Sant'Angelo in Pescheria Photograph by Eduardo Avanzini Fine Art America

Sant'Angelo in Pescheriain Piscaria is a church in Rome. It dates from the 8th century. "In Pescheria" refers to its location close to the fish market built in the ruins of the ancient Porticus Octaviae The relics of St. Symphorosa and her seven sons were transferred to the Church of Sant'Angelo in Pescheria at Rome by Pope Stephen II in 752. Sant'Angelo in Pescheria or in Piscaria is a church in Rome. It dates from the 8th century. "In Pescheria" refers to its location close to the fish market built in the ruins of the ancient Porticus Octaviae.

S. Angelo in Pescheria

Map Chapel of St Andrew, Sant' Angelo in Pescheria Sant' Angelo in Pescheria was built in the ruins of the ancient Portico d'Ottavia (Porticus of Octavia). The church, which was founded in 755 and rebuilt in the 16th century, shared the space with the city's fish market, hence its name. Storia. Costruita nell' VIII secolo, questa chiesa deve il suo nome "in pescheria" al fatto che nelle sue vicinanze vi era il mercato del pesce che si svolgeva nel vicino Portico d'Ottavia [1] . Papa Stefano II traslò qui, nel 752, le reliquie di santa Sinforosa, san Getulio e dei loro sette figli. Nel 1610 ne venne rinvenuto il sarcofago. Chiesa di Sant'Angelo in Pescheria Durante il Medioevo e fino al XIX secolo, nell'area del Portico d'Ottavia, che l'imperatore Augusto dedicò alla sorella, si svolgeva il mercato del pesce. Sant'Angelo in Pescheria is a 16th century conventual, former parish and titular church containing 8th century fabric, in the rione Sant'Angelo which is named after it. The postal address is Via della Tribune di Campitelli 6, but this is the little convent at the back of the church.

History of Jewish Rome Community Jewsinrome Jewish Rome Tour and

Theodotus' involvement in the administration of two diaconiae (S. Maria Antiqua and S. Angelo in Pescheria) leads to a discussion of the expanding role of Church-sponsored charity in general. Osborne then pivots to Theodotus' family connections and genealogy, which can be reconstructed in some detail. He descended from several generations. Cardinal Titular Church of Sant'Angelo in Pescheria Affiliated Bishops, Living. Luis Pascual Dri, O.F.M. Cap. (Cardinal-Deacon: 30 Sep 2023) Affiliated Bishops, Deceased. Ippolito Aldobrandini (Jr.) † (Cardinal-Deacon: 16 Mar 1626 to 6 Feb 1634) Chiesa di Sant'Angelo in Pescheria, Roma History 755.06.01: Established as Cardinal Deaconry of S. Angelo in Pescheria (Italiano) / Holy Angel in Pescheria (English) / S. Angeli in Foro Piscario (Latin) / S. Angeli in Foro Piscium (Latin) Cardinal-Protector Cardinal Luis Pascual Dri, O.F.M. Cap. (96) (2023.09.30 -.) The chronicler of Cola's life writes that Cola was born along the waterfront behind San Tommaso, a church located just a stone's throw from Sant'Angelo in Pescheria. By this time, the area within the propoylaea and extending west along the portico was home to a bustling fish market, or pescheria, that gave the church its enduring name.

Piazza S. Angelo in Pescheria Flickr

S. Angelo in Pescheria (left) Lateral view of the entrance showing in the background Teatro di Marcello; (right) view showing the difference in the ground level between the ancient Roman period and the XVIth century. The portico houses the XVIth century entrance to S. Angelo in Pescheria (aka S. Michele Arcangelo in Pescheria). church of S. Angelo in Pescheria, Rome. The sheet (Fig.81) was given to the Museum by G. J. F. Knowles in 1958, when it bore an old, untenable, attribution to Lanfranco.1 The saint is shown standing on steps, his right leg raised to support a book which he holds in his left hand, while Title: Temple of Juno Regina, large column in situ at the corner of a house on Via S. Angelo in Pescheria, nos. 9, 10 Alternate Title: Iuno Regina nel Porticus Octaviae (Roma), grande colonna in situ nell'angolo di una casa di Via S. Angelo in Pescheria, no. 9,10 and Juno Regina in the Porticus Octaviae (Rome, Italy), large column in situ at the corner of a house on Via S. Angelo in Pescheria. Tempio di Giunone Regina, ora S. Angelo in Pescheria (Temple of Juno Regina, now Sant'Angelo in Pescheria), from Le Magnificenze di Roma: Raccolte di varie vedute di Roma (The Magnificence of Rome: Collection of Various Views of Rome) Giovanni Battista Piranesi, Italian, 1720 - 1778. Share.

The Pescheria in the Ghetto, Rome 1873 Edward Angelo Goodall

S.Angelo è il più piccolo rione di Roma ed occupa una parte dell'antica "Regio IX" di Augusto sulla quale si elevavano monumenti solenni come il Teatro di Marcello, il Teatro di Balbo ed il Circo Flaminio.Su tutto, occupa una posizione monumentale il Ghetto, un documento sociale, religioso, umano, storico, un ritaglio della città esposto alla suggestione dei vicoli e dei sentimenti. Via di Sant'Angelo in Pescheria è una strada situata nel Rione Sant'Angelo, compresa tra Piazza Lovatelli e Via del Portico d'Ottavia. Essa deve il nome alla Chiesa di Sant'Angelo in Pescheria, che la strada costeggia e su cui vi si affaccia l'ingresso laterale.