Festa di Santa Domenica a Scorrano (Lecce) r/italy

Comitato Festa Padronale Santa Domenica Scorrano | 2023. P.Iva: IT05273300755. C.F.: 93163830750 The most impressive "light set up" is without a doubt in Scorrano, a small city of 7000 inhabitants in the province of Lecce in Apulia.The incomparable way of celebrating the saint protector of their city, "Santa Domenica", makes it the worldwide capital of illumination.Millions of lamps and lights are paired with futuristic technology; the event is always a huge success and about 400.000.

Le luminarie di Scorrano 2014 per la festa di Santa Domenica

From July 5th to 9th, 2023 in Scorrano, 35 km from Lecce, is taking place the Feast of Santa Domenica, the patron saint of the town. The feast is also called the Night of Lights (Notte delle Luci) due to the scenographic light installations.. The main feast and the procession are on July 6th, but the huge light installations are illuminated since the day before, July 5th. Scorrano (28) The Festa di Santa Domenica - or the Festival of Light and illumination, as it is now known, is one of Europes oldest and most long standing celebrations, having its origins millennia ago in Roman times during the reign of the Emperor Diocletian. Saint Domenica, born 287 AD , was originally named Kyriaki and was the daughter of. La festa di santa Domenica è la festa patronale di Scorrano, comune di 7.021 abitanti nella provincia di Lecce, che tradizionalmente si svolge dal 5 all'10 luglio.Per la devozione che la cittadinanza scorranese riserva alla sua patrona e per le grandi luminarie che caratterizzano questa festa, Scorrano è anche definita come la capitale mondiale delle luminarie. About the FestivalAt the heart of Scorrano's Festival of Lights is a rich history and deep-rooted cultural significance. Held annually in honor of Santa Domenica, the festival is also known locally as "Notte delle Luci" or Night of Lights. What began as a tribute to the patron saint has evolved into a global phenomenon, attracting visitors from around the world to this small Italian town.

Scorrano e le Luminarie di Santa Domenica Esperienzelocal

The grand festival to celebrate Scorrano's patron saint, Santa Domenica, is more than a devotion, it's an obsession. One that lights up the town - more than literally. Puglia has long been known for its celebratory attitude, and for its penchant for putting up flamboyant lights. But Scorrano takes the tradition to new heights with its festa. Località: Scorrano. Date: 06/07 2023. Dove: Immagini della splendide decorazioni per la festa in onore di Santa Domenica a Scorrano. Ad inizio di luglio a Scorrano, in provincia di Lecce, e precisamente nei giorni intonto al 6 di Luglio, si svolgono le celebrazioni di Santa Domenica con fuochi d'artificio e luminarie. The story of Notte delle Luci. Here begins the story of Notte delle Luci, an Italian festival of lights. Once upon a time, in the year 1600, there was a small town that was saved from the plague. The town was called Scorrano and its saviour was Santa Domenica. Santa Domenica became the town's patron saint and each year, on her feast day of. Una diana mattutina della ditta Angelo Mega da Scorrano. 6 luglio: Il giorno di festa che ha il suo culmine con la processione per le strade della città accompagnata dalla banda Città di Racale, maestro Grazia Donateo, e Città di Conversano, maestro Angelo Schirinzi. A mezzogiorno la statua di Santa Domenica giunge presso l'Arco di Porta.

Scorrano Santa Domenica 2018 Prima accensione Luminarie DE CAGNA

Sitting in south central Puglia, Scorrano is sleepy town that holds some beautiful monuments. The city's founding goes back to the Roman era when the land was granted by the emperor to centurion Marco Emilio Scauro for his faithful service.. To honor Santa Domenica a massive light display illuminates the July nights for five days running. All'interno del muro di sinistra vi sono le tracce di un grande affresco, raffigurante Santa Domenica,. Strada statale 275 Maglie-Santa Maria di Leuca; SS275 uscita Scorrano nord (Uscita Ospedale Ignazio Veris Delli Ponti e Zona P.I.P.) SS275 uscita Scorrano sud. Visualizza la mappa. Dal 5 al 9 Luglio 2023, il comune salentino di Scorrano, a 35 km da Lecce, si anima in occasione della Notte delle Luci, la festa in onore di Santa Domenica, patrona del paese. Secondo la leggenda, la Santa, attorno al 1600, apparve in sogno a un'anziana donna, annunciandole che sarebbe divenuta patrona del paese e che. ISTAT code. 075073. Patron saint. Santa Domenica. Saint day. 6 July. Scorrano ( Salentino: Scurannu) is a town and comune in the Italian province of Lecce in the Apulia region of south-east Italy. Italian singer Dolcenera was born there. Typical Summer's party in Scorrano.

Scorrano Santa Domenica 2019 Show musicale Luminarie DE CAGNA YouTube

People who live in Scorrano are called Scorranesi. Scorrano is 1,023 town by extensions in Italy and 1,620 by population. Scorrano is 23 town over 87 towns in Lecce by extensions and 38 over 97 by population. Scorrano celebrates Santa Domenica and celebrates 7/6/23. Other facts Scorrano - Si scaldano i motori per la festa di Santa Domenica a Scorrano (Le), con molte settimane di anticipo, i preparativi si sono già attivati in tutta la comunità.