De San Miniato al Monte is een romaanse kerk. Florence, Interieur

San Miniato al Monte (St. Minias on the Mountain) is a basilica in Florence, central Italy, standing atop one of the highest points in the city. It has been described as one of the finest Romanesque structures in Tuscany and one of the most scenic churches in Italy. San Miniato al Monte, three-aisled basilican church in Florence completed in 1062. It is considered one of the finest examples of the Tuscan Romanesque style of architecture. The black and white marble panels used to ornament both the interior and the exterior, as well as the painted timber truss roof, are notable decorative features.

San Miniato al Monte,Florence,Italy

Practical Information and Tips for Visiting San Miniato al Monte. Address: Via delle Porte Sante 34. Hours: Sunday 8:15 am to 78:00 pm. Weekdays 9:30 am to 1:00 pm & 3:00 pm to 7:00 pm. Open until 8:00 pm in the summer. The cemetery is open daily until 5:00 pm. La basilica abbaziale di San Miniato al Monte è un edificio religioso di Firenze. Ha la dignità di basilica minore [1], si trova in uno dei luoghi più elevati della città, ed è uno dei migliori esempi di stile romanico fiorentino . July 29, 2021 The Basilica of San Miniato al Monte The oldest church in Florence, now a Unesco World Heritage Site, narrated by Abbot Bernardo Gianni You may be interested On the occasion of the anniversary of Franco Zeffirelli's birth, a story between cinema and dream San Miniato al Monte è una delle espressioni più alte dell' architettura romanica di Firenze. Dentro la chiesa si viene subito catturati dalla sua atmosfera spirituale davvero unica. La chiesa è divisa in tre navate grazie a due file di colonne monumentali.

Mille e uno anni di San Miniato al Monte, la più splendida tra le

Media in category "San Miniato al Monte (Florence) - Interior". Firenze interno della chiesa di San Miniato al Monte.jpg 2,077 × 2,602; 2.41 MB. A history of architecture in Italy from the time of Constantine to the dawn of the renaissance (1901) (14597534169).jpg 2,074 × 2,164; 865 KB. ABSIDE SAN MINIATO AL MONTE FIRENZE.jpg 2,987 ×. The exterior of the basilica of San Miniato al Monte. The exterior of the basilica of San Miniato al Monte is one of the most beautiful examples of Florentine Romanesque style and was built around the 11th century: the alternating colors are mainly the white of the Carrara marble and the green of the Prato marble (called also Serpentine) and in the central mosaic there is represented Christ. The beautiful landscape of San Miniato al Monte . According to tradition, the martyr St. Miniatus, who was suffered during the persecution of Decius in the 3rd century, was buried on the hill where the church bearing his name now stands. It was the idea of the bishop Hildrebrand to build the basilica, together with the adjoining Benedictine. L'esterno della basilica di San Miniato al monte è uno degli esempi più belli di Romanico Fiorentino e venne realizzata intorno all'XI secolo: i colori che si alternano sono principalmente il bianco del marmo di Carrara e il verde del marmo di Prato (chiamato anche Serpentino) e nel mosaico centrale vi è rappresentato Cristo tra la Vergine e San.

San Miniato al Monte Interno della basilica di San Miniato… Flickr

The Abbey of San Miniato al Monte in Florence was built between the 11th and 13th centuries and is a masterpiece of Florentine Romanesque architecture: the white and green marble façade is splendid, boasting a mosaic at the center that depicts Saint Minias, the Virgin Mary and Christ.. In several parts of the church, including at the top of the facade, there are depictions of the eagle with. L'Abbazia di San Miniato al Monte si trova in uno dei luoghi più alti della città di Firenze e rappresenta uno dei migliori esempi di romanico fiorentino. Scopri tutte le curiosità e gli eventi dell'Abbazia di San Miniato a Monte. In San Miniato, however, quantity and variety of the Roman capitals is truly impressive. Taddeo Gaddi, Saints and Martyrs, fresco painting, 1342, crypt, San Miniato al Monte, Florence. The mosaic and the tetramorph. If you leave the crypt and climb the presbytery, the upper part of the church will surprise you with its Romanesque decoration. San Miniato al Monte products. Like all respected abbeys, the one of San Miniato al Monte also has a monastic pharmacy where you can buy the products of the monks. The pharmacy is usually open from 10.00 to 12.15 and from 16.00 to 18.00. Here you will find many good things starting from jam tarts, chocolate cakes and various types of biscuits.

San Miniato Interior

What is San Miniato al Monte? San Miniato al Monte is a 13th-century church that crowns the Florence skyline with its Romanesque beauty and saintly association. San Miniato al Monte History The beauty and splendour of the Romanesque façade of San Miniato al Monte is visible across the whole of Florence. The basilica sits above the Piazzale Michelangelo at one of the highest points of the city. St. Minias, after whom San Miniato al Monte is named, was by tradition the first evangeliser and Christian martyr in Florence. Minias is thought to have been a Greek merchant or possibly an Armenian prince who left his home to make a pilgrimage to Rome. In about 250, he arrived in Florence and took up life as a hermit.