Anakin and Padmé wedding. Star wars padme, Star wars ii, Star wars fandom

Welcome to Villa Del Balbianello, Lake Como's Most Famous Movie Set! It is the place where Anakin stole Padme their first kiss, inspired by the romantic scenery surrounding their balcony. Villa del Balbianello is one of the countless glamorous lakeshore villas at Lake Como, but one of those few that is open for the public to visit. It's located on the tip of a small peninsula near Lenno, and there are two ways to get there. It can be approached by boat - like Anakin and Padmé did it a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.

a man and woman kissing on a balcony with flowers in the vases behind them

You surely know that Villa Balbianello was named Lake Retreat in the movie and is the venue Padme and Anikin Skywalker hide while Obi One Kenobi tracked down those responsible for attempting to Amidala's life. But most of all for our story, it is where Anakin Skywalker and Amidala's secret wedding took place. Fictional location: Wedding location of Padmé and Anakin, Naboo Real location: Villa del Balbianello - Lake Como, Italy Located on the banks of Lake Como, Italy, Villa del Balbianello served as the stunning location for Anakin Skywalker and Padme Amidala's hiding place in Attack of the Clones. It's because of the threat on Padme's life that the Jedi Council sends her and Anakin into hiding on Naboo. Did you notice how in Attack of the Clones there are numerous fountains in the Theed plaza? There's really only one | Image by Janie Bedian When they arrive in Theed, Naboo, we see the first Attack of the Clones filming location of the movie. Lake Como, Italy Naboo, Attack of the Clones, Episode II Several scenes on the planet Naboo, including Padmé and Anakin's stay at Varykino Villa, were filmed on the shores of Lake Como,.

Anakin and Padmé lake scene YouTube

Where Anakin and Padmé eloped. Villa del Balbianello, Lake Como, Italy. 249. 17. Star Wars Lucasfilm Epic movie Adventure movie Fantasy movie Sci-fi movie Movie studio Movie. 17 comments. Visited the place a couple of months ago when I was taking a trip in north Italy. Lovely place! Probably not. A t last! It is out on theaters! Long awaited Episode VII of the famous Star Wars saga arrived all over the world. We have been expecting it for a very long time, but now we can all finally know what happened after the Return of the Jedi. But… what Star Wars has to do with Lake Como? Like Anakin & Padmé. If you are near Como, you cant skip this paradise in earth. I am not surprised even Anakin fell in love here Just around 40 min by bus from Como, and an amazing 20 min walk before reaching the villa. When you get there you can find the famous spots from movies, or just sit on a bench and watching the lake for hours. Allegedly the recordings of Padme's family were shot in it. These scenes were later cut out. But the biggest thing was when I stood on the terrace for the first time where Anakin and Padme were getting married. You could just imagine how everyone worked here, where the camera was positioned and so on.

8 RealLife Star Wars Locations You Can Actually Visit Star wars, War

Anakin Skywalker (Hayden Christensen) and Padmé Amidala (Natalie Portman) prepare for battle in 'Star Wars: Attack of the Clones'. Lucasfilm. As a couple, they're an opposites attract dream-team. 10 Villa del Balbianello, Lake Como, Italy. Anakin and Padme's island retreat in Naboo. Shutterstock. Porch of rich Villa del Balbianello, Lenno, Lake Como, Italy. 10 years after the events of the first film, Anakin and Padme are reunited in Episode II: Attack of the Clones, as Anakin is tasked with keeping her safe after an assassination. Anakin and Padme - Naboo Picnic - Meme Scene - For the Better, Right - 4 Panel Clueless Padme - Naboo Fields Scene | Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Cl. Twenty-two years before the Battle of Yavin, and shortly after the outbreak of the Clone Wars, Anakin Skywalker and Padmé Amidala were married in a secret wedding on Naboo.

Anakin and Padme’s wedding scene VISIT Star Wars locations

To sum it up, Padme and Anakin's wedding was filmed at the Villa del Balbianello in Lenno, Italy. This stunning villa on the shores of Lake Como is not only a popular filming location, but also a sought-after wedding destination in real life. It is famous because the films Casino Royale and Star Wars Attack of the Clones both had scenes shot here. In the latter, the marriage between Padmé Amidala and Anakin Skywalker was celebrated in the garden of Villa del Balbianello overlooking Lake Como. Since then, the business of weddings in Star Wars style, has increased dramatically.