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Level: beginner The present continuous is made from the present tense of the verb be and the -ing form of a verb: We use the present continuous to talk about: activities at the moment of speaking: I'm just leaving work. I'll be home in an hour. Please be quiet. The children are sleeping. Present continuous 1 Present continuous 2 The present continuous describes an action or process that is ongoing (continuous). It is most commonly used to talk about actions that are currently happening and about future plans and intentions. Examples: How to use the present continuous Please keep the noise down. The baby is sleeping. I am flying to Germany in three weeks.

Present Continuous Study sheet + Homework ESL worksheet by vanda51

The present continuous tense, or present progressive tense, is usually used to indicate that an action is happening in the present moment and may keep going. The action is present -. The present continuous tense can be used with positive, negative, and question sentences. For positive sentences, conjugate the helping verb "be" and add "ing" to the verb's end. For example: I'm (I am) working today. You're (You are) studying English at the moment. He's (He is) working on the report today. She's (She is) planning a vacation in. 1. Activities in the present moment. Like the present simple tense, the present continuous can be used to express activities that are taking place at the present moment. Steve is playing table tennis with his friend. Steve lost the match, and now he is crying. Steve's friend is consoling him as best as he can. Present continuous I am studying you are studying he/she/it is studying we are studying you are studying they are studying


studying studied definition in Spanish in French in Italian Indicative Perfect tenses Continuous (progressive) and emphatic tenses Compound continuous (progressive) tenses Conditional Imperative Subjunctive *Blue letters in conjugations are irregular forms. ( example) *Red letters in conjugations are exceptions to the model. ( example) Present continuous positive form. To form the present continuous, we use the am / is / are form of the verb "to be" plus the infinitive of the verb plus an -ing ending. The form is the same for each subject. Please note as shown above that you can contract the subject and verb if you want to: 'to study' conjugation - English verbs conjugated in all tenses with the verb conjugator. - Online dictionaries, vocabulary, conjugation, grammar.. Present perfect continuous. I. have been studying. you. have been studying. he/she/it. has been studying. we. have been studying. you. have been studying. they. have been studying. USING OF PRESENT CONTINOUS TENSE: (1) Present Continuous Tense expresses the idea that something is happening now, at this moment. She is listening the music now. We are learning English at this moment. My mother is cooking dinner in the kitchen now. The gardener is working in the garden at this time.

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Present Continuous Lesson Plan Example. Greet the class and talk about what is happening at the moment in class. Make sure to pepper your sentences with appropriate time expressions such as "at the moment" and "now." Ask students what they are doing at the moment to help them begin using the form. At this point in the lesson, keep things simple. We use the present simple to talk about: something that is always or generally true. When you heat ice, it melts. something that happens regularly. I go swimming twice a week. continuing states. She's very happy with her job. We use the present continuous to talk about: actions which are in progress at the moment. Present. I would study. you would study. he would study. we would study. you would study. they would study. The Present Continuous tense, also known as the Present Progressive tense, is one of the simple tenses in English grammar. It describes actions or situations that are happening at the present moment, or actions that are ongoing and in progress.

Structure of Present Continuous Tense English Study Page

Both aspects happen in the present. However, the present continuous implies that although the action is happening now, it will soon finish, end, or complete. Thus, an event continues or progresses until a period of time. Study the present continuous tense sentences examples below: 1. I am eating lunch at the restaurant. (I will eat until I. What is the present continuous tense of "study"? Study: To study is to read up on something. It is one of the best ways to acquire knowledge on various subjects. Another definition of.