Aaron van Erp Kunstmuseum Den Haag

Since graduating from the St Joost school of art and design in 's-Hertogenbosch in 2001, Aaron van Erp has become a rising star of the art world. His weird paintings have been acquired for numerous collections in the Netherlands and abroad, including the trendsetting Saatchi collection. Aaron van Erp has two studios, one in Eindhoven and one in Asuncion, Paraguay. Van Erp recently completed a residency close to home at the Vincent van Gogh House in Zundert. In his work, Van Erp often makes reference to the work of other painters, so he seized the opportunity to engage in dialogue with Van Gogh's oeuvre.

Aaron van Erp (b. 1978) , Untitled Christie's

Aaron van Erp (Veghel, 1978) lives in Paraguay, where a German sense of reality (dating back to the 1940's) lives parallel to a new sense of self and an upcoming South-American awareness. Documenting memory, visualizing thoughts, is Van Erp's permanent quest. Aaron van Erp. Children's party where critical journalists., 2012 Sale Date: November 27, 2019. Auction Closed. Aaron van Erp. Erotisch Schilderij met Colaflesje, 2010 Sale Date: October 2, 2019. Auction Closed. Aaron van Erp. Untitled, 2006. Aaron Van Erp is a Dutch artist, known for his paintings of familiar objects, located in bare, desert-like landscapes or huge empty interiors. AARON VAN ERP °1978 in Veghel, Netherlands. Lives and works in Eindhoven and San Lorenzo. EXHIBITIONS. WORKS. CV. Tim Van Laere Gallery, Antwerp - Rome | [email protected] | +32 3 257 14 17. Knop.

Aaron van Erp De Aanschouw

Aaron van Erp's cultivation of darkness, and Steven Aalders' search for light and warmth, are opposed in this juxtaposition. While van Erp aims at capturing human darkness and violence as a whole, Aalders looks for ways of translating this darkness into a clear and simple language. Aaron van Erp rarely makes preliminary studies for his work. Explore current exhibitions featuring Aaron Van Erp's works. Research past shows & exhibitions to gain deeper insight into the artist's history. Aaron van Erp is a Dutch Postwar & Contemporary painter who was born in 1978. Numerous key galleries and museums such as Marta Herford have featured Aaron van Erp's work in the past. Aaron van Erp's dark passionate paintings portray intense, haunting themes, reflecting a harsh view of humanity. His works display possible scenarios of sexual atrocity and torture, as in Interview with the Assistant of a Controversial Abortion Doctor, Still Life in Wartime, Picnic of Swiss abroad, or the cruel treatment of animals, in Trainingsweekend for Reaguurders and Burning Dog at Night.

Focus On Aaron Van Erp

Tentoonstelling Art Rotterdam 2020 door Aaron van Erp, Daniele Galliano, Ruri Matsumoto, Raquel Maulwurf, Berend Strik, Jan Wattjes. Van 05:02:2020 tot 09:0. From Van Ham, Aaron van Erp, Children's party where critical journalists aren't welcome (2012), Oil on canvas, 115 × 70 cm Aaron van Erp (b.1978, Netherlands) graduated from the Academy of Art and Design in 's-Hertogenbosch in 2001. He won the Buning Brongers Prize in 2002 and was nominated for the Wim Izaks Prize (2004). In 2007, the Gemeentemuse um Den Haag presented the first major retrospective of the artist, who was only 29 years old at the time. Aaron van. Artist : Aaron Van Erp | Daily Art Fair is the International modern and contemporary art galleries for Current, Past and Futur Galleries exhibitions all around the world.


Aaron van Erp was born in Veghel, The Netherlands in 1978, and currently lives and works in Eindhoven. Important solo exhibitions of his work have been held at the Gemeentemuseum The Hague (2007) and the Museum Der Stadt Ratingen, Germany (2008). Among numerous group exhibitions, his work was recently included in "Netherlands - Germany. contemporary art space Exhibitions Artists About visit&contact Artists About visit&contact