Dododex | ARK Taming Calculator | ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended ARK Creatures Giganotosaurus Carcharodontosaurus Rex Argentavis Therizinosaurus Pteranodon Ankylosaurus Castoroides Spinosaurus Doedicurus Achatina Griffin All Creatures Kibble Basic Kibble Simple Kibble Regular Kibble Superior Kibble Exceptional Kibble Extraordinary Kibble taming calculator for Ark: Survival Evolved, including taming times, food requirements, kibble recipes, saddle ingredients.
Dododex Taming Calculator now includes images of every creature in Ark playark
ARK Taming Calculator By: LandDragoon On: December 12, 2017 Always know how much resources you need by calculating them with the ARK: Survival Evolved taming calculator. You can click on the different types of food to have them filled up to their maximum amount. Enhance your ARK experience with our dinosaurs taming calculator, comprehensive guides, cheat codes, and interactive resource maps. Your website language seems different from your system language. Would you like to change? Change language Home News Dinosaurs Commands Tools Items Kibble Colors & Dyes Maps Tribe Maps Guides Painting Templates Level: Usage Select your tameable animal and the level of it. Then you can manipulate the food on the left by changing the numbers or clicking on the name of the food. All values are for a perfect tame. Always pack some spares to compensate mistakes! Info Please inform us if you find an error in the comments of this page Crumplecorn's ARK Taming Calculator. Creature Details. Creature: Allosaurus Anglerfish Ankylosaurus Araneo Argentavis Arthropluera Beelzebufo Brontosaurus Carbonemys Carnotaurus Castoroides Compsognathus Daeodon Dilophosaurus Dimetrodon Dimorphodon Diplodocus Direbear Direwolf Dodo Doedicurus Dung Beetle Dunkleosteus Gallimimus Giganotosaurus.
Breeding/Taming Calculator Ark Suvivial Evolved Android Apps on Google Play
My ARK Taming Calculator calculates the food, time and narcotics for taming the various creatures in ARK. This page is to hold any comments on the calculator and provide some background. This page was written as of V190 of ARK. Updated as of V234. Implementations of all the calculations discussed below can be found in the Taming Calculator. Ark Tame Value Calculator. This calculator will help you while taming in ARK. When an animal is unconscious check the stats, enter them here and click calculate. This will show you where the levelup stat points have been spent. There is no point wasting time and resources taming a 120 rex that has 10000 food and 1500 oxygen! Contents 1 Taming Basics 1.1 Knock-out Taming (KO) 1.2 Non-Violent Taming (NV) 1.2.1 Unique Non-Violent Taming 1.2.2 Fish Basket Non-Violent Taming 1.2.3 Temporary Taming 1.3 Turret Taming 1.4 Raise-only Taming 1.5 Craft-only Taming 1.5.1 Mega Mek Taming 1.6 Titan Taming 1.7 Eerie Taming 2 Taming Effectiveness 2.1 Effect of the Taming Effectiveness I began at 0:40 MEST and ended at 3:05 (145 minutes vs. 90 minutes calculated) - used 299 Narcotics (based on 1 Narcotic per ~30 seconds it should be 290, calculator says 0) - assuming the complete tame took 145 minutes or 8700 seconds and he ate 45 kibbles (80 food per kibble) we have 3600 food - 3600 food / 8700 seconds = 0.4137931 food.
Dododex Companion app & taming calculator for ARK Survival Evolved Product Hunt
TEK Forcefield Calculator TEK Cloning Chamber Calculator Saddle Armor Calculator Armor Blueprint Calculator Weapon Blueprint Calculator Master ARK: Survival Ascended with our tools and calculators. Optimize crafting, Tek Generator, Forcefield, and Cloning Chamber tasks for peak gameplay efficiency. Rex Rex Taming Calculator Tips Stat Calculator Spawn Command Level Taming Speed Food Drain Multiplier Current Server Rates Use Single Player Settings Taming Calculator Food Selected Food / Max Time Effectiveness Use Sanguine Elixir Increases taming by 30% Exceptional Kibble PC/Console 17 57:59 98.7% +74 Lvl (224) Pulmonoscorpius Kibble Mobile 17
This unofficial companion app for ARK Survival Evolved delivers everything you should expect from such wiki and guide apps, and it even sets the bar to a higher level by offering taming and engram calculator, Ark Maps, admin commands (cheats), dino stats, recipes, and a lot more. We're happy to announce that the ARK: Survival Evolved taming calculator is online! Now you can always go on taming prepared: know beforehand how much narcotics and food you need by simply selected the dino and its level. Everything you need will be calculated for you, including some nice other statistics such as effectiveness and the total amount of levels it will gain. In case you run into.
ACalc taming calculator for Ark Survival Evolved Apps for Android
Just follow the link to the Google Sheet, and you'll be able to make your own copy of it to use by going to File > Make a Copy. Some of the cool things this can do is: Calculate stat points from the stat value. Calculate the stat value from the stat points. Calculate the final imprinted stat value. Options to change stat scale settings as well. there is a calculator on the gamepedia wiki that will do that for you. Just enter the level on the dino page for what ever dino you are taming. #1 LittleBlueDuneBuggy Apr 22, 2018 @ 11:03am Originally posted by MiniV: Would the post tame stats follow that? No. After taming, it's a random distribution. #2 Trigger Zero Apr 22, 2018 @ 11:04am