La Banda di Harry Spikes - FILM trailer 1974 - YouTube 0:00 / 4:19 La Banda di Harry Spikes - FILM trailer 1974 emil f 11.9K subscribers Subscribe 378 views 1 year ago film Show more Show more. La Banda di Harry Spikes ( The Spikes Gang) è un film del 1974 diretto da Richard Fleischer, con Lee Marvin . Trama Harry Spikes è un furbo e spregiudicato pistolero e rapinatore di banche che, rimasto ferito, viene nascosto e curato da tre adolescenti, Will, Les e Tod, inizialmente all'oscuro del suo passato criminoso.

La banda di Harry Spikes

The Spikes Gang: Directed by Richard Fleischer. With Lee Marvin, Gary Grimes, Ron Howard, Charles Martin Smith. Three farm boys in the Old West help a wounded bank robber who teaches them the trade. After outlaw Harry Spikes is wounded in a gun battle, two runaways help him escape and take him home with them. While Harry is recuperating, he regales the y. Genere: Western Anno: 1974 Paese: USA Durata: 97 min Distribuzione: UA La banda di Harry Spikes è un film di genere western del 1974, diretto da Richard Fleischer, con Robert Beatty e Don. Select the department you want to search in.

La banda di Harry Spikes Film Recensione, dove vedere streaming online

1974 Directed by Richard Fleischer Three boys wanted to be like their hero, Harry Spikes. They got their wish. Soon they were worth a fortune. DEAD or ALIVE. After escaping home, three young friends form a dynamic alliance of untamed youth. They meet an old man named Spikes with the experience only a master gunfighter can offer. The Spikes Gang is a 1974 American Western film directed by Richard Fleischer and starring Lee Marvin.Produced by the Mirisch Company and based on the novel The Bank Robber by Giles Tippette, the supporting cast features Gary Grimes, Charles Martin Smith and Ron Howard.Veteran character actors Arthur Hunnicutt and Noah Beery, Jr. both appear in separate "scene-stealing" performances. The Spikes Gang: Brazil: Os 3 Discípulos da Morte: Bulgaria (Bulgarian title) Бандата на Спайкс: Canada (English title) The Spikes Gang: Denmark: Harry Spikes' bande: Finland (video box title) Rosvoporukka: France: Du sang dans la poussière: France (DVD box title) The Spikes Gang: Hungary: Spikes bandája: Italy: La banda di. La banda di Harry Spikes. ShareThis. Genere: Western. Titolo originale: The Spikes Gang. Produzione: USA. Anno: 1974. Regia: Richard Fleischer. Cast: Lee Marvin, Ron Howard, Gary Grimes, Charles Martin Smith Tre giovani un po' sprovveduti decidono di unirsi a un fuorilegge per formare una banda di rapinatori. Il patto è di separarsi appena.

La banda di Harry Spikes Il Cineocchio

Tre ragazzi, esaltati dalle parole di un incallito rapinatore, decidono di seguire la stessa strada. Finiti in prigione vengono liberati dal bandito col quale si uniscono per formare una banda. Questa è destinata a sciogliersi dopo la prima rapina, e i suoi componenti a restare uccisi. TROVA STREAMING La banda di Harry Spikes è un film del 1974 di genere Western/Azione, diretto da Richard Fleischer, con Lee Marvin, Gary Grimes, Ron Howard, Charles Martin Smith, Arthur Hunnicutt, Noah Beery Jr. They meet an old man named Spikes with the experience only a master gunfighter can offer. The gang of men go on a crime spree and are converted to outlaws with a price on their heads. After escaping home, three young friends form a dynamic alliance of untamed youth. They meet an old man named Spikes with the experience only a master gunfighter. The Spikes Gang is a 1974 American Western film directed by Richard Fleischer and starring Lee Marvin. Produced by the Mirisch Company and based on the novel The Bank Robber by Giles Tippette, the supporting cast features Gary Grimes, Charles Martin Smith and Ron Howard.

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Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for La Banda Di Harry Spikes at Amazon.com. Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users. Amazon.com: Customer reviews: La Banda Di Harry Spikes The Spikes Gang - Crew / Cast: Director: Richard Fleischer, with: Lee Marvin (Harry Spikes), Gary Grimes (Wilson Young), Charles Martin Smith (Tod Hayhew), Ron Howard (Les Richter). omdb. jump to a random movie. Add New Movie. upload image. No Additional Articles create additional article. edit External Links. Entry at Wikipedia;