INTERNATIONAL 12 METRE ASSOCIATION - The 115 year-old International 12 Metre Class encompasses a living history of racing yacht design by the world's foremost naval architects including Olin Stephens, Clinton Crane, William Fife III, Philip Rhodes, Johan Anker, Ben Lexcen and more who pushed their designs to the very limits of innovation. The 12 Metre class is a rating class for racing sailboats that are designed to the International rule. It enables fair competition between boats that rate in the class whilst retaining the freedom to experiment with the details of their designs.
Over 180 International Twelve Metre Class yachts have been built since 1907 - a period of more than one-hundred ten years. In the late 1990's there was considerable renewed interest in the racing of Twelve Metre Class yachts of differing periods. This version of the Class Rule, while retaining the development nature of the Our legendary 12 Metre Class race boats are the thoroughbreds of the racing world. Past America's Cup winners and contenders, each vessel is the culmination of multi-million dollar efforts and years of testing to achieve maximum speed and agility. ST. MAARTEN 12 METRE RACING The 12 Metre Class is a gorgeous showpiece on the regatta courses, both an ultimate cruising machine and an inshore prestige sled. Like capricious horses, the "12 Metres" have concise, beautifully short names. They are called "Anita", "Anitra", " Cintra ", "Evaine", "Flica", "Heti", "Sphinx", "Thea", " Trivia ", "Vanity" or "Vim". The 115 year-old International 12 Metre Class encompasses a living history of racing yacht design by the world's foremost naval architects including Olin Stephens, Clinton Crane, William Fife III, Philip Rhodes, Johan Anker, Ben Lexcen and more who pushed their designs to the very limits of innovation. The resulting boats represented the.
A Royal RevivalThe 12 Metre Class Soundings Online
My Account. Click below to view your account. View my account About History The 115 year-old International 12 Metre Class encompasses a living history of racing yacht design by the world's foremost naval architects including Olin Stephens, Clinton Crane, William Fife III, Philip Rhodes, Johan Anker, Ben Lexcen and more who pushed their designs to the very limits of innovation. The resulting boats represented the. The 112 year-old International 12 Metre Class encompasses a living history of racing yacht design by the world's foremost naval architects including Olin Stephens, Clinton Crane, William Fife. 1930s. Our oldest videos are from the 1930s, and perhaps show a time when the 12 Metres attracted less publicity than the J Class, hence the majority of screen time is devoted to the latter. If you want to catch a quick glimpse of early 12 Metres in the UK, see Royal Harwich YC season opens in 1933 or Harwich Regatta 1934 but there is sadly not.
12 Metre Class Waypoints Series A connection to historic 12 Metres around the globe
The 12 Metre Class Association maintains an online database created by historian Luigi Lang, who is also ITMA's vice president for the South Europe fleet. For example, the listing for Westra, built by Camper & Nicholsons in 1934, reads, "Damaged by air raid and broken up." What is a 12 Metre Class Sailboat? 12 Metre Class sailboats are so called not because of their overall length, but because they must conform to a formula. The formula takes into consideration various measurements of the boat and the result must not exceed 12 metres.
The 12 Metre class has always been internationally renowned, and the yachts raced in the Olympic Games in 1908, 1912 and 1920, in the America's Cup in Newport from 1958 to 1983, and in the America's Cup in Australia in 1987. They have a continued history in Newport, where many are available for private charter, and a number of local. M. William Langan-Sparkman & Stephens: Williams & Manchester Shipyard: USA 44: US-44: 1985: America II: M. William Langan-Sparkman & Stephens: Williams & Manchester Shipyard: USA 46: US-46: 1986: America II: M. William Langan-Sparkman & Stephens: Williams & Manchester Shipyard: USA 49: US-49: 1985: USA E-1: Gary Mull: Stephens Marine.
12 Metre Class Classic Yacht Lymington to Gloucester Yacht Delivery Crew Halcyon Yachts
The 115 year-old International 12 Metre Class encompasses a living history of racing yacht design by the world's foremost naval architects including Olin Stephens, Clinton Crane, William Fife III, Philip Rhodes, Johan Anker, Ben Lexcen and more who pushed their designs to the very limits of innovation. The resulting boats represented the. The 12m Class and the America's CupBy Halsey C. Herreshoff. The 150-year history of the America's Cup, the oldest and most distinguished prize in world sport, is summarized from the author's vantage point of belonging to a family of boat designers and builders who contributed to the dominance of American yachts from the beginning into the.