All About Maine Coon Cats

$400 to $2,000 Personality and Temperament Bold features, a thick, luxurious coat, and an incredibly friendly personality set the Maine Coon cat apart from the rest. These gorgeous cats love to play, but they enjoy taking time out for a well-earned nap when the mood strikes. Eine Maine Coon ist erst mit etwa drei Jahren ausgewachsen. Sie zählt neben der Norwegischen Waldkatze und der Ragdoll (lt. offizieller Rassebeschreibung) zu den größten und schwersten Hauskatzen. Ein ausgewachsener Kater kann von Nasen- bis Schwanzspitze über 1,20 Meter lang und in Ausnahmefällen sogar über 12 Kilogramm schwer werden.


Cats and Kittens Cat Breeds Maine Coon Maine Coon View Adoptable Pets for This Breed The Maine Coon is solid, rugged, and can endure a harsh climate. A distinctive characteristic of this cat is the smooth, shaggy coat. This breed is well-proportioned, has a balanced appearance, and has adapted to varied environments. Playfulness Activity Level Characteristics of the Maine Coon Cat. Said to be dog-like in disposition, the Maine Coon cat is intelligent, friendly, and gentle. Laid-back and self-assured, these cats tend to take everything in stride and are great playmates for gentle children. They can usually coexist peacefully with other household pets, including other cats and cat. Die Maine Coon, von ihren Fans auch liebevoll „Coonie" genannt, gehört zu den beliebtesten Katzenrassen Deutschlands. Typisch für die Maine Coon sind große, spitze Pinselohren, ein dichtes, halblanges Fell und vor allem eine beeindruckende Größe: Bis zu 120 Zentimeter lang kann eine Katze dieser Rasse werden. Inhaltsübersicht large: >12 lbs. medium: 8-12 lbs. Coat Length Long Color White, Black, Blue, Red, Cream, Brown, Silver, Tortoiseshell, Bluecream, Golden Less Allergenic No Care Longevity 9-13 yrs.

MaineCoonKatze Wikipedia

The Maine Coon is a large domesticated cat breed. It is one of the oldest natural breeds in North America. The breed originated in the U.S. state of Maine, [3] where it is the official state cat . The Maine Coon is a large and social cat, which could be the reason why it has a reputation of being referred to as "the gentle giant." One of the largest breeds of cat, an adult Maine Coon cat will usually weight anywhere up to 18 pounds for a male, and around 14 pounds for a female. Average full grown weight is from 10 to 20 pounds. These cats usually reach maturity from three years of age, a little slower than other smaller cat breeds. While the largest size can even go. These cats have a life expectancy of 13 to 15 years. Diet and lifestyle may affect your cat's lifespan. The care you give your cat and keeping it away from diseases is important to ensure it remains healthy for a longer period of time. Corduroy, an individual Maine Coon Cat, lived from 1989-2016 and is the oldest recorded Maine Coon Cat. The Maine Coon is a heavily boned, muscular cat. Originally she was an outdoor cat, and later became a working breed who kept barns and homes clear of rodents. The head is large with tall ears. The profile shows a slight dip under the large eyes. The chest is broad, and the legs are thick.

40 Majestic Pictures Of Maine Coon Cats That Are Stunningly Beautiful

Maine Coon cats are obligate carnivores. Feed them high-quality food that has a high protein content of 50% or more, 2-4 times a day. Groom Maine Coons 2-3 times a week to avoid fur matting. Play with your Maine Coon for 30 minutes a day, to prevent obesity. Spend ample time with around your cat. Give a Maine Coon safe access to the outside world. The Maine Coon is a cat breed noted for a particularly large size. Kittens are still vulnerable and unable to survive without their mother before 8 weeks of age. Kittens are unable to regulate their own body temperature and rely on other kittens in the litter to stay warm. Early on they will stay huddled to survive. Besides their typical brown or black color, they can also come with patches of orange or red on their ears, face, legs, and tail. Maine Coons have round heads with big round eyes. They also have muscular bodies with short legs and a long tail that is fluffy at the end. Maine Coons can weigh up to 20 pounds (9kg) when fully grown. 1. Size And Weight Maine Coon cats are the largest domestic cat breed in the world, weighing between 12 - 22lbs. According to The International Cat Association (TICA), the male Maine Coon weighs between 18 - 22 lbs, whilst the female Maine Coon is smaller and weighs 12 - 15 lbs.

Maine Coon Cats Cute Cats

Size: The Maine Coon cat is, without a doubt, a large and imposing breed. Adult males typically weigh between 13 to 18 pounds (5.9 to 8.2 kg), while females generally range from 8 to 12 pounds (3.6 to 5.4 kg). Some individuals can even surpass these weight ranges, occasionally tipping the scales at over 25 pounds. The average male cat weighs 9-10 pounds. Since male Maine Coons are 12-18 pounds on average, they have a distinct weight advantage. But things change a bit when we look at the average female.