6 ways to say no problem in Italian (with AUDIO)

The direct translation for no problem in Italian is nessun problema and unlike English, it can be used in any context, informal or formal. This expression is made up of two words: nessuno, which means nobody, nothing, and problema, which obviously means problem. Nessun problema No problem You will never hear it as "nessuno problema". - Nessun problema. È stato un piacere. Thanks for taking me home. - No problem. It was a pleasure. If you eventually tire of saying non c'è problema all the time and wish to expand your arsenal of phrases, take a look at the expressions below. They all express more or less the same sentiment! Non ti preoccupare. / Non preoccuparti. = Don't worry.

6 ways to say no problem in Italian (with AUDIO)

How Do You Say No Problem in Italian? In Italy, " Non c'è problema " and " Nessun problema " are the two most commonly heard phrases used to express "No problem," effectively dismissing any issue. Just like English, the Italian language offers a variety of ways to convey this concept. How to say "No problem!" in Italian and 26 more useful words. No problem! Italian non c'è problema More Essentials 02 - Sightseer Vocabulary in Italian la carta di credito hospital l'ospedale gents uomini ladies donne Where is the supermarket? Dov'è il supermercato? That one! quello entrance l'entrata exit l'uscita police la polizia How many? no problem See Also in English no noun, adjective no, nessuno, rifiuto, negazione problem noun, adjective problema, difficoltà, difficile, crisi, affare See Also in Italian problema noun problem, issue, question, trouble, case Nearby Translations no pressure no points no place noplace no pity nope no profit nops no purpose nor Nora The word prego actually comes from the first-person singular of the Italian verb pregare, which means to pray. Nowadays, of course, it acquired its own meaning, and it is used both in formal and informal situations to say "you're welcome" in Italian.

How to Say No problem in Italian Clozemaster

no problem at all [example] volume_up. no problem at all (also: no problems at all) volume_up. nessun problema [ex.] more_vert. It is a problem for all of us, but you are, with respect, making it worse. expand_more E'molto facile dire che non sussiste nessun problema o che, se c'è, il problema non ci riguarda. EN. Italian translation of 'problem' Word Frequency problem [ˈprɒbləm ] noun (also mathematics) problema m to have problems with the car avere dei problemi con la macchina my son is a problem mio figlio è un problema the housing problem la crisi degli alloggi to have a drinking problem avere il vizio del bere Italiano: il problema non si pone - nessun problema - non c'è problema - qual è il problema - si figuri - vai tranquillo Nelle liste: Ways of saying sorry and giving forgiveness, altro. Forum discussions with the word (s) 'No problem!' in the title: Discussioni nei forum nel cui titolo è presente la parola 'No problem!': Learn how to say no problem in Italian, how to say it in real life and how you can use Memrise to learn other real Italian phrases.

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Non c'è problema" means " no problem at all '. - Grazie per il tuo aiuto! - Non c'è problema! 6. E di che? E di che? means, literally, what are you thanking me for? and it's used only in informal settings. - Grazie per il tuo aiuto! - E di che? 7. Ci mancherebbe altro! How to say 'No problem!' in Italian 👌- Non c'è problema - Literally: There is no problem!- Non preoccuparti - Literally: Don't worry yourself!- Tranquilla/o. ROME (AP) — Opposition politicians in Italy on Monday demanded that the government, headed by far-right Premier Giorgia Meloni, explain how hundreds of demonstrators were able to give a banned fascist salute at a Rome rally without any police intervention. The rally Sunday night in a working-class neighborhood commemorated the slaying in 1978. "nessun problema" ma colloquialmente usiamo anche but colloquially, we also use "no problem"|@ferdylover224 nessun problema Also Is ok the english "no problem" |@ferdylover224 you can also say " Non c'è problema"

How do you say "No problem" in Italian? HiNative

No, no problem, our schedule's all out of kilter. No, qui abbiamo tutti gli orari sfasati. Display more examples. Suggest an example. Translations in context of "No, no problem" in English-Italian from Reverso Context: it's no problem, there's no problem, that's no problem. prego, nessun problema, non c'è di che are the top translations of "no problem" into Italian. Sample translated sentence: No problem, I'll hold it. ↔ Prego, prego, lo tengo io. no problem adjective interjection grammar easy; not difficult, not posing problems [..] + Add translation English-Italian dictionary prego interjection