Buon Compleanno Marco! Tantissimi auguri e che tutti i tuoi desideri si

TANTI AUGURI: WHAT DOES IT REALLY MEAN? Tanti means many, and auguri means wishes, so the direct English translation of tanti auguri is many wishes. It's like saying best wishes in English, but that's not all! Here are some of the meanings of tanti auguri, and how it is used in Italian: Tantissimi auguri — Very, very best wishes If you want to express even more love and kindness when wishing someone a happy birthday, then this is the option for you! Tantissimi auguri literally means something like "many, many wishes" in English.

Tantissimi auguri di buon compleanno Francesca Di Marco Parrocchie 3.1

Tantissimi auguri! Lit. Very many wishes Auguroni! Lit. Big wishes (informal) Again, you can add to these birthday greetings terms of endearment such as cara, caro, amico/a mia, tesoro, carissimo/a etc. Other ways to wish someone a happy birthday in Italian Other expressions you may come across at Italian birthdays are: Translation of "tantissimi auguri" in English best wishes happy birthday lots of wishes many greetings so many wishes many good wishes Un caro saluto e tantissimi auguri per un 2015 bellissimo. Greetings and best wishes for a wonderful 2015.;-) "Tanti auguri!" is the traditional way to say happy birthday in Italy and it literally means "many wishes." You can also use other phrases such as "Auguri di buon compleanno," which translates to "happy birthday wishes," or "Buon compleanno!" which means "happy birthday." Con l'augurio che questo sia per te un giorno indimenticabile e speciale…Tantissimi auguri Marco! Oggi è un giorno particolare perché è nata una persona speciale come te! Buon compleanno Marco! Il mio augurio di compleanno è che tu non smetta mai di guardare avanti al futuro, alle cose migliori che devono ancora venire!

Buon Compleanno Marco! Tantissimi auguri e che tutti i tuoi desideri si

tantissimi livelli! plenty of challenging levels. una risposta a tantissimi auguri in regalo per te…. a response to a lot of wishes gift for you. Contextual translation of "tantissimi auguri" into English. Human translations with examples: amazing!, thank you, greetings, 120+ levels, greetings my love. The Informal "Tanti Auguri". Another common way to wish someone a happy birthday in Italian is by saying " Tanti Auguri ", which translates to "many wishes.". This expression is also used to say "Merry Christmas.". It's an informal way but still commonly used. You can say " Tanti auguri di buon compleanno! Tanti cari Auguri. - Even if we are far away, my thoughts are always with you. Best wishes. A te e famiglia: gli auguri di un lieto Natale e di un nuovo anno pieno di gioia e di amore - Merry Christmas to you and your family and a year full of joy and love. Apart from greetings, there many other words related to this festive season, as for example: Translation of "tantissimi" in English Adjective lots of plenty of tons of numerous countless a large number of several a lot of loads of variety of Show more Ci sono tantissimi seminari, lezioni. And there's lots of seminars and classes. Mi danno sempre tantissimi spunti creativi. They always provide me with lots of creative ideas.

Tantissimi auguri di buon compleanno, Marco! 🍾🥂 Champagne Cartoline

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