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Something or someone that is stately is impressive and graceful or dignified. Instead of moving at his usual stately pace, he was almost running. American English: stately / ˈsteɪtli / Brazilian Portuguese: imponente Chinese: 庄严 European Spanish: majestuoso French: imposant German: würdevoll Italian: maestoso Inglese: awe-inspiring - formidable - commanding - dignified - impressive - majestic - regal - stately Forum discussions with the word (s) 'maestoso' in the title: Discussioni nei forum nel cui titolo è presente la parola 'maestoso': No titles with the word (s) 'maestoso'. Non ci sono titoli che contengano la parola/frase 'maestoso'.

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maestoso - translate into English with the Italian-English Dictionary - Cambridge Dictionary maestoso - translate into English with the Italian-English Dictionary - Cambridge Dictionary maestoso - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums. All Free.| OnlineLanguageDictionaries EnglishDictionary| maestoso × Aggettivo majestic magnificent stately impressive imposing mighty grand awe-inspiring maestoso grandiose Mostrare più Le serve qualcosa di più classico e maestoso. Kaylie's a champion, she needs something more classical and majestic. Nel vintage 2013 troverete un vino maestoso. In vintage 2013 you will find a majestic wine.

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Ascoltare: [maesˈtoso] definizione | In inglese | Coniugatore [IT] | Conjugación [ES] | nel contesto | immagini Forme flesse di ' maestoso ' ( adj ): f: maestosa, mpl: maestosi, fpl: maestose Compact Plus Italiano © HarperCollins Publishers 2007: maestoso, -a agg majestuoso (-a) WordReference Italiano-Spagnolo Virtual Dictionary © 2021: Come ricorderete, ad un certo punto del libro 2001, HAL si rende conto che l'universo è troppo grande e maestoso e ampio per quegli stupidissimi astronauti. As you remember, at some point in the book for "2001," HAL realizes that the universe is too big, and grand , and profound for those really stupid astronauts. Look up the Italian to English translation of maestoso in the PONS online dictionary. Includes free vocabulary trainer, verb tables and pronunciation function. 2 meanings: 1. to be performed majestically 2. a piece or passage directed to be played in this way.. Click for more definitions.

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, incorniciato nella montagna. majestic Monastery, framed by the mountain. Un animale. orgoglioso, e nobile. majestic, noble animal. Oggi, direi, è particolarmente. I mean, today just seems especially. majestic Ma, si sa, un vecchio cavallo appare The meaning of MAESTOSO is majestic and stately —used as a direction in music. maestoso in British English. (maɪˈstəʊsəʊ ) music. adjective, adverb. 1. to be performed majestically. noun Word forms: plural -sos. 2. a piece or passage directed to be played in this way. Collins English Dictionary. Many translated example sentences containing "maestoso" - English-Italian dictionary and search engine for English translations.

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Maestoso Definizione: to be performed majestically | Significato, pronuncia, traduzioni ed esempi Maestoso definition: . See examples of MAESTOSO used in a sentence.