mar 25, 2019. #4. I think any one would work, but I would use "on", and just a note on using "with". In a certain context the expression "good luck with" can refer to a certain obstacle or potential problem in achieving a result as in, "Good luck with winning the lottery". Not open for further replies. 1 used to say that one hopes someone will succeed We're sorry that you're leaving. Good luck in your new job. 2 informalused to say that one thinks what someone is trying to do is difficult or impossible "I'm planning to ask for a raise." "Oh, really? Well, good luck (to you)." Examples of good luck in a Sentence

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Some examples from the web: Good luck on your test. Good luck on your test tomorrow. Good luck on your paper route. Good luck on your normal Playdate. Good luck on your graduation tomorrow. Good luck on your math test tomorrow. Good luck on your journey, my little adventurer. Good luck on your journeys there, Noodles. good luck with your next job or good luck in your next job? good for your health or good to your health? good luck with your exam or good luck in your exam? good luck in your new or good luck on your new? good luck in school or what do you do after school? Good luck on your exam or Good luck for your exam? NO! A LOT of luck was involved. Best of luck with your writing. I wish you the best of luck, Sid. I wish your friend the best of luck in finding a job that doesn't involve telemarketing. But a person who wants that world populated by like-minded people is simply out of luck. Southern United States - Collard Greens and Black-Eyed Peas. Eating this dish on New Year's Day promises good luck and prosperity: the greens resemble the green of dollar bills and the peas.

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Break a leg! Meaning: "Break a leg" is one of our favorite ways to wish someone good luck. When translated literally, this phrase might seem counterintuitive. But some believe that wishing someone good luck directly can be seen as bad luck, so saying the opposite is believed to bring positive outcomes. New Year's Day meal traditions center around foods that are believed to bring good luck. For many in the southern U.S., that means beans and rice, collard greens, and sometimes cornbread, its. New Year's is a time to reflect on the past and start fresh. To set a good tone for the new year many people make resolutions, while some people participate in traditions to bring them good luck. You probably already know the phrase "Good luck!", which people say to cheer someone on. You may also know "Good luck with (something)": Yeah, good luck with that. But people also say "Good luck in ___" or "Good luck at ___" when a person is leaving to move to a new place: Good luck in Delaware! Good luck at your new job.

Good Luck on Midterms!

1. Input your text below. 2. Get it corrected in a few minutes by our editors. 3. Improve your English! Submit your text now good luck on vs Good luck with A complete search of the internet has found these results: good luck on is the most popular phrase on the web. More popular! good luck on 11,900,000 results on the web "Best of luck" is a great formal phrase we can use to say "good luck" to someone. We use "Best of" in many formal situations to show someone we care enough to wish them well. It also works well when we aren't too familiar with the person we speak to. You don't always have to be familiar with someone to say "best of luck."