Lama Michel Rinpoche Place Albagnano Healing Meditation Center (IT) Type Teaching Languages 1 - "Essere regista del proprio film"- Morning inspirations con Lama Michel Watch on 1 - "Essere regista del propio film"- Morning inspirations con Lama Michel - 01/10/2022 at 12:00 am Nov 13, 2022 What are vows and what are they for? Lama Michel Rinpoche explains how vows, our commitments, secure our path. There are three types of vows: there are vows to commit ourselves.
Conferência com Lama Michel Rinpoche (20/07/2019) YouTube
Official english podcast - Ask the Lamas Lama Michel Rinpoche answers some questions on very important topics of life and explains various Buddhist concepts in an extremely clear and simple way. Support Ngalso Channels 3 Luglio 2022 - AHMC Lama Michel Rinpoche toccherà le tematiche principali che caratterizzano il sentiero buddhista con il suo approccio spontaneo e diretto, condividendo la sua esperienza. Welcome to NgalSo Ganden Nyengyu, the spiritual lineage of lama healer T.Y.S. Gangchen Rinpoche, his heart son Lama Michel Rinpoche and his heart daughter Lama Caroline. Ganden Nyengyu is the ear-whispered lineage from Ganden, founded by the great Lama Tsongkhapa in the fourteenth century. Morning Inspirations with Lama Michel - 2022 19 pieces January, 2022 Winter Retreat 2021/2022 : Making peace with the environm. 24 pieces December, 2021 Winter Retreat 2021/2022 : NgalSo Tantric Self-Healing gu. 2 pieces December, 2021 Winter Retreat 2021/2022 : Lojong, Seven-point Mind Train. 27 pieces December, 2021
Lama Michel Rinpoche Buddha della Medicina
Winter Retreat 2021/2022 : NgalSo Tantric Self-Healing guided meditation and first part of Guru Puja - Lama Michel Rinpoche. Masters. Lama Michel Rinpoche; Place. Albagnano Healing Meditation Center (IT). Lama Michel Rinpoche - 12/27/2021 at 12:00 am ITALIANO - NgalSo Self-Healing guided meditation and first part of Guru Puja - Lama Michel. Riflessioni e ispirazioni del lunedì mattina di Lama Michel Tulku Rinpoche. Condensati in un'ora per iniziare una settimana virtuosa e di saggezza.. Morning Inspirations con Lama Michel Rinpoche - 2022 24 episodes.Official english podcast - Ask the Lamas Lama Michel Rinpoche answers some questions on very important topics of life and explains various Buddhist concepts in an extremely clear and simple way. Support Ngalso Channels Ask the Lamas with Lama Michel Tulku Rinpoche podcast on demand - Official english podcast - Ask the Lamas Lama Michel Rinpoche answers some questions on very important topics of life and explains various Buddhist concepts in an extremely clear and simple way. Support Ngalso Channels
Centro Kunpen PRATICA DELL' AUTOGUARIGIONE, Lama Michel Rinpoche YouTube
Morning Inspirations con Lama Michel Rinpoche - 2022 podcast on demand - Riflessioni e ispirazioni del lunedì mattina di Lama Michel Tulku Rinpoche. Condensati in un'ora per iniziare una settimana virtuosa e di saggezza. (2022) Fai una donazione Donazioni per insegnamenti online Scopri di piu sul lignaggio. Watch on 1 - Mercoledì al Kunpen - Lama Michel Rinpoche - 01/12/2022 at 12:00 am ENGLISH - 1 - Mercoledi al Kunpen con Lama Michel Rinpoche 01/12/2022 at 12:00 am 2 - Mercoledì al Kunpen con Lama Michel Rinpoche 01/19/2022 at 12:00 am 2 - ENGLISH - Mercoledì al Kunpen con Lama Michel 01/19/2022 at 12:00 am
Presa di rifugio conferita da Lama Michel Rinpoche - 6 Feb. 2022 NgalSo 104K subscribers Subscribe 124 2.4K views Streamed 1 year ago 6 Feb. 2022 - AHMC Prendere Rifugio in Buddha Dharma. Lama Gangchen Tulku Rinpoche, Thinley Yarpel Lama Shresta, (7.7.1941-18.4.2020), was an important Tibetan lama belonging to the last generation of lamas from the 'old Tibet'. Renowned as a spiritual guide, life teacher and peace educator he is and will remain a point of reference for thousands of people, not only Buddhists, all over the world.
Lama Michel Rinpoche birthday celebration long life puja 2nd July
Lama Michel Rinpoche was born in 1981 in Sao Paulo, Brazil. It is said that Lama Michel chose to be born in Brazil not only to benefit the whole country and South America, but the whole of contemporary society. In 1987, His Eminence Lama Gangchen Rinpoche visited Brazil for the first time, invited by Lama Michel's parents, Bel and Daniel. 0:00 / 1:57:45 8 - I colori della pace - Mercoledì al Kunpen con Lama Michel Rinpoche NgalSo 102K subscribers Subscribe 411 12K views Streamed 1 year ago 16 Marzo 2022 - Kunpen Nonostante.