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Introducing Yourself Politely. When meeting someone new, it's always a pleasure to introduce yourself politely and make a lasting impression. In Italian, there are several ways to do this. One common phrase you can use is 'Mi chiamo' which means 'My name is.'. For example, you can say 'Mi chiamo Maria' to introduce yourself as Maria. And your name is…? - Paolo, pleasure to meet you! - Hi Paolo! You can use this form when the person told you their name 10 minutes ago but you've forgotten it. You can use the verb chiamare (ti chiami…), essere (tu sei…) or even ask them to repeat their name.

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Full Playlist: these Italian Lessons !!! Check out the official app http://app. The most common way to say " Hello, my name is" in Italian is " Buongiorno, mi chiamo." and then say your name loudly and clearly. Mumbling it defeats the purpose of the introduction. Read on for a quick and easy guide on how to start a proper self-introduction in Italian, and get ready for the next time you meet somebody new! 3 Answers. Sorted by: 9. "Qual è il tuo nome?" is correct, but it's rarely used. "Come ti chiami?" is more frequent. Moreover, please note that while in English "You" is used even with strangers, in Italian there's a difference: If you know who you're talking with, or you're in a very informal context, you have to use the second person. You don't need to ask for their name because they will give it to you before you can ask. Piacere, Mario. Nice to meet you, I'm Mario. (No, Mario isn't really a common name, but it's the first one that comes to mind…) Interestingly, this form could also be translated as What's his/her name?.

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English Italian Contextual examples of "what's your name?" in Italian . These sentences come from external sources and may not be accurate. is not responsible for their content. Learn Italian with One Minute Languages!In lesson 6 you will learn to introduce yourself and ask other people their names. Click "Show More" to see the words. In this video, I tell you how to say what is your name in Italian. I go over the 2 different ways to say this phrase in the language, and tell you the situat. a little. un po'. I don't know. Non lo so. I have been here 5 days. Sono qui da cinque giorni. Learn the word for "What's your name?" in 45 More Languages.

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what is your name. Italian Translation. come ti chiami. Find more words! Another word for Opposite of Meaning of Rhymes with Sentences with Find word forms Translate from English Translate to English Words With Friends Scrabble Crossword / Codeword Words starting with Words ending with Words containing exactly Words containing letters Pronounce. (What's your name?). For even more daily Italian words and phrases, subscribe to our newsletter! Basic Italian Phrases: "Come ti chiami?" Learn more! If you've just met someone new in Italy, one of the first things you'll want to find out in order to avoid an embarrassing situation in the future is their name!. Translations of "what is your name" into Italian in sentences, translation memory. " What is your name, Lady Corvyn? « Qual è il vostro nome, Lady Corvyn? What is your name ? Come ti chiami ? What is your name, and why have you come?'. Qual è il vostro nome, e perché siete qui?». Azalea said, " What is your name ?". Dive into this lesson now and in 5 minutes you'll come out the other side feeling like you travelled to Italy and back.

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Translation of "what's your name?" into Italian . come si chiama?, come ti chiami?, Come ti chiami? are the top translations of "what's your name?" into Italian. Sample translated sentence: I'm sorry, I can't connect you with Sheriff Truman unless you tell me what your name is. ↔ Mi spiace, non posso passarle lo sceriffo Truman se non mi dice come si chiama. Italian form of Callistus. Calogera f Italian. Feminine form of Calogero. Calogero m Italian. From the Late Latin name Calogerus meaning "beautiful elder", from Greek καλός ( kalos) meaning "beautiful" and γέρων ( geron) meaning "old man, elder". This was the name of a 5th-century saint, a hermit of Sicily.