5 Best Reverse Pec Deck Alternatives For Bigger Shoulders Inspire US

0:00 / 0:53 Peck Deck Invertido - Execução Mariana Sardelli 37.3K subscribers Subscribe Subscribed 50K views 1 year ago Nesse vídeo vamos aprender a fazer corretamente o Peck Deck invertido. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright.

Aperturas invertidas en máquina ¿Cómo hacerlo?

PECK DECK INVERSO mddm Training 328 subscribers Subscribe 654 38K views 3 years ago TENHA SEU PERSONAL ONLINE AGORA E SAIA DA ROTINA PARA CONQUISTAR NOVOS RESULTADOS. É SÓ CHAMAR NO DIRECT DO. The Reverse Pec Deck Delt Fly is a shoulder and upper back exercise that targets the rear head of the shoulder muscle, also known as the deltoids. It's a reversal of the machine chest fly, and it's done on the same machine as the machine chest fly, but in the opposite direction. The pec deck is a machine based on a chest fly. As such, it is a machine fly or seated lever fly. You sit down in the seat with your back against the pad and your elbows are kept at the same angle as your arms move through an arc that targets the pecs and delts. This machine is designed to isolate the chest muscles to increase size and strength. 1. Bent Over Reverse Fly The bent-over reverse fly is a great reverse pec deck alternative using dumbbells because it targets the rear delts, rhomboids, and trapezius muscles in the same movement pattern as the reverse pec deck, just at a different angle.

Aperturas invertidas en máquina ¿Cómo hacerlo?

The reverse pec deck is one of the best exercises out there for developing, strengthening, and activating the musculature of your rear shoulder and upper back. It's easy to use, customizable,. The reverse pec deck machine is a piece of equipment that's found in most gyms. To be clear, the pec deck machine and the reverse peck deck machine are usually one and the same. It's just a matter of whether you're body is facing the seat (reverse) or your back is against the seat (standard). Pec decks can be used to hit the rear delts if you sit facing the machine rather than putting your back against the pad. Routines with this exercise. Workout Routines Blast Your Shoulders with this Six-Move Workout. Check out Flex Editor David Baye's shoulder routine to help build and shape your delts. 6; Yes; Benefits. Adding the reverse pec deck fly to your training regimen entails the following advantages: 1. Helps Build Shoulder Strength. Lifting weights help enforce strong shoulders, which translates to better performance in pushing and pulling exercises like the bench press , overhead press, and barbell row.

Peck deck invertido YouTube

How to do: Peck Deck Inverso Primary Muscle Groups: Dorsal ancho (espalda) Required Equipment: Máquina de fuerza Categories: Fuerza Added by Javier C. Description Each Workout Trainer Exercise Includes Follow-along video, photo & audio cues Add this exercise to your own workouts Heart rate stats with smartwatches / BT HR Monitors Durante a execução do peck deck ou voador invertido ocorrerá um forte acionamento dos músculos deltoide posterior, infraespinhal, latíssimo do dorso, redondo maior, tríceps cabeça longa, romboides maior/menor e trapézio principalmente as fibras mediais. Como executar de forma correta o exercício de peck deck ou voador invertido? This is "Peck Deck Inverso" by Elias Blade on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them. Solutions . Video marketing. Power your marketing strategy with perfectly branded videos to drive better ROI. Event marketing. Host virtual events and webinars to increase engagement and generate leads.. September 06, 2022 8 min read You will find pec deck machines in most gyms. However, it is a piece of equipment that gets only half the credit it deserves, because you can give your rear deltoids an outstanding shoulder workout by reversing your position on the pec deck machine, facing the weights.


Las aperturas inversas realizadas en peck-deck se centran en los músculos de las partes superior y central de la espalda, principalmente en el trapecio medio, el romboide y el deltoides posterior. Video unavailable Watch on YouTube Watch on CONSEJOS DE ENTRENAMIENTO 9.95K subscribers 3.6K views 2 years ago #braco #personalonline #emagrecimento O exercício Crucifixo Invertido no Peck Deck (também conhecido como Peck Deck Invertido) é excelente para o seu.