Learn Italian in 5 minutes 'Allora' e altre congiunzioni Important

What Does Allora Mean and How Is It Used? Allora as a Lone Word Allora at the Beginning of a Sentence Allora as "Then" Allora as "So" Why Is Allora Challenging to Learn? 1. It's an extremely versatile word. 2. Context matters. 3. Tone matters. And One More Thing. 1. Allora meaning "so…" to start a sentence Allora… cosa facciamo oggi? - So… what shall we do today? At the beginning of a sentence, allora can mean "so". We use it to introduce a new topic and get people's attention when we start talking. Let's see some more examples: Allora, come stai? - So, how are you? Allora, che ha detto Matteo?

Learn Italian uses and meanings of "allora" YouTube

What does ALLORA mean and how is it used? Now, you have to know that probably ALLORA is the most used Italian word, after the word "cosa" ( thing )… ALLORA is used in different ways and with different meanings that we are now going to see together! 1. Translation of allora - Italian-English dictionary allora adverb / a'lːora/ (in quel momento) then , in/at that moment Allora non capivo queste cose. I didn't understand these things at that moment. Abbi fiducia e allora vedrai che si risolverà tutto. Have faith and you'll see that everything will work out. da allora ever since Allora is a commonly used word in Italian conversation. It can mean "so" or "well", and is often used as a filler or transition phrase. It can also show agreement, hesitation, or as an intro to a new topic. To communicate effectively in Italian, understanding allora's various meanings is key. As a transition phrase: (Come on!, Hey!) or can be introductory: Allora, vediamo. (Well then, let's see.) But what does it really mean? The word actually comes from the Latin ad illa horam (at that time). And, not surprisingly, allora can indeed mean "at that time," when it refers to the past.

How to use Italian word "Allora" in daily conversation (Sub) YouTube

How to use the word ALLORA in Italian How to use ALLORA in Italian italian vocabulary Jun 23, 2023 How to use Allora in Italian Watch on I think this is probably on of the most favorite words that my Italian students learn and use immediately. It's a very versatile word and it can be used in many way and many context. The Italian word allora is used in imperative, interrogative and exhortative sentences to refer to something that has already been said at some time in the past or to a topic that you've already covered in the past. You can express curiosity, impatience, or even irritation. Examples: Allora? Hai passato l'esame? Well, did you pass the exam? Allora? Dictionary Sentences Grammar English translation of 'allora' allora [alˈlora ] adverb 1. (in quel momento) then ⧫ at that moment (a quel tempo) then ⧫ in those days ⧫ at that time proprio allora ha squillato il telefono just at that moment the phone rang Quando vedrai, allora capirai. When you see, then you'll understand. Then (!) there's the 'then' that means 'so', 'in that case'. Se vuoi venire, allora preparati. If you want to come, then get ready. Fa freddo, allora mettiti una maglia. It's cold, so put on a sweater. Il film era noioso e allora siamo usciti. The film was boring and so we left.

Learn Italian in 5 minutes 'Allora' e altre congiunzioni Important

allora aveva ancora i capelli lunghi at that time she still had long hair la gente di allora people then o in those days b (in questo caso) then, in that case, so , (dunque) well then, so What do allora and quindi mean in Italian? If you've been around Italian people or have watched Italian movies, I am sure you heard the words quindi and allora over and over again. These two words have a very similar meaning, can often be used interchangeably, and can be used in a variety of different contexts. Italian has a few words with many varied meanings. "Allora" might top the list. It's both a filler word and one with more specific translations.When you're i. How to use Allora in Italian Italian Language Hub 4.99K subscribers Subscribe 1 3 views 2 minutes ago ITALIA What does ALLORA mean? How can you use it correctly in Italian? Find out.

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What does allora mean in Italian? English Translation then More meanings for allora Find more words! allora See Also in Italian Vedi anche Sinonimo di allora? Contrario di allora? Nearby Translations allopatia allontanò allontanino allontaniate allontaniamo allontani all'ora allorché al lordo delle imposte al lordo d'imposta allori all'orizzonte Definition of Allora it has many translations. it is "then" or "so" to express the link between two actions ex. I was hungry, so I ate an apple-Avevo fame, allora ho mangiato una mela it is "well" or "so" as colloquial way to take speech ex. well/so. the answer is.-allora, la risposta giusta è. it means also "at that time" when you, for example, narrate a story|that's "so" in English