Panatta FreeWeight Special Super High Row 1FW003 Panatta Squat rack

The Super High Row is a specific machine for the complete training of the back, given by the synergetic activation of the Latissimus Dorsi, Teres Major, Rhomboid and Trapezius: Seat and knee-stop rollers with gas assisted height adjustment; Depth adjustable chest rest; Independent levers for mono-lateral or bi-lateral exercise; High row The exclusive design of this machine is specific for training all the main muscles of the back, thanks to the synergy activation of the large dorsal, large round, rhomboid and medium and lower trapezius, posterior deltoid; elbow flexor muscles such as brachial and brachioradial biceps are also activate during the movement.

Super High Row Panatta Australia Panatta Australia

1FE006 Selectorized High row convergent The High Row Convergenti is a specific machine for full training of the back, thanks to the synergy in activation of the Latissimus Dorsi, Teres major, and Rhomboid and Trapezius muscles. It stands out for: Height adjustable seat; Knee-stop rollers with additional height adjustable chest rest; Super High Row | Panatta | Free Weight SpecialThe Super High Row is a specific machine for the complete training of the back, given by the synergetic activat. The Super High Row is a specific machine for the complete training of the back, given by the synergetic activation of the Latissimus Dorsi, Teres Major, Rhomboid and Trapezius: SEAT AND KNEE-STOP ROLLERS WITH GAS ASSISTED HEIGHT ADJUSTMENT; DEPTH ADJUSTABLE CHEST REST; INDEPENDENT LEVERS FOR MONO-LATERAL OR BI-LATERAL EXERCISE; 🚨PANATTA SUPER HIGH ROW 🚨LETS KICK off our In Depth Series with this superb Machine! ⬇️The Super High Row is a specific machine for the complete training o.

Panatta Fit Evo High Row Convergent 1FE006 Primo Fitness

The High Row Convergenti is a specific machine for full training of the back, thanks to the synergy in activation of the Latissimus Dorsi, teres major, rhomboid and trapezius muscles. / Prone. The Super High Row is a specific machine for the complete training of the back, given by the synergetic activation of the Latissimus Dorsi, Teres Major, Rhomboid and Trapezius. Muscles Technical Specifications Multimedia // DOWNLOADS General Catalog PDF Cleaning Instructions PDF ECO Line Catalog PDF New Freeweight Products PDF Panatta Plus App PDF Panatta High Row. SKU: 1HP503FM. Pure Muscle + Athletics. * Seat with gas assisted height adjustment. * Rolls and chest support with gas assisted height adjustment. * Large stabilisation platform (optional) * Multiple grip. * Physiological load curve with pantograph progressive system. The High Row Convergent is a specific machine for full training of the back, thanks to the synergy in activation of the Latissimus Dorsi, teres major and rhomboid and trapezius muscles. Features. seat with gas assisted height adjustment; gas assisted knee-stop rollers and additional integrated chest rest


With the High Row, you are free to row while the angle of the machine does its job to put you in a position that targets muscle fibers that are often partially neglected while using free weights - in essence, target muscles that you have never worked out before! Muscles Technical Specifications Multimedia 1HP503 - High row with Oksana Grishina The Fit Evo High Row Convergent is a specific machine for full training of the back, thanks to the synergy in activation of the Latissimus Dorsi, teres major, rhomboid and trapezius muscles. Features height adjustable seat knee-stop rollers with additional height adjustable chest rest independent levers for mono-lateral and bilateral exercises One of the finest pulldown machines made. Try using it this way. It will stimulate growth of the upper and midback. #panatta #panattahighrow #backworkout #. UPER HIGH ROW / 1F W 003 T he Super High Row is a specic machine. for the complete training of the back, giv en. by the synergetic activation of the Latissimus Dorsi, Teres Major, Rhomboid and Trapezius: s eat and knee-st op rollers with gas assisted height adjustment; d epth adjustable chest r est; i ndependent le vers for mono-lateral or bi.

Panatta High Row Gym Solutions

The High Row Convergent is a machine that reproduces the tractions movement along an inclined plane of about 135° degrees. This is an intermediate position between the vertical and the horizontal traction and it is fundamental for the back muscles development such as Gran Dorsal, Rhomboids, Gran Round and Trapezius. HOWARD FENDRICH. Fendrich is an Associated Press national writer based in Washington, D.C. He reports on tennis and other sports. Novak Djokovic, Carlos Alcaraz, Daniil Medvedev and Jannik Sinner are some of the top men entered in the 2024 Australian Open.